UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT FILE NUMBER: 811-22350 NAME OF REGISTRANT: Global Opportunities Portfolio ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES: Two International Place Boston, MA 02110 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE: Deidre E. Walsh, Esq. Two International Place Boston, MA 02110 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 617-482-8260 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END: 10/31 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD: 07/01/2022 - 06/30/2023 Global Opportunities Portfolio -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARION BANK Agenda Number: 716710086 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X02228108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 15-Mar-2023 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000028157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON THE Mgmt Abstain Against BANK'S OPERATIONS, ACTIVITIES AND FINANCIAL SITUATION DURING THE LAST FINANCIAL YEAR 2 APPROVAL OF THE BANK'S ANNUAL FINANCIAL Mgmt For For STATEMENTS AND CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS FOR THE LAST FINANCIAL YEAR 3 DECISION ON PAYMENT OF A DIVIDEND: THE Mgmt For For BOARD OF DIRECTORS PROPOSES THAT A DIVIDEND OF ISK 8.5 PER SHARE WILL BE PAID TO THE BANK'S SHAREHOLDERS, EQUAL TO APPROXIMATELY ISK 12.5 BILLION, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT OWN SHARES HELD BY THE BANK 4 ELECTION OF THE BANK'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Mgmt For For CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND VICE-CHAIRMAN 5 ELECTION OF AN AUDITING FIRM Mgmt For For 6 DECISION ON REMUNERATION TO THE BANK'S Mgmt For For BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND COMPENSATION TO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD'S SUB-COMMITTEES 7 DECISION ON REMUNERATION TO MEMBERS OF THE Mgmt For For BANK'S NOMINATION COMMITTEE 8 ELECTION OF TWO MEMBERS OF THE BANK'S Mgmt Against Against NOMINATION COMMITTEE 9 PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE RULES OF PROCEDURE Mgmt For For FOR THE NOMINATION COMMITTEE 10 PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE BANK'S REMUNERATION Mgmt Against Against POLICY 11 PROPOSAL TO REDUCE SHARE CAPITAL BY Mgmt For For CANCELLING THE BANK'S OWN SHARES AND A CORRESPONDING AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 12 PROPOSAL TO RENEW THE BANK'S AUTHORISATION Mgmt For For TO PURCHASE OWN SHARES AND A CORRESPONDING AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 13 PROPOSALS TO AMEND THE BANK'S ARTICLES OF Mgmt For For ASSOCIATION 14 OTHER BUSINESS Mgmt Against Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANCO MACRO S.A. Agenda Number: 935807783 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 05961W105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Apr-2023 Ticker: BMA ISIN: US05961W1053 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Appoint three shareholders to sign the Mgmt For Minutes of the Shareholders' Meeting. 2 Evaluate the documentation provided for in Mgmt For section 234,subsection 1 of Law No.19550 for the fiscal year ended December 31st 2022. 3 Evaluate the management of the Board and Mgmt For the Supervisory Committee. 4 Application of the retained earnings as of Mgmt For December 31st 2022. Total Retained Earnings expressed in constant currency as of December 31st 2022, are AR$ 43,175,125,253.09 which are to be applied as follows: a) AR$ 8,607,703,822.77 to the Legal Reserve fund; b) AR$ 808,505,021.64 to the Personal Asset Tax on ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 5 Separate a portion of the Optional Reserve Mgmt For Fund for Future Distribution of Profits, in order to allow the application of AR$ 75,040,918,149.47 to the payment of a cash dividend or dividend in kind, in this case valued at market price, or in any combination of both alternatives, subject to prior authorization ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 6 Evaluate the remunerations of the members Mgmt For of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ended December 31st 2022 within the limits as to profits, pursuant to section 261 of Law 19550 and the Rules of the Comision Nacional de Valores (Argentine Securities Exchange Commission). 7 Evaluate the remunerations of the members Mgmt For of the Supervisory Committee for the fiscal year ended December 31st 2022. 8 Evaluate the remuneration of the Mgmt For independent auditor for the fiscal year ended December 31st 2022. 9a Candidate proposed as regular director to Mgmt Against hold office for three fiscal years: Delfin Federico Ezequiel Carballo (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 9b Candidate proposed as regular director to Mgmt Against hold office for three fiscal years: Marcos Brito (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 9c Candidate proposed as regular director to Mgmt Against hold office for three fiscal years: Candidate to be proposed by FGS-ANSES 10a Candidate proposed as regular director to Mgmt Against hold office for one fiscal year: Jose Alfredo Sanchez (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 11a Candidate proposed as alternate director to Mgmt For hold office tor two fiscal years: Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo (candidate proposed by Mr. Delfin Jorge Ezequiel Carballo and the trustee of Fideicomiso de Garantia JHB BMA) 11b Candidate proposed as alternate director to Mgmt For hold office tor two fiscal years: Candidate to be proposed by FGS-ANSES 12 Establish the number and designate the Mgmt For regular and alternate members of the Supervisory Committee who shall hold office for one fiscal year. 13 Appoint the independent auditor for the Mgmt For fiscal year ending December 31st 2023. 14 Determine the auditing committee's budget. Mgmt For 15 Authorize any acts, proceedings and filings Mgmt For aimed at obtaining the administrative approval and registration of the resolutions adopted at the Shareholders' Meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITO REAL SAB DE CV SOFOM ENR Agenda Number: 715950033 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P3R4AWCE6 Meeting Type: CRT Meeting Date: 02-Aug-2022 Ticker: ISIN: XS2060698219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT AS BROADRIDGE HAS BEEN Non-Voting NOTIFIED LATE OF THIS PARTICULAR MEETING, VOTING CANNOT BE SUPPORTED AND THE MEETING HAS BEEN SET UP AS AN INFORMATION ONLY MEETING. