UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT FILE NUMBER: 811-22350 NAME OF REGISTRANT: Global Opportunities Portfolio ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES: Two International Place Boston, MA 02110 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE: Deidre E. Walsh, Esq. Two International Place Boston, MA 02110 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 617-482-8260 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END: 10/31 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD: 07/01/2021 - 06/30/2022 Global Opportunities Portfolio -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARION BANK Agenda Number: 715199065 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X02228108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 16-Mar-2022 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000028157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON THE Non-Voting BANK'S OPERATIONS, ACTIVITIES AND FINANCIAL SITUATION DURING THE LAST FINANCIAL YEAR 2 APPROVAL OF THE BANK'S ANNUAL FINANCIAL Mgmt For For STATEMENTS AND CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS FOR THE LAST FINANCIAL YEAR 3 DECISION ON PAYMENT OF A DIVIDEND IT IS Mgmt For For PROPOSED THAT A DIVIDEND OF APPROXIMATELY ISK 22,500,000,000 WILL BE PAID TO THE BANK'S SHAREHOLDERS. THE DIVIDEND WILL BE EQUAL TO ISK 15 PER SHARE 4 ELECTION OF THE BANK'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Mgmt For For CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND VICE-CHAIRMAN 5 ELECTION OF AN AUDITING FIRM Mgmt For For 6 DECISION ON REMUNERATION TO THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For DIRECTORS AND COMPENSATION TO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD'S SUB-COMMITTEES 7 DECISION ON REMUNERATION TO MEMBERS OF THE Mgmt For For NOMINATION COMMITTEE 8 ELECTION OF TWO MEMBERS OF THE BANK'S Mgmt Against Against NOMINATION COMMITTEE 9 PROPOSAL FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For For CONCERNING THE BANK'S REMUNERATION POLICY 10 PROPOSAL TO AUTHORISE THE BOARD OF Mgmt Against Against DIRECTORS TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE SHARE OPTION PLAN 11 PROPOSAL TO REDUCE SHARE CAPITAL BY Mgmt For For CANCELLING THE BANK'S OWN SHARES AND A CORRESPONDING AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION ACCORDING TO THE PROPOSAL, THE BANK'S SHARE CAPITAL WILL BE REDUCED BY A NOMINAL VALUE OF ISK 150,000,000, I.E. FROM A NOMINAL VALUE OF ISK 1,660,000,000 TO ISK 1,510,000,000. IF APPROVED, THE PROPOSAL ENTAILS A CHANGE TO ARTICLE 2.1 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, WHICH WILL READ AS FOLLOWS: "THE COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL IS ISK 1,510,000,000 - ONE BILLION FIVE HUNDRED AND TEN MILLION ICELANDIC KRONUR." 12 PROPOSAL TO RENEW THE AUTHORISATION TO Mgmt For For PURCHASE OWN SHARES AND A CORRESPONDING AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION IF THE PROPOSAL IS APPROVED, THE TEMPORARY AUTHORISATION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO PURCHASE UP TO 10% OF THE BANK'S SHARE CAPITAL WILL BE RENEWED AND SHALL REMAIN IN EFFECT UNTIL THE BANK'S AGM IN 2023 OR 15 SEPTEMBER 2023, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST. THE AUTHORISATION SHALL BE USED TO SET UP A FORMAL SHARE REPURCHASE PROGRAM OR FOR THE PURPOSE OF OFFERING SHAREHOLDERS GENERALLY TO SELL THEIR SHARES TO THE BANK. THE REPURCHASE OF SHARES IS SUBJECT TO PRIOR APPROVAL BY THE FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF ICELAND 13 OTHER BUSINESS Mgmt Against Against CMMT 10 MAR 2022: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO CHANGE IN RECORD DATE FROM 11 MAR 2022 TO 15 MAR 2022. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES. PLEASE DO NOT VOTE AGAIN UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANCO MACRO S.A. Agenda Number: 935610623 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 05961W105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 29-Apr-2022 Ticker: BMA ISIN: US05961W1053 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Evaluate holding the meeting remotely, Mgmt For pursuant to General Resolution No. 830/2020 issued by Comision Nacional de Valores (Argentine Securities Exchange Commission). 2 Appoint two shareholders to sign the Mgmt For Minutes of the Shareholders' Meeting. 3 Evaluate the documentation provided for in Mgmt For section 234, subsection 1 of Law No. 19550, for the fiscal year ended December 31st 2021. 4 Evaluate the management of the Board and Mgmt For the Supervisory Committee. 5 Application of the retained earnings as of Mgmt For December 31st 2021. Please be advised that the income for the fiscal year ended December 31st 2021, expressed in constant currency as of December 31st 2021 reported earnings of AR$ 27,122,495,859.89, and be further advised that there was a negative adjustment on retained earnings as of December 31st 2021 of AR$ 8,920,324,858.06 as a result of registering in income for the previous year the accrued monetary effect ..(due to space limits, see proxy statement for full proposal) 6 Evaluate the remunerations of the members Mgmt For of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ended December 31st 2021 within the limits as to profits, pursuant to section 261 of Law 19550 and the Rules of the Comision Nacional de Valores (Argentine Securities Exchange Commission). 