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE EITHER CONTACT YOUR BROADRIDGE CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE OR YOUR CUSTODIAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITO REAL SAB DE CV SOFOM ENR Agenda Number: 716042255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P3R4AWCE6 Meeting Type: CRT Meeting Date: 04-Jan-2023 Ticker: ISIN: XS2060698219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN INFORMATION Non-Voting MEETING. THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO PUBLISHED AGENDA ITEMS, SHOULD YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE MEETING PERSONALLY, YOU MAY APPLY FOR AN ENTRANCE CARD BY CONTACTING YOUR CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE. THANK YOU CMMT 12 DEC 2022: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO POSTPONEMENT OF THE MEETING DATE FROM 19 SEP 2022 TO 11 OCT 2022 AND FURTHER POSTPONEMENT OF THE MEETING DATE FROM 11 OCT 2022 TO 03 NOV 2022 AND FURTHER POSTPONEMENT OF THE MEETING DATE FROM 03 NOV 2022 TO 04 JAN 2023. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITO REAL SAB DE CV SOFOM ENR Agenda Number: 716579909 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P3R4AWCE6 Meeting Type: CRT Meeting Date: 31-Jan-2023 Ticker: ISIN: XS2060698219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN INFORMATION Non-Voting MEETING. THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO PUBLISHED AGENDA ITEMS, SHOULD YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE MEETING PERSONALLY, YOU MAY APPLY FOR AN ENTRANCE CARD BY CONTACTING YOUR CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EIK FASTEIGNAFELAG HF Agenda Number: 716766451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X1R5H3107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 30-Mar-2023 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000020709 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 THE BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S REPORT ON THE Mgmt Abstain Against COMPANY'S OPERATIONS IN THE PAST OPERATING YEAR 2 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS, Mgmt For For AS WELL AS AUDITOR'S REPORT, PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL 3 DECISION ON THE HANDLING OF THE COMPANY'S Mgmt For For PROFIT OR LOSS OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR AND PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS: ISK 0,59 PER SHARE 4 DECISION ON THE REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For For AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR THE COMING OPERATING YEAR 5 PROPOSAL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mgmt Against Against REGARDING THE REMUNERATION POLICY 6 ELECTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For For 7 ELECTION OF AUTHORISED AUDITORS OR AUDITING Mgmt Against Against FIRM 8 AUTHORISATION TO BUY BACK SHARES Mgmt For For 9 ANY OTHER LAWFULLY SUBMITTED MATTERS Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EIMSKIPAFELAG ISLANDS Agenda Number: 716689471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X3361G113 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 09-Mar-2023 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000019800 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON THE Non-Voting ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2022 2 CONFIRMATION OF THE COMPANY'S CONSOLIDATED Mgmt For For FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2022 3 DECISION ON THE HANDLING OF THE NET Mgmt For For EARNINGS FOR 2022 4 PROPOSAL TO GRANT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AN Mgmt For For AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE OWN SHARES CF. ART. 11.2 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 5 PROPOSAL TO REDUCE SHARE CAPITAL IN Mgmt For For RELATION TO THE SHARE BUY-BACK PROGRAM AND ALTERATION OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 6 PROPOSAL TO REDUCE THE SHARE CAPITAL BY ISK Mgmt For For 3,500,000 NOMINAL VALUE WITH PAYMENT TO SHAREHOLDERS AND ALTERATION OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 7 PROPOSAL TO ALTER ART. 2.6 AND 2.7 OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 8 PROPOSAL ON THE COMPANY'S REMUNERATION Mgmt Against Against POLICY 9 ELECTION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For For 10 DECISION ON REMUNERATION TO THE MEMBERS OF Mgmt For For THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, THE ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBERS AND SUBCOMMITTEES 11 ELECTION OF AUDITORS Mgmt For For 12 OTHER ISSUES, LAWFULLY PRESENTED Non-Voting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD Agenda Number: 716239339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X2313Y115 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 28-Nov-2022 Ticker: ISIN: BG1100114062 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT A MEETING SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) Non-Voting IS REQUIRED. IF NO POA IS SUBMITTED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZATION OF Mgmt For For THE MANAGEMENT BOARD AND THE PERSONS WHO MANAGE AND REPRESENT EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD TO CONCLUDE FINANCING TRANSACTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A REPORT OF REASONS PREPARED BY THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF THE PUBLIC LISTED COMPANY. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZATION OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD AT ITS OWN DISCRETION CONSIDERING THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE COMPANY TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE MARKET CONDITIONS, THE INVESTORS INTEREST AND THE DYNAMICS OF THE MARKET SITUATION, TO DECIDE ON THE CONCLUSION BY EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD OF THE RESPECTIVE TRANSACTION IN ACCORDANCE IN APPLICABLE LEGISLATION. ADOPTING OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MANAGEMENT BOARD TO UNDERTAKE ALL NECESSARY LEGAL AND FACTUAL ACTION TO IMPLEMENT THIS DECISION 2 ELECTION OF AUDITING COMPANY OF EUROHOLD Mgmt For For BULGARIA AD FOR 2022 CMMT 26 OCT 2022: INTERMEDIARY CLIENTS ONLY - Non-Voting PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU ARE CLASSIFIED AS AN INTERMEDIARY CLIENT UNDER THE SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS DIRECTIVE II, YOU SHOULD BE PROVIDING THE UNDERLYING SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION AT THE VOTE INSTRUCTION LEVEL. IF YOU ARE UNSURE ON HOW TO PROVIDE THIS LEVEL OF DATA TO BROADRIDGE OUTSIDE OF PROXYEDGE, PLEASE SPEAK TO YOUR DEDICATED CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FOR ASSISTANCE. THANK YOU. CMMT 02 NOV 2022: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO ADDITION OF COMMENT AND REVISION DUE TO CHANGE IN MEETING DATE FROM 21 NOV 2022 TO 28 NOV 2022 AND CHANGE IN RECORD DATE FROM 07 NOV 2022 TO 14 NOV 2022. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE AGAIN UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD Agenda Number: 717315952 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X2313Y115 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 30-Jun-2023 Ticker: ISIN: BG1100114062 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT A MEETING SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) Non-Voting IS REQUIRED. IF NO POA IS SUBMITTED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 APPROVAL OF THE 2022 ANNUAL COMPANY Mgmt Against Against ACCOUNTS 2 APPROVAL OF THE REGISTERED AUDITOR'S REPORT Mgmt For For ON THE AUDIT OF THE COMPANY'S ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 2022 3 ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For DIRECTORS ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY IN 2022 4 APPROVAL OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL Mgmt Against Against STATEMENTS OF THE COMPANY FOR 2022 5 APPROVAL OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIALISED Mgmt For For AUDIT FIRM ON ITS AUDIT OF THE COMPANY'S 2022 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6 APPROVAL OF THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT Mgmt For For OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON THE COMPANY'S ACTIVITIES IN 2022 7 APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSAL OF THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For DIRECTORS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF PROFIT FROM THE COMPANY'S OPERATIONS IN 2022 8 ELECTION OF THE COMPANY'S SPECIALISED AUDIT Mgmt Against Against FIRM FOR 2023 9 EXEMPTION FROM LIABILITY OF THE MEMBERS OF Mgmt Against Against THE SUPERVISORY BOARD AND THE MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD FOR THEIR ACTIVITIES IN 2022 10 APPROVAL OF THE INVESTOR RELATIONS Mgmt For For DIRECTOR'S REPORT FOR 2022 11 APPROVAL OF THE REPORT OF THE AUDIT Mgmt For For COMMITTEE OF THE COMPANY FOR 2022 12 ADOPTION OF THE REPORT ON THE Mgmt For For IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REMUNERATION POLICY IN 2022 PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12(1) OF ORDINANCE NO. 48 OF 20 MARCH 2013 ON REMUNERATION REQUIREMENTS 13 APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Mgmt For For SUPERVISORY BOARD AS REMUNERATION COMMITTEE CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT THE MEETING DOES Non-Voting NOT REACH QUORUM, THERE WILL BE A SECOND CALL ON 17 JUL 2023 CONSEQUENTLY, YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL REMAIN VALID FOR ALL CALLS UNLESS THE AGENDA IS AMENDED. THANK YOU CMMT 01 JUN 2023: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO MEETING TYPE HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM OGM TO AGM. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE AGAIN UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRUPO FINANCIERO GALICIA S.A. Agenda Number: 935811504 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 399909100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Apr-2023 Ticker: GGAL ISIN: US3999091008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Consideration for holding the Shareholders' Mgmt For Meeting by using a videoconference system. Appointment of two shareholders to sign the minutes. 2. Examination of the Financial Statements, Mgmt For Income Statement, and other documents as set forth by Section 234, subsection 1 of the General Law of Companies, Annual Report - Integrated Information and Report of the Supervisory Syndics' Committee for the 24th fiscal year ended December 31st, 2022. 3. Treatment to be given to the fiscal year's Mgmt For results. Integration of the applicable Legal Reserve. Cash dividend distribution for an amount, that inflation adjusted, pursuant to Resolution 777/2018 of the Argentine Securities Exchange Commission, results in Ps. 10,000,000,000.- Integration of a Discretionary Reserve for eventual dividends distribution. 4. Discretionary Reserve reversal for eventual Mgmt For distribution of profits for up to Ps. 75,000,000,000.-. Granting of authorization to the Board of Directors to reverse, partially or totally the Discretionary Reserve for the payment of a cash dividend or in kind, in this case valued at the market price, or in any combination of both options, in one or more opportunities subject to liquidity conditions, receptions of dividends from subsidiaries and the company's financial condition. 5. Approval of the Board of Directors and Mgmt For Supervisory Syndics Committee's performances. 6. Consideration of the Supervisory Syndics Mgmt For Committee's compensation. 7. Consideration of the Board of Directors' Mgmt For compensation. 8. Granting of authorization to the Board of Mgmt For Directors to make advance payments of directors' fees during the fiscal year started on January 1st, 2023 ad-referendum of the shareholders' meeting that considers the documentation corresponding to said fiscal year. 9. Election of three syndics and three Mgmt For alternate syndics for one-year term of office. 10. Determination of the number of directors Mgmt Against and alternate directors until reaching the number of directors determined by the shareholders' meeting. 