7 Evaluate the remunerations of the members Mgmt For of the Supervisory Committee for the fiscal year ended December 31st 2021. 8 Evaluate the remuneration of the Mgmt For independent auditor for the fiscal year ended December 31st 2021. 9 Ratification of the appointment of Mr. Mgmt Against Marcos Brito as regular director until the expiration of the designation of the outgoing director Santiago Horacio Seeber, in accordance with the provisions of Section 14 of the Company's by-laws. 10a Candidate proposed as regular director to Mgmt Against hold office for three fiscal years: Jorge Pablo Brito (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 10b Candidate proposed as regular director to Mgmt Against hold office for three fiscal years: Carlos Alberto Giovanelli (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 10c Candidate proposed as regular director to Mgmt Against hold office for three fiscal years: Nelson Damian Pozzoli (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 10d Candidate proposed as regular director to Mgmt For hold office for three fiscal years: Fabian Alejandro de Paul (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 10e Candidate proposed as regular director to Mgmt Against hold office for three fiscal years: Guillermo Merediz (candidate proposed by FGS- ANSES) 10f Candidate proposed as alternate director to Mgmt For hold office for three fiscal years: Alan Whamond (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 10g Candidate proposed as alternate director to Mgmt For hold office for three fiscal years: Santiago Horacio Seeber (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 10h Candidate proposed as alternate director to Mgmt For hold office for three fiscal years: Juan Santiago Fraschina (candidate proposed by FGS-ANSES) 11 Establish the number and designate the Mgmt For regular and alternate members of the Supervisory Committee who shall hold office for one fiscal year. 12 Appoint the independent auditor for the Mgmt For fiscal year ending December 31st 2022. 13 Determine the auditing committee's budget. Mgmt For 14 Authorize any acts, proceedings and filings Mgmt For aimed at obtaining the administrative approval and registration of the resolutions adopted at the Shareholders' Meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLACKROCK MULTI SECTOR INCOME TRUST Agenda Number: 935460179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 09258A107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 29-Jul-2021 Ticker: BIT ISIN: US09258A1079 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR J. Phillip Holloman Mgmt For For Catherine A. Lynch Mgmt For For Karen P. Robards Mgmt For For Frank J. Fabozzi Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EIK FASTEIGNAFELAG HF Agenda Number: 715274306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X1R5H3107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 05-Apr-2022 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000020709 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 2 PROPOSAL ON THE CONFIRMATION OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY'S ANNUAL ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 2021 3 PROPOSAL ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF PROFIT FOR Mgmt For For THE OPERATING YEAR 2021: ISK 0.51 PER SHARE 4 DECISION ON THE REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For For AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR THE 2022-2023 OPERATING YEAR 5 PROPOSAL REGARDING THE REMUNERATION POLICY Mgmt For For 6 PROPOSALS REGARDING THE ARTICLES OF Mgmt For For ASSOCIATION 7 ELECTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For For 8 ELECTION OF NOMINATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mgmt Against Against 9 ELECTION OF AUTHORISED AUDITORS OR AUDITING Mgmt For For FIRM 10 AUTHORIZATION TO BUY BACK SHARES Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EIMSKIPAFELAG ISLANDS Agenda Number: 715217875 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X3361G113 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 17-Mar-2022 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000019800 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON THE Non-Voting ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2021 2 CONFIRMATION OF THE COMPANY'S CONSOLIDATED Mgmt For For FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2021 3 DECISION ON THE HANDLING OF THE NET Mgmt For For EARNINGS FOR 2021 4 PROPOSAL TO GRANT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AN Mgmt For For AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE OWN SHARES CF. ART. 11.2 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 5 PROPOSAL TO REDUCE SHARE CAPITAL BY ISK Mgmt For For 2,150,000 NOMINAL VALUE WITH PAYMENT TO SHAREHOLDERS 6 PROPOSAL ON THE COMPANY'S REMUNERATION Mgmt Against Against POLICY 7 ELECTION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For For 8 DECISION ON REMUNERATION TO THE MEMBERS OF Mgmt Against Against THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, THE ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBERS AND SUBCOMMITTEES 9 ELECTION OF AUDITORS Mgmt For For 10 OTHER ISSUES, LAWFULLY PRESENTED Non-Voting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD Agenda Number: 714674606 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X2313Y115 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 18-Oct-2021 Ticker: ISIN: BG1100114062 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT A MEETING SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) Non-Voting IS REQUIRED. IF NO POA IS SUBMITTED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZATION Mgmt For For OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD AND THE PERSONS WHO MANAGE AND REPRESENT EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD TO UNDERTAKE THE NECESSARY DEEDS AND ACTIONS FOR INCREASE OF THE AMOUNT OF THE CORPORATE GUARANTEE OF EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD, APPROVED BY THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS HELD ON 10 APRIL 2021 AND ISSUED BY FORCE OF A GUARANTEE AGREEMENT DATED 21 JULY 2021, EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD (AS GUARANTOR) AND THE SECURITY AGENT ACTING IN FAVOUR OF THE CREDITORS UNDER THE BELOW FACILITY AGREEMENT ACCORDING TO REPORT OF REASONS PREPARED BY THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF THE COMPANY AND AS FOLLOWS: INCREASE OF THE LIABILITY THRESHOLD OF EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD IN ITS CAPACITY OF A CORPORATE GUARANTOR UP TO A TOTAL VALUE ABOVE THE THRESHOLD UNDER ART. 114, PARA. 1, ITEM 2, PROP. 4 IN CONNECTION WITH ART. 114, PARA. 1, ITEM 1, LETTER B OF POSA, NAMELY FROM 150 000 000 (ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION) EURO TO UP TO 240 000 000 (TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY MILLION) EURO FOR THE PAYMENT OF ALL LIABILITIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PRINCIPAL, INTEREST, PENALTIES, FEES, COMMISSIONS, OTHER EXPENSES) OF ITS SUBSIDIARY - EASTERN EUROPEAN ELECTRIC COMPANY II BV (A COMPANY INCORPORATED AND VALIDLY EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE NETHERLANDS, REGISTERED IN THE DUTCH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE UNDER NUMBER 75452553, WITH REGISTERED OFFICE AND ADDRESS OF MANAGEMENT: AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, 1097 JB, PRINCE BERNHARDPLEIN), WHICH ARE RELATED TO AND/ OR WOULD RESULT FROM A FACILITY AGREEMENT FOR THE AMOUNT OF UP TO 133 990 000 (ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY THOUSAND) EURO EXECUTED ON 21 JULY 2021 BY AND BETWEEN AMONG OTHERS EASTERN EUROPEAN ELECTRIC COMPANY II B.V., AS BORROWER AND THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AS LENDERS AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE AGREEMENT. THE MAIN PARAMETERS OF THE CORPORATE GUARANTEE ARE: PARTIES THE PARTIES UNDER THE APPOINTED HEREINABOVE, VALUE - INCREASE OF THE LIABILITY THRESHOLD OF EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD, IN ITS CAPACITY OF A CORPORATE GUARANTOR FROM 150 000 000 (ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION) EURO TO UP TO 240 000 000 (TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY MILLION) EURO TERM - 66 MONTHS, WHEREAS IRRESPECTIVE OF THE FOREGOING THE GUARANTEE REMAINS VALID UNTIL ALL OBLIGATIONS SECURED BY IT AND FULLY, UNCONDITIONALLY AND IRREVOCABLY PAID OR OTHERWISE REPAID OUT IN FAVOUR OF THE SUBSIDIARY OF EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD - EASTERN EUROPEAN ELECTRIC COMPANY II BV, INDIRECTLY IN FAVOUR OF THE PARENT COMPANY EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD AND OF THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE GUARANTEE - THE LENDERS UNDER THE ABOVEMENTIONED FACILITY AGREEMENT DATED 21 JULY 2021 TRANSACTION - SECURING FINANCING OF PART OF THE ACQUISITION PRICE FOR THE CEZ GROUP IN BULGARIA, THE FEES AND EXPENSES RELATED THEREOF AND FURTHER INVESTMENTS IN THE COMPANIES SUBJECT TO THE TRANSACTION. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MANAGEMENT BOARD TO UNDERTAKE ALL NECESSARY LEGAL AND FACTUAL ACTIONS TO IMPLEMENT THIS DECISION 2 ELECTION OF A SPECIALIZED AUDITORS' COMPANY Mgmt For For OF EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD FOR THE YEAR 2021 CMMT 21 SEP 2021: PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT THE Non-Voting MEETING DOES NOT REACH QUORUM, THERE WILL BE A SECOND CALL ON 03 NOV 2021 AT 10:00 AM. CONSEQUENTLY, YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL REMAIN VALID FOR ALL CALLS UNLESS THE AGENDA IS AMENDED. THANK YOU. CMMT 21 SEP 2021: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO ADDITION OF COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE AGAIN UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD Agenda Number: 715710201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X2313Y115 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 30-Jun-2022 Ticker: ISIN: BG1100114062 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT A MEETING SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) Non-Voting IS REQUIRED. IF NO POA IS SUBMITTED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 ADOPTION OF THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mgmt For For OF THE COMPANY FOR 2021. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS ADOPTS THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE COMPANY FOR 2021 2 ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIALIZED Mgmt For For AUDIT COMPANY ON THE AUDIT OF THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE COMPANY FOR 2021. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS ADOPTS THE REPORT OF THE SPECIALIZED AUDIT COMPANY ON THE AUDIT OF THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE COMPANY FOR 2021 3 ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE MANAGEMENT Mgmt For For BOARD ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE COMPANY IN 2021. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS ADOPTS THE REPORT OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE COMPANY IN 2021 4 ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ON PROFIT Mgmt For For DISTRIBUTION. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS ADOPTS THE PROPOSAL OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD, NAMELY PROFIT SHALL NOT BE ALLOCATED 5 EXEMPTION FROM RESPONSIBILITY OF THE Mgmt For For MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD AND THE MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF THE COMPANY FOR THEIR ACTIVITY DURING THE YEAR 2021. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS EXEMPTS FROM RESPONSIBILITY THE MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD AND THE MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR THEIR ACTIVITY DURING THE YEAR 2021 6 ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE INVESTOR Mgmt For For RELATIONS DIRECTOR FOR 2021. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS ADOPTS THE REPORT OF THE INVESTOR RELATIONS DIRECTOR FOR 2021 7 ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE AUDIT Mgmt For For COMMITTEE OF THE COMPANY FOR 2021. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS ADOPTS THE REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE COMPANY FOR 2021 8 ADOPTION OF THE REPORT ON THE APPLICATION Mgmt For For OF THE REMUNERATION POLICY IN 2021AS PER ART.12, PARA 1 OF ORDINANCE 48 DD 20 MARCH 2013 ON THE REMUNERATION REQUIREMENTS. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS ADOPTS THE REPORT ON THE APPLICATION OF THE REMUNERATION POLICY DURING 2021 PURSUANT TO ART.12, PARA 1 OF ORDINANCE 48 DD 20 MARCH 2013 ON THE REMUNERATION REQUIREMENTS 9 ADOPTION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Mgmt For For SUPERVISORY BOARD IN HIS ROLE OF REMUNERATION COMMITTEE. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS ADOPTS THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD IN HIS ROLE OF REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 10 RENEWAL OF THE MANDATE OF THE MEMBERS OF Mgmt Against Against THE SUPERVISORY BOARD OF THE COMPANY. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TAKES A DECISION THE CURRENT MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD OF THE COMPANY ASEN MILKOV HRISTOV, DIMITAR STOYANOV DIMITROV, RADI GEORGIEV GEORGIEV, KUSTAA LAURI AYMA, LUIS GABRIEL ROMAN, IVAILO KRASIMIROV ANGARSKI TO CONTINUE TO BE MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD WITH NEW FIVE-YEAR MANDATE AS OF ENLISTMENT OF THE PRESENT RESOLUTION IN THE COMMERCIAL REGISTER 11 TAKING A DECISION EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD Mgmt For For AND/OR PERSONS UNDER ARTICLE 187F, PARA 1, P.2 OF THE COMMERCIAL ACT TO ACQUIRE SHARES FROM THE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY BY MEANS OF REPURCHASE. PROPOSED DECISION THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TAKES A DECISION ON THE GROUND OF ARTICLE 187B OF THE COMMERCIAL ACT AND IN RELATION O ART.111, PARA 5 OF THE PUBLIC OFFERING OF SECURITIES ACT /POSA/ AND ART.187F, PARA 1, P.2 OF THE COMMERCIAL ACT, EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD AND/OR PERSONS UNDER ARTICLE 187F, PARA 1, P.2 OF THE COMMERCIAL ACT TO ACQUIRE SHARES FROM THE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY BY MEANS OF REPURCHASE CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT THE MEETING DOES Non-Voting NOT REACH QUORUM, THERE WILL BE A SECOND CALL ON 15 JUL 2022. CONSEQUENTLY, YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL REMAIN VALID FOR ALL CALLS UNLESS THE AGENDA IS AMENDED. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRUPO FINANCIERO GALICIA S.A. Agenda Number: 935584549 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 399909100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2022 Ticker: GGAL ISIN: US3999091008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Consideration for holding the Shareholders' Mgmt For Meeting by using a videoconference system. Appointment of two shareholders to sign the minutes. 2. Examination of the Financial Statements, Mgmt For Income Statement, and other documents as set forth by Section 234, subsection 1 of the General Law of Companies, Annual Report - Integrated Information and Report of the Supervisory Syndics' Committee for the 23rd fiscal year ended December 31st, 2021. 3. Treatment to be given to the fiscal year's Mgmt For results. Integration of the Legal Reserve. Cash dividend distribution for an amount, that inflation adjusted, pursuant to Resolution 777/2018 of the Argentine Securities Exchange Commission, results in Ps. 3,500,000,000.- Creation of a Special Discretionary Reserve for eventual dividends distribution of profits to be treated by the annual Shareholders Meeting for an amount, that inflation adjusted, pursuant to Resolution 777/2018 of the Argentine "(Due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal)" 4. Approval of the Board of Directors and Mgmt For Supervisory Syndics Committee's performances. 5. Supervisory Syndics Committee's Mgmt For compensation. 6. Consideration of the Board of Directors' Mgmt For compensation. 