11. Compensation of the independent accountant Mgmt For certifying the Financial Statements for fiscal year 2022. 12. Appointment of the independent accountant Mgmt For and alternate accountant to certify the Financial Statements for fiscal year 2023. 13. Approval of an annual budget for the Audit Mgmt For Committee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRSA INVERSIONES Y REPRESENTACIONES S.A. Agenda Number: 935719382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 450047204 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 28-Oct-2022 Ticker: IRS ISIN: US4500472042 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Appointment of two shareholders to sign the Mgmt For For meeting's minutes. 2. Consideration of documents contemplated in Mgmt For For section 234, paragraph 1, of Law No. 19,550 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. 3. Allocation of net income for the fiscal Mgmt For For year ended June 30, 2022 for $34,252,534,791, as follows: (i) to the absorption of the unappropriated retained earnings account for $3,488,229,344: (ii) to the legal reserve for $1,538,215,272, in accordance with the laws in force; (iii) to the distribution of a dividend to the shareholders for up to $4,340,000,000 payable in cash and/or in kind and (iv) the balance of $24,886,090,175, to an optional reserve. 4. Consideration of board of directors' Mgmt For For performance for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. 5. Consideration of supervisory committee's Mgmt For For performance for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. 6. Consideration of compensation payable to Mgmt Against Against the board of directors ($1,278,420,382, allocated sum) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. 7. Consideration of compensation payable to Mgmt For For the supervisory committee ($3,919,000, allocated sum) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. 8. Determination of the number and appointment Mgmt For For of regular directors and alternate directors for a term of up to three fiscal years, as per section twelve of the bylaws. 9. Appointment of regular and alternate Mgmt For For members of the supervisory committee for a term of one fiscal year. 10. Appointment of certifying accountant for Mgmt For For the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2023. 11. Approval of compensation payable to Mgmt For For certifying accountant for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. 12. Amendment to sections sixteen (meetings), Mgmt Against Against twenty-two (committees) and twenty-three (supervisory committee) of the bylaws. 13. Consideration of the allocation of up to Mgmt Against Against 9,419,623 own shares acquired under the shares buyback program approved by the board of directors on march 11, 2022, equivalent to 1.16% of the capital stock, to the implementation of an incentive plan for the company's employees, management and directors. 14. Authorization to carry out registration Mgmt For For proceedings relating to this shareholders' meeting before the Argentine Securities Commission and the general superintendency of corporations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRSA INVERSIONES Y REPRESENTACIONES S.A. Agenda Number: 935823092 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 450047204 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2023 Ticker: IRS ISIN: US4500472042 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Appointment of two shareholders to sign the Mgmt For For meeting's minutes. 2. Consideration of capital stock increase Mgmt For For from the sum of $811,122,208 to the sum of $7,363,527,208 through the partial capitalization of the issue premium account and the resulting issuance of 6,552,405,000 fully paidin shares to be allocated to the holders of outstanding shares as of the settlement date, ratably according to their equity interests. 3. Consideration of amendment to section Mgmt Against Against seventh of the bylaws due to the change in the par value of the shares from the sum of $1 (one peso) to the sum of $10 (ten pesos). 4. Consideration of distribution of a cash Mgmt For For dividend for up to $ 21,900,000,000 (twenty one billion nine hundred million pesos), charged to the optional reserve set up by resolution of the shareholders' meeting dated October 28, 2022, on the income for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. 5. Authorization to carry out registration Mgmt For For proceedings relating to this shareholders' meeting before the Argentine securities commission and the superintendency of corporations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBERTY LATIN AMERICA LTD. Agenda Number: 935798148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G9001E102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-May-2023 Ticker: LILA ISIN: BMG9001E1021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Director: Michael T. Fries Mgmt Withheld Against 1.2 Election of Director: Alfonso de Angoitia Mgmt Withheld Against Noriega 1.3 Election of Director: Paul A. Gould Mgmt Withheld Against 1.4 Election of Director: Roberta S. Jacobson Mgmt For For 2. A proposal to appoint KPMG LLP as our Mgmt For For independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and to authorize the Board, acting by the audit committee, to determine the independent auditors remuneration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOMA NEGRA CIA INDUSTRIAL ARGENTINA SA Agenda Number: 935816504 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 54150E104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Apr-2023 Ticker: LOMA ISIN: US54150E1047 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Appointment of the persons in charge of Mgmt For For subscribing the minute. 2. Consideration of the documents to which Mgmt For For paragraph 1o) of Section 234 of the Argentine Corporations Act refers to, that correspond to the regular financial year No. 98 ended on December 31st, 2022. 3. Consideration of the positive unallocated Mgmt For For earnings of the year ended on December 31st, 2022 of the amount of ARS 1,938,676 (in thousands.) Consideration of the proposal of the Board of Directors to allocate said sum to the "Optional Reserve for Future Dividends". Delegation of the power to completely or partially use such reserve one or more times to the Board of Directors, depending on the evolution of the business and until the next shareholders' meeting at which the financial statements as of December 31st, 2023 are considered. 4. Consideration of the performance of the Mgmt For For members of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31st, 2022. 5. Consideration of the performance of the Mgmt For For members of the Supervisory Committee for the year ended on December 31st, 2022. 6. Consideration of the remunerations to the Mgmt For For Board of Directors corresponding to the fiscal year that ended on December 31st, 2022 for $359,221,771.90 (total remunerations), in excess of $244,326,878.71 over the limit of FIVE PERCENT (5%) of the profits set by article 261 of Law No. 19,550 and regulations, upon proposal of non-distribution of dividends. 7. Consideration of the remuneration of the Mgmt For For members of the Supervisory Committee for the year ended on December 31st, 2022. 8. Setting the number of directors and Mgmt For For appointment of full and alternate members for year 2023. Approval of a policy aimed at maintaining a proportion of at least 20% independent members over the total number of members of the Board during the year in course. 9. Appointment of the full and alternate Mgmt For For members of the Supervisory Committee for year 2023. 10. Appointment of External Auditors and of the Mgmt For For main partner and alternate partner of the respective accounting firm for the year of 2023. 11. Approval of the fees of the External Mgmt For For Auditors for the year ended on December 31st, 2022. 12. Consideration of the fees of the External Mgmt For For Auditors for the year 2023. 13. Approval of the budget of the Audit Mgmt For For Committee for 2023. 14. Consideration of the voluntary reduction of Mgmt For For the capital stock for a total amount of up to 12,543,339 ordinary shares and cancellation of the public offering regime of said shares. Consideration of the amendment of the fifth article of the Bylaws. Consideration of the delegation of powers to the Board of Directors of the Company in relation to the capital reduction. 15. Consideration of the extension of the Mgmt For For amount of the Global Program for the issuance of Negotiable Obligations authorized by the CNV through Resolution No. RESFC-2020-20695-APN-DIR#CNV dated May 7, 2020 of the CNV (the "Program") of US$ 150,000,000 (one hundred and fifty million United States dollars) to a maximum amount in circulation at any time of up to US$ 500,000,000 (five hundred million United States dollars) or its equivalent in other currencies, in accordance with the ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 16. Granting of the relevant authorizations for Mgmt For For the carrying out of paperwork and to make the necessary filings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUVEEN GLOBAL HIGH INCOME FUND Agenda Number: 935816693 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 67075G103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 08-May-2023 Ticker: JGH ISIN: US67075G1031 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1c. DIRECTOR Robert L. Young* Mgmt For For Amy B.R. Lancellotta** Mgmt For For John K. Nelson** Mgmt For For Terence J. Toth** Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAMPA ENERGIA S.A. Agenda Number: 935747711 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 697660207 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 27-Dec-2022 Ticker: PAM ISIN: US6976602077 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1) Appointment of shareholders to approve and Mgmt For For sign the Meeting minute. 2) Appointment of directors. Mgmt For For 3) Grant of authorizations to carry out the Mgmt For For proceedings and filings necessary to obtain the relevant registrations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAMPA ENERGIA S.A. Agenda Number: 935818813 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 697660207 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2023 Ticker: PAM ISIN: US6976602077 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1) Appointment of shareholders to approve and Mgmt For For sign the Meeting minutes. 2) Consideration of the Company's Balance Mgmt For For Sheet, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity, Statement of Cash Flows, Notes, Independent Auditor's Report, Supervisory Committee's Report, Annual Report and Report on Compliance with the Corporate Governance Code, Management's Discussion and Analysis required by the Regulations of the Argentine Securities Commission, and the additional information required by applicable rules, all for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. 3) Consideration of the results for the year Mgmt For For and allocation thereof (upon dealing with this item, the Meeting will qualify as an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting). 4) Consideration of the Director's and Mgmt For For Supervisory Committee's performance for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. 5) Consideration of the Director's and Mgmt For For Supervisory Committee's fees (in the amount of Ps. 2,790,947,708 (Equivalent to US$15,230,274 according to the exchange rate information published by the Banco de la Nacion Argentina as of December 31, 2022.) for the Directors and Ps. 9,930,342 (Equivalent to US$54,190 according to the exchange rate information published by the Banco de la Nacion Argentina as of December 31, 2022.) for the Supervisory Committee) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. 6) Consideration of fees payable to the Mgmt For For Independent Auditor. 7) Appointment of Regular and Alternate Mgmt For For Directors. 8) Regular Independent Auditor and Alternate Mgmt For For Independent Auditor's appointment who shall render an opinion on the fiscal year's financial statements started on January 1, 2023. 9) Determination of fees payable to the Mgmt For For Regular Independent Auditor and Alternate Independent Auditor who shall render an opinion on the fiscal year's financial statements commenced on January 1, 2023. 