7. Granting of authorization to the Board of Mgmt For Directors to make advance payments of directors fees during the fiscal year started on January 1st, 2022 ad-referendum of the shareholders' meeting that considers the documentation corresponding to said fiscal year. 8. Election of three syndics and three Mgmt For alternate syndics for one-year term of office. 9. Determination of the number of directors Mgmt Against and alternate directors until reaching the number of directors determined by the shareholders' meeting. 10. Compensation of the independent accountant Mgmt For certifying the Financial Statements for fiscal year 2021. 11. Appointment of the independent accountant Mgmt For and alternate accountant to certify the Financial Statements for fiscal year 2021. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAGAR HF. Agenda Number: 715702076 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X3244Z114 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 01-Jun-2022 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000020121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 THE COMPANY'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT OF Mgmt Abstain Against THE OPERATIONS IN THE PAST YEAR 2 THE COMPANY'S CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL Mgmt For For STATEMENTS FOR THE PAST OPERATING YEAR, ALONG WITH THE AUDITOR'S REPORT, SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL 3 DECISION ON THE DISBURSEMENT OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY'S PROFIT IN THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2021/22 4 PROPOSAL TO REDUCE THE SHARE CAPITAL AND Mgmt For For CHANGE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. ARTICLE 2.1 ON CHANGING THE COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL AS THE SHARE CAPITAL WILL BE REDUCED FROM 1,154,232,879 ISK NOMINAL VALUE TO 1,132,676,082 ISK NOMINAL VALUE AND OWN SHARES OF NOMINAL VALUE 21,556,797 ISK WILL BE INVALIDATED ARTICLE 1.3 ON THE COMPANY'S ADDRESS TO BE CHANGED TO HOLTAGARDAR 10, REYKJAVIK 5 DECISION ON REMUNERATION TO BOARD MEMBERS Mgmt For For AND SUBCOMMITTEES 6 THE BOARD'S PROPOSAL ON REMUNERATION POLICY Mgmt For For AND THE REPORT OF THE REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 7 ELECTION OF THE NOMINATION COMMITTEE Mgmt For For 8 ELECTION OF THE COMPANY'S BOARD OF Mgmt For For DIRECTORS AND AUDITOR 9 DECISION ON THE BOARD'S AUTHORISATION TO Mgmt For For PURCHASE OWN SHARES 10 DISCUSSIONS AND VOTING ON OTHER ISSUES THAT Mgmt Against Against ARE LEGALLY PRESENTED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOMA NEGRA CIA INDUSTRIAL ARGENTINA SA Agenda Number: 935605862 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 54150E104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2022 Ticker: LOMA ISIN: US54150E1047 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Appointment of the persons in charge of Mgmt For For subscribing the minute. 2. Consideration of the documents to which Mgmt For For paragraph 1o) of Section 234 of the Argentine Corporations Act refers to, that correspond to the regular financial year No. 97 ended on December 31st, 2021. 3. Consideration of the positive unallocated Mgmt For For earnings of the year ended on December 31st, 2021 of the amount of ARS 6,585,821 thousands. Consideration of the proposal of the Board of Directors to allocate said sum to the "Optional Reserve for Future Dividends". Delegation of the power to completely or partially use such reserve one or more times to the Board of Directors, depending on the evolution of the business and until the next shareholders' meeting at which the financial statements as of December 31st, 2022 are considered. 4. Consideration of the performance of the Mgmt For members of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31st, 2021. 5. Consideration of the performance of the Mgmt For members of the Supervisory Committee for the year ended on December 31st, 2021. 6. Consideration of the remuneration of the Mgmt For Board of Directors that corresponds to the year that ended on December 31st, 2021 of ARS 203,879,023.81 (total amount of remunerations). 7. Consideration of the remuneration of the Mgmt For members of the Supervisory Committee for the year ended on December 31st, 2021. 8. Setting the number of directors and Mgmt For appointment of full and alternate members for year 2022. Approval of a policy aimed at maintaining a proportion of at least 20% independent members over the total number of members of the Board during the year in course. 9. Appointment of the full and alternate Mgmt For members of the Supervisory Committee for year 2022. 10. Appointment of External Auditors and of the Mgmt For For main partner and alternate partner of the respective accounting firm for the year of 2022. 11. Approval of the fees of the External Mgmt For For Auditors for the year ended on December 31st, 2021 12. Consideration of the fees of the External Mgmt For For Auditors for the year 2022. 13. Approval of the budget of the Audit Mgmt For For Committee for 2022. 