10) Consideration of allocation of a budgetary Mgmt For For item for the Audit Committee's operation. 11) Consideration of capital stock reduction Mgmt For For and, in consequence, the cancellation of ordinary shares held in the Company and its subsidiary's treasury until the business day prior to the Shareholders' Meeting (upon dealing with this item, the Meeting will qualify as an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting). 12) Grant of authorizations to carry out the Mgmt For For proceedings and filings necessary to obtain the relevant registrations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETRA DIAMONDS LTD Agenda Number: 716163629 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G70278208 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 16-Nov-2022 Ticker: ISIN: BMG702782084 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 ACCEPT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND STATUTORY Mgmt For For REPORTS 2 APPROVE REMUNERATION REPORT Mgmt For For 3 REAPPOINT BDO LLP AS AUDITORS Mgmt For For 4 AMEND REMUNERATION POLICY AND COMPANY'S Mgmt Against Against 2021 PERFORMANCE SHARE PLAN 5 AUTHORISE BOARD TO FIX REMUNERATION OF Mgmt For For AUDITORS 6 RE-ELECT PETER HILL AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 7 RE-ELECT RICHARD DUFFY AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 8 RE-ELECT JACQUES BREYTENBACH AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 9 RE-ELECT VARDA SHINE AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 10 RE-ELECT OCTAVIA MATLOA AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 11 RE-ELECT BERNARD PRYOR AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 12 RE-ELECT DEBORAH GUDGEON AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 13 RE-ELECT ALEXANDRA WATSON AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 14 RE-ELECT JOHANNES BHATT AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 15 ELECT JON DUDAS AS DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 16 AUTHORISE ISSUE OF EQUITY Mgmt For For 17 AMEND COMPANY'S BYE-LAWS Mgmt For For 18 APPROVE REDUCTION OF SHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT Mgmt For For 19 AUTHORISE ISSUE OF EQUITY WITHOUT Mgmt For For PRE-EMPTIVE RIGHTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PGIM INVESTMENTS Agenda Number: 935765581 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 69346J106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 29-Mar-2023 Ticker: GHY ISIN: US69346J1060 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Class II Director: Kevin J. Mgmt For For Bannon 1.2 Election of Class II Director: Keith F. Mgmt For For Hartstein 1.3 Election of Class II Director: Grace C. Mgmt For For Torres 2. Ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Fund's independent registered public accountant for the fiscal year ending July 31, 2023. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGINN HF. Agenda Number: 716715389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X73266102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 07-Mar-2023 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000021301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON Mgmt Abstain Against COMPANY ACTIVITIES DURING THE PAST OPERATING YEAR 2 THE COMPANY'S ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mgmt For For FOR THE PRECEDING OPERATING YEAR TOGETHER WITH THE AUDITORS' REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL 3 A DECISION ON THE PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS AND Mgmt For For DISPOSAL OF THE PROFITS OR LOSSES OF THE PAST ACCOUNTING YEAR WILL BE MADE 4 THE BOARD'S PROPOSAL ON A REMUNERATION Mgmt Against Against POLICY SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE MEETING FOR APPROVAL 5 DECISION ON AUTHORISATION TO THE BOARD FOR Mgmt For For PURCHASE OF OWN SHARES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BOARD'S PROPOSAL THERETO 6 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF Mgmt For For ASSOCIATION, IF ANY HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. A) A PROPOSAL FOR AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 4 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, PROPOSAL ON SHARE CAPITAL REDUCTION BY A WAY OF CANCELLATION OF OWN SHARES 7 ELECTIONS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL Mgmt For For TAKE PLACE 8 ELECTION OF AUDITOR Mgmt For For 9 ELECTION OF MEMBERS IN THE NOMINATION Mgmt Against Against COMMITTEE, IF THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS HAS EXPIRED OR IF THE COMMITTEE MEMBER HAS RETIRED 10 DECISION ON REMUNERATION TO THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For DIRECTORS, THE WORKING PARTIES OF THE BOARD AND THE NOMINATION COMMITTEE FOR THE NEXT TERM 11 OTHER BUSINESS Mgmt Against Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REITIR FASTEIGNAFELAG HF Agenda Number: 716694547 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X7S93S105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 08-Mar-2023 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000020352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S REPORT ON THE COMPANY'S Mgmt Abstain Against ACTIVITIES FOR THE PRECEDING YEAR 2 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY FOR THE PRECEDING YEAR SUBMITTED FOR CONFIRMATION 3 DECISION ON PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS AND THE Mgmt For For DISTRIBUTION OF THE COMPANY'S NET PROFIT FOR THE PRECEDING YEAR 4.A BOARD OF DIRECTORS' PROPOSAL TO THE ANNUAL Mgmt For For GENERAL MEETING: PROPOSAL TO GRANT AN AUTHORISATION FOR BUY BACK OF SHARES ISSUED BY THE COMPANY 4.B BOARD OF DIRECTORS' PROPOSAL TO THE ANNUAL Mgmt For For GENERAL MEETING: PROPOSAL TO REDUCE THE COMPANY'S SHARE CAPITAL BY WAY OF CANCELLING THE COMPANY'S OWN SHARES 4.C BOARD OF DIRECTORS' PROPOSAL TO THE ANNUAL Mgmt Against Against GENERAL MEETING: PROPOSAL REGARDING THE COMPANY'S REMUNERATION POLICY 4.D BOARD OF DIRECTORS' PROPOSAL TO THE ANNUAL Mgmt For For GENERAL MEETING: PROPOSAL ON APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS IN THE NOMINATION COMMITTEE 5 ELECTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY 6 ELECTION OF AN AUDITOR OR AUDITING COMPANY Mgmt For For 7 DECISION