14. Granting of the relevant authorizations for Mgmt For For the carrying out of paperwork and to make the necessary filings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUVEEN GLOBAL HIGH INCOME FUND Agenda Number: 935556209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 67075G103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2022 Ticker: JGH ISIN: US67075G1031 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1B. DIRECTOR William C. Hunter* Mgmt Withheld Against Judith M. Stockdale* Mgmt Withheld Against Carole E. Stone* Mgmt Withheld Against Margaret L. Wolff* Mgmt Withheld Against Jack B. Evans** Mgmt Withheld Against Albin F. Moschner** Mgmt Withheld Against Matthew Thornton III** Mgmt Withheld Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAMPA ENERGIA S.A. Agenda Number: 935613059 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 697660207 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2022 Ticker: PAM ISIN: US6976602077 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1) Appointment of shareholders to approve and Mgmt For For sign the Meeting minutes. 2) Consideration of the Company's Balance Mgmt For For Sheet, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity, Statement of Cash Flows, Notes, Independent Auditor's Report, Supervisory Committee's Report, Annual Report and Report on Compliance with the Corporate Governance Code, Management's Discussion and Analysis required by the Regulations of the Argentine Securities Commission and the additional information required by the applicable rules, all for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. 3) Consideration of the results for the year Mgmt For For and allocation thereof (upon dealing with this item, the Meeting will qualify as an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting). 4) Consideration of the Director's and Mgmt For For Supervisory Committee's performance for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. 5) Consideration of the Director's and Mgmt For For Supervisory Committee's fees (in the amount of Ps. 945,451,476[1] for the Directors and Ps. 5,836,425[2] for the Supervisory Committee) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. 6) Consideration of fees payable to the Mgmt For For Independent Auditor. 7) Appointment of Regular and Alternate Mgmt For For Directors. 8) Appointment of the Supervisory Committee's Mgmt For For Regular and Alternate members. 9) Appointment of Regular Independent Auditor Mgmt For For and Alternate Independent Auditor who shall render an opinion on the financial statements for the fiscal year started on January 1, 2022. 10) Determination of fees payable to the Mgmt For For Regular Independent Auditor and Alternate Independent Auditor who shall render an opinionon the financial statements for the fiscal year commenced on January 1, 2022. 11) Consideration of allocation of a budgetary Mgmt For For item for the operation of the Audit Committee. 12) Consideration of capital stock reduction Mgmt For For and, in consequence, the cancellation of ordinary shares held in the Company and its subsidiary's treasury until the business day prior to the Shareholders' Meeting (upon dealing with this item, the Meeting will qualifyas an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting). 13) Grant of authorizations to carry out the Mgmt For For proceedings and filings necessary to obtain the relevant registrations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS Agenda Number: 935593233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71654V408 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 13-Apr-2022 Ticker: PBR ISIN: US71654V4086 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Assessing the Management's accounts, Mgmt For For examining, discussing and voting on the Management's Report and the Company's Financial Statements, with the report from the independent auditors and the Fiscal Council Report, for the fiscal year ended on December31, 2021. 2 Proposal for the allocation of the Profit Mgmt For For for the fiscal year of 2021. 3 Proposal to establish eleven (11) members Mgmt For For for the Board of Directors: Acionista Controlador, Luiz Rodolfo Landim Machado, Adriano Jose Pires Rodrigues, Carlos Eduardo Lessa Brandao, Eduardo Karrer, Luiz Henrique Caroli, Marcio Andrade Weber, Ruy Flaks Schneider, Sonia Julia Sulzbeck Villalobos. 4 Nomination of all the names that compose Mgmt Against Against the slate (the votes indicated in this section will be disregarded if the shareholder with voting rights fills in the fields present in the separate election of a member of the board of directors and the separate election referred to in these fields takes place). - Acionista Controlador 5 If one of the candidates that composes your Mgmt Against Against chosen slate leaves it, can the votes corresponding to your shares continue to be conferred on the same slate? 6 Do you wish to request the cumulative Mgmt For For voting for the election of the board of directors, under the terms of art. 141 of Law 6,404, of 1976? (If the shareholder chooses no or abstain, his/her shares will not be computed for the request of the cumulative voting request). 7a Election of director: Luiz Rodolfo Landim Mgmt No vote Machado 7b Election of director: Adriano Jose Pires Mgmt No vote Rodrigues 7c Election of director: Carlos Eduardo Lessa Mgmt No vote Brandao 7d Election of director: Eduardo Karrer Mgmt No vote 7e Election of director: Luiz Henrique Caroli Mgmt No vote 7f Election of director: Marcio Andrade Weber Mgmt No vote 7g Election of director: Ruy Flaks Schneider Mgmt No vote 7h Election of director: Sonia Julia Sulzbeck Mgmt No vote Villalobos 7i Election of director: Jose Joao Abdalla Mgmt For For Filho (appointed by minority shareholders) 7j Election of director: Marcelo Gasparino da Mgmt For For Silva (appointed by minority shareholders) 7l Candidate(s) appointed by minority Mgmt Abstain Against shareholders for the Separate Election - Common shares - If holders use their shares in the separate election of the Board of Directors under this Resolution, they must not write down any amount of votes in the cumulative voting process (Resolutions 7A through 7J) and must not vote in Resolutions 7M and 7N: Ana Marta Horta Veloso. Voting 'For' on more than one proposal, 7L, 7M or 7N , will deem your vote invalid. Please cast a vote of 'Against' or 'Abstain' in the proposals you do not wish to vote 'For'. 7m Candidate(s) appointed by minority Mgmt Abstain Against shareholders for the Separate Election - Common shares - If holders use their shares in the separate election of the Board of Directors under this Resolution, they must not write down any amount of votes in the cumulative voting process (Resolutions 7A through 7J) and must not vote in Resolutions 7L and 7N: Rodrigo de Mesquita Pereira. Voting 'For' on more than one proposal, 7L, 7M or 7N , will deem your vote invalid. Please cast a vote of 'Against' or 'Abstain' in the proposals you do not wish to vote 'For'. 7n Candidate(s) appointed by minority Mgmt Abstain Against shareholders for Separate Election-Common shares-If holders use their shares in the separate election of the Board under this Resolution, they must not write down any amount of votes in the cumulative voting process (Resolutions 7A-7J) and must not vote in Resolutions 7L and 7M: Francisco Petros Oliveira Lima Papathanasiadis. Voting 'For' on more than one proposal, 7L, 7M or 7N, will deem your vote invalid. Please cast a vote of 'Against' or 'Abstain' in the proposals you do not wish to vote 'For'. 8 Nomination of candidates for chairman of Mgmt Against Against the board of directors. Candidate: Luiz Rodolfo Landim Machado 9 Proposal to establish five (5) members for Mgmt For For the Fiscal Council. 10a Election of five (5) members of the Fiscal Mgmt Abstain Against Council, with one (1) member appointed by the minority holders of common shares and one (1) appointed by the holders of preferred shares, both through a separate election process, and respective alternates: Main: Agnes Maria de Aragao Costa; Alternate: Marisete Fatima Dadald Pereira; Main: Sergio Henrique Lopes de Sousa; Alternate: Alan Sampaio Santos; Main: Janete Duarte Mol; Alternate: Otavio Ladeira de Medeiros 10b If one of the candidates of the slate Mgmt Against Against leaves it, to accommodate the separate election referred to in articles 161, paragraph 4, and 240 of Law 6404, of 1976, can the votes corresponding to your shares continue to be conferred to the same slate? 10c Separate election of members of the Fiscal Mgmt For For Council by holders of common shares (minority shareholders): Main: Michele da Silva Gonsales Torres; Alternate: Robert Juenemann 11 Compensation for the members of the Mgmt Against Against Management, Fiscal Council, and Advisory Committees of the Board of Directors. 12 In the event of a second call of this Mgmt For For General Meeting, may the voting instructions included in this ballot form be considered also for the second call of the meeting? E1 Amendment Proposal to the Bylaws to amend Mgmt For For articles 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 33, 35 and 40 of the Bylaws, and subsequent consolidation of the Bylaws, in accordance with the Management Proposal filed on the websites of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM") and the Company. E2 In case of a second call of this General Mgmt For For Meeting, can the voting instructions contained in this ballot be considered for the second call as well? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PGIM INVESTMENTS Agenda Number: 935545054 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 69346J106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 09-Mar-2022 Ticker: GHY ISIN: US69346J1060 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Class I Director: Ellen S. Mgmt For For Alberding 1.2 Election of Class I Director: Stuart S. Mgmt For For Parker 1.3 Election of Class I Director: Brian K. Reid Mgmt For For 2. Ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Fund's independent registered public accountant for the fiscal year ending July 31, 2022. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELECOM ARGENTINA, S.A. Agenda Number: 935590631 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 879273209 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2022 Ticker: TEO ISIN: US8792732096 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1) Holding of the Shareholders' Meeting Mgmt For For remotely. 2) Appointment of two shareholders to sign the Mgmt For For Minutes of the Meeting. 3) Consider the documentation required by Law Mgmt For For No. 19,550 section ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 4) Consider the Retained Earnings as of Mgmt For For December 31, 2021, which ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal) 5) Consider the performance of Members of the Mgmt For For Board of Directors ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 6) Consider the compensation for the Members Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors corresponding to the fiscal year ended December 31, ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 7) Authorize the Board of Directors to pay Mgmt For For advances on fees to those Directors who during fiscal year to end December 31, 2022 ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 8) Consider the compensation to Members of the Mgmt For For Supervisory Committee corresponding to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. Proposal to pay the total amount of AR$30,253,985. 