ON REMUNERATION TO THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For DIRECTORS, THE SUB-COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD AND THE NOMINATION COMMITTEE FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR 8 OTHER MATTERS LAWFULLY SUBMITTED Mgmt Against Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMINN HF. Agenda Number: 716151686 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X78444100 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 26-Oct-2022 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000026193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 PROPOSAL FOR THE REDUCTION OF SHARE CAPITAL Mgmt For For BY PAYMENT TO SHAREHOLDERS AND AMENDMENT OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 2 OTHER MATTERS Mgmt Against Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMINN HF. Agenda Number: 716709968 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X78444100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 09-Mar-2023 Ticker: ISIN: IS0000026193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING MUST BE LODGED WITH SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting DETAILS AS PROVIDED BY YOUR CUSTODIAN BANK. IF NO SHAREHOLDER DETAILS ARE PROVIDED, YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REJECTED. 1 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON THE Mgmt Abstain Against COMPANY'S OPERATIONS DURING THE PAST YEAR OF OPERATION 2 CONFIRMATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL Mgmt For For STATEMENTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED AND PARENT COMPANY AND THE DECISION ON HOW TO HANDLE THE COMPANY'S PROFIT OR LOSS DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR 3 DECISION ON THE PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS Mgmt For For 4 ELECTION OF THREE INDIVIDUALS TO THE Mgmt For For NOMINATION COMMITTEE 5 ELECTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY 6 ELECTION OF A STATUTORY AUDITOR OR AUDIT Mgmt For For FIRM 7 PROPOSAL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON THE Mgmt Against Against COMPANY'S REMUNERATION POLICY 8 DECISION ON THE REMUNERATION TO THE MEMBERS Mgmt For For OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THEIR WORK AS WELL AS REMUNERATION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SUBCOMMITTEES AND THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE 9 STOCK OPTION PLAN FOR THE CEO, SENIOR Mgmt For For MANAGEMENT AND KEY EMPLOYEES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL 10 PROPOSAL TO REDUCE SHARE CAPITAL AND AMEND Mgmt For For THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 11 PROPOSAL TO REDUCE SHARE CAPITAL THROUGH Mgmt For For PAYMENT TO SHAREHOLDERS AND AMEND THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 12 PROPOSAL TO AUTHORIZE THE COMPANY TO Mgmt For For PURCHASE OWN SHARES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ART. ARTICLE 55 THE ACT ON PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANIES 13 PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES OF Mgmt For For ASSOCIATION 14 PROPOSALS FROM SHAREHOLDERS TO BE INCLUDED Mgmt Against Against IN THE AGENDA 15 OTHER MATTERS Mgmt Against Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TCS FINANCE DESIGNATED ACTIVITY COMPANY Agenda Number: 715858950 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G8697ZAB2 Meeting Type: BOND Meeting Date: 02-Aug-2022 Ticker: ISIN: XS2387703866 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN INFORMATIONAL Non-Voting MEETING, AS THERE ARE NO PROPOSALS TO BE VOTED ON. SHOULD YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE MEETING PERSONALLY, YOU MAY REQUEST AN ENTRANCE CARD. THANK YOU 1 THE ISSUER HAS CONVENED THE MEETING FOR THE Non-Voting PURPOSE OF ENABLING HOLDERS TO CONSIDER AND RESOLVE, IF THEY THINK FIT, TO PASS AN EXTRAORDINARY RESOLUTION, AS FURTHER DESCRIBED IN THE DOCUMENTATION CMMT 21 JUL 2022: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO POSTPONEMENT OF THE MEETING DATE FROM 18 JUL 2022 TO 02 AUG 2022. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELECOM ARGENTINA, S.A. Agenda Number: 935805145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 879273209 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2023 Ticker: TEO ISIN: US8792732096 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1) Appointment of two shareholders to sign the Mgmt For For Minutes of the Meeting. 2) Consider the documentation required by Law Mgmt For For No. 19,550 section234 subsection 1, the Comision Nacional de Valores ("CNV") Rules, and the Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos ("BYMA") Rules, as well as the financial documentation in English required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's rules and regulations, for the Company's thirty-fourth fiscal year, ended December 31, 2022("Fiscal Year 2022"). 3) Consider Retained Earnings as of December Mgmt For For 31, 2022, which amount to a negative balance of AR$207,832,672,505. Proposal: 1) Regarding the negative amount of AR$273,927,247,113 derived from the adjustment for the loss of the higher value assigned to the assets and liabilities identified and incorporated as of January 1, 2018 (effective date of the merger of Telecom Argentina and and Cablevision S.A.) which at that time led to the creation of the Contributed Surplus, to be reclassified to the Contributed ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 4) Consider the performance of the Members of Mgmt For For the Board of Directors and Members of the Supervisory Committee who have served during Fiscal Year 2022. 5) Consider the compensation for the Members Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors (allocated amount: AR$647,798,092) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, which reported a computable loss according to the terms of the CNV Rules. 6) Authorize the Board of Directors to pay Mgmt For For advances on fees to those Directors who during the fiscal year to end December 31, 2023 ("Fiscal Year 2023") serve as independent directors or perform technical-administrative tasks or perform special assignments (within the guidelines determined by the General Corporations Law and contingent upon what the Shareholders' Meeting resolves) 7) Consider the compensation to Members of the Mgmt For For Supervisory Committee corresponding to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. Proposed payment of the total amount of AR$49,171,773. 