9) Authorize the Board of Directors to pay Mgmt For For advances on fees to those Members of the Supervisory Committee who serve during Fiscal Year 2022 (contingent upon what the Shareholders' Meeting resolves). 10) Elect five (5) regular Members of the Mgmt For For Supervisory Committee to serve during Fiscal Year 2022. 11) Determine the number of alternate Members Mgmt For For of the Supervisory Committee to serve during Fiscal Year 2022 and elect them. 12) Determine the compensation of the Mgmt For For Independent Auditors who served during FiscalYear 2021. 13) Appoint the Independent Auditors of the Mgmt For For financial statements for Fiscal Year 2022 and determine their compensation. 14) Consider the budget for the Audit Committee Mgmt For For for Fiscal Year 2022 (AR$ 16,166,020). 15) Consideration of the 5-year extension of Mgmt For For the term of validity of the Medium Term Note Program for the issuance of simple Notes ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 16) Consider granting to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For of broad powers, according to the approval granted by the Comision Nacional de Valores and its amendments in the terms resolved by the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting dated December 28, 2017 ("the Shareholders 'Meeting") and the extension of its' term of validity resolved by this Shareholders' Meeting, to determine and modify the terms and conditions of the Program within the the maximum outstanding amount authorized by the Shareholders' Meeting, as well as to ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTADORA DE GAS DEL SUR S.A. Agenda Number: 935576352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 893870204 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-Apr-2022 Ticker: TGS ISIN: US8938702045 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1) Appointment of two shareholders to sign the Mgmt For minutes of the meeting together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors and a Statutory Audit Committee member. 2) Consideration of the Annual Report, Mgmt For Inventory, Financial Statements, Information Review and Information required by Annex IV Title IV of the Rules of the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission (Comision Nacional de Valores) (New Text 2013), Auditor's Report and Statutory Audit Committee's Report, in accordance with Section 234, paragraph 1 of Law 19,550, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 and its English version. 3) Consideration of the allocation of the net Mgmt Against income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. Consideration of the reversal of the balance of the "Reserve for capital expenditures, acquisition of treasury shares and/or dividends" set up by Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. annual General and Special Meeting held on April 20, 2021. 4) Consideration of the performance of the Mgmt For Board of Directors members during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. 5) Consideration of fees to be paid to the Mgmt For Board of Directors members for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. 6) Consideration of the performance of the Mgmt For Statutory Audit Committee members during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. 7) Consideration of fees to be paid to the Mgmt For Statutory Audit Committee members for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. 8) Consideration of the Auditing Committee Mgmt For operating budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022. 9) Determination of the number and appointment Mgmt Against of Regular Directors and Alternate Directors. 10) Consideration of the term of office of Mgmt Against Directors appointed as per item 9 of the Agenda. 11) Appointment of Statutory Audit Committee Mgmt For regular and alternate members. 12) Consideration of the compensation of the Mgmt For independent auditors that certified the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. 13) Appointment of the regular and alternate Mgmt For independent auditors to certify the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022. 14) Consideration of the situation of treasury Mgmt For shares held by Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WESTERN ASSET HIGH INC OPP FD INC. Agenda Number: 935557782 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 95766K109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 08-Apr-2022 Ticker: HIO ISIN: US95766K1097 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Class III Director to serve Mgmt For For until 2025 Annual Meeting: William R. Hutchinson 1.2 Election of Class III Director to serve Mgmt For For until 2025 Annual Meeting: Nisha Kumar 2. To ratify the selection of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Fund's independent registered public accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. * Management position unknown SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) Global Opportunities Portfolio By (Signature) /s/ Eric A. Stein Name Eric A. Stein Title President Date 08/24/2022