8) Authorize the Board of Directors to pay Mgmt For For advances on fees to those Members of the Supervisory Committee who serve during Fiscal Year 2023 (contingent upon what the Shareholders' Meeting resolves). 9) Elect five (5) regular Members of the Mgmt For For Supervisory Committee to serve during Fiscal Year 2023. 10) Determine the number of alternate Members Mgmt For For of the Supervisory Committee to serve during Fiscal Year 2023 and their election. 11) Determine the compensation of the Mgmt For For Independent Auditors who served during Fiscal Year 2022. 12) Appoint the Independent Auditors of the Mgmt For For financial statements for Fiscal Year 2023 and determine their compensation. 13) Consider the budget for the Audit Committee Mgmt For For for Fiscal Year 2023 (AR$34,667,454). 14) By virtue of the appointment of Mr. Ignacio Mgmt For For Cruz Moran as Director, made by the Supervisory Committee on February 28, 2023 pursuant to section 258, second paragraph, of Argentine General Corporations Law, consider the appointment of the Director to serve as from this Shareholders' Meeting and until the end of Fiscal Year 2023. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTADORA DE GAS DEL SUR S.A. Agenda Number: 935800842 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 893870204 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 19-Apr-2023 Ticker: TGS ISIN: US8938702045 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1) Appointment of two shareholders to sign the Mgmt For minutes of the meeting together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors and a Statutory Audit Committee member. 2) Consideration of the Annual Report, Mgmt For Financial Statements, Information Review and Information required by section 1, subsection a), article I, Chapter I of Title IV of the Rules of the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission (Comision Nacional de Valores) (New Text 2013), Auditor's Report and Statutory Audit Committee's Report, pursuant to section 234, subsection 1 of Law 19,550, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, and its English version. 3) Consideration of the allocation of the net Mgmt For income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. Consideration of the reversal of the balance of the "Reserve for capital expenditures, acquisition of treasury shares and/or dividends" set up by tgs' annual General and Special Meeting held on April 5, 2022. 4) Consideration of the performance of the Mgmt For Board of Directors members during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. 5) Consideration of fees to be paid to the Mgmt For Board of Directors members for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. 6) Consideration of the performance of the Mgmt For Statutory Audit Committee members during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. 7) Consideration of fees to be paid to the Mgmt For Statutory Audit Committee members for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. 8) Consideration of the Auditing Committee Mgmt For operating budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. 9) Determination of the number and appointment Mgmt Against of Regular Directors and Alternate Directors. 10) Consideration of the term of office of Mgmt Against Directors appointed as per item 9 on the agenda. 11) Appointment of two Statutory Audit Mgmt For Committee regular members and two Statutory Audit Committee alternate members by class A shareholders and appointment of one Statutory Audit Committee regular member and one Statutory Audit Committee alternate member by class B shareholders. 12) Consideration of the compensation of the Mgmt For independent auditors that certified the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. 13) Appointment of the regular and alternate Mgmt For independent auditors to certify the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. 14) Consideration of the approval of the Mgmt For extension of the Global Program for the Issue of Short and Medium Term Notes Non-Convertible into tgs Shares (the "Global Program") maturing on January 2024, for a five-year term or for the longest period of time permitted by applicable law. 15) Consideration of the increase for up to Mgmt For US$2,000,000,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies) of the Global Program, which current amount is US$ 1,200,000,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies). 16) Consideration of (i) the delegation to the Mgmt For Board of Directors of the widest powers to implement the extension and the increase of the amount of the Global Program. (ii) the delegation to the Board of Directors of the widest powers to establish all terms and conditions of the Global Program, as well as terms and conditions of the different classes and/or series of Notes to be issued under the Global Program (including, but not limited to, time, price, representation and payment conditions of the notes, ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WESTERN ASSET HIGH INC OPP FD INC. Agenda Number: 935780812 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 95766K109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 14-Apr-2023 Ticker: HIO ISIN: US95766K1097 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Class I Director to serve until Mgmt For For the 2026 Annual Meeting: Robert D. Agdern 1.2 Election of Class I Director to serve until Mgmt For For the 2026 Annual Meeting: Carol L. Colman 1.3 Election of Class I Director to serve until Mgmt For For the 2026 Annual Meeting: Daniel P. Cronin 2. To ratify the selection of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Fund's independent registered public accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023. * Management position unknown SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) Global Opportunities Portfolio By (Signature) /s/ Eric A. Stein Name Eric A. Stein Title President Date 08/24/2023