KALLISTO VENTURES, INC.
                            NEPTUNUS VENTURES, INC.
                          2000 HAMILTON STREET, #943
                            PHILADELPHIA, PA 19130
                           TEL/FAX: (215) 405-8018

November 3, 2010


Attention: Jerard T. Gibson, Attorney-Advisor
Division of Corporation Finance
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re:    Daedalus Ventures, Inc.
       Registration Statement on Form 10
       Filed September 23, 2010
       File No.: 000-54126

       Kallisto Ventures, Inc.
       Registration Statement on Form 10
       Filed September 23, 2010
       File No.: 000-54127

       Neptunus Ventures, Inc.
       Registration Statement on Form 10
       Filed September 23, 2010
       File No.: 000-54128

Dear Mr. Kluck:

This  letter  is in response to the comments contained in the Staff's letter to
Daedalus Ventures,  Inc.,  Kallisto Ventures, Inc. and  Neptunus Ventures, Inc.
(collectively  the  "Company"),   concerning   Form   10-12(g)  (the  "Original
Registration Statement"), and dated October 20, 2010 (the "Comment Letter"). We
have filed an amendment to the Original Registration Statement  ("Amendment No.
1")  concurrent  with  this  letter  incorporating  and/or  responding  to  the
requested changes.

The comments from the Comment Letter are repeated below and, for convenience of
reference, the number beside each of the following comments corresponds to  the
paragraph  numbering  indicated in the Comment Letter. Please note that we have
not changed the page numbers  in  the  headings  or  comments  from the Comment
Letter, but the page numbers referred to in our responses below  refer  to  the
enclosed Amendment No. 1.

       On behalf of the Company, the following are our responses to the Staff's


   1.  Please  note  that  the  Form 10 goes effective by lapse of time 60 days
       after the date filed pursuant  to  Section 12(g)(1) of the Exchange Act.
       Please be aware that you will be subject  to  the reporting requirements
       under Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act at such  time,  and that we will
       continue to review your filing on Form 10 until all of our comments have
       been addressed.


Item 1. Business

(b) Business of Issuer, page 1

   2.  You indicate in the risk factor at the top of page 5 that  there  exists
       significant  competition that could affect your ability to consummate  a
       successful  business   transaction.   With   a  view  towards  balancing
       disclosure, please discuss the reasons why a target  company would enter
       into  a  business  combination  with  the registrant. We note  that  the
       registrant has one shareholder. Please revise accordingly.

RESPONSE:  The Company has disclosed (in page  2  of  the  3rd  paragraph)  the
reasons  why  a private operating company would consider a business combination
with the Company in order to become public.

   3.  We note  your disclosure in the Directors and Executive Officers section
       regarding  currently  pending "blank check" companies established by Mr.
       Tay. Please supplement  your  current  disclosure  in  this  section  to
       clarify  if  Mr.  Tay  has  any  specific  experience involving business
       combinations with blank check/shell companies.

RESPONSE:  The Company has disclosed (in page 3 of  the 4th paragraph) that Mr.
Tay is not a professional business analyst and in all  likelihood  will  not be
experienced in matters relating to the target business opportunity. The Company
further  disclosed  that  Mr. Tay's inexperience and the fact that the analysis
and evaluation of a potential  business  combination  is  to be taken under his
supervision  may  adversely  impact  the  Company's  ability  to  identify  and
consummate a successful business combination. The Company has added  a new risk
factor, in page 5 of the last paragraph, to disclose this as well.

   4.  We  note  that  you  have  no  employees  and  that  Mr.  Tay  is solely
       responsible  for  both  generating  and  evaluating  potential  business
       combination leads. Please revise to explain, if true, that Mr. Tay  will
       provide all funds necessary to implement your business plan. Please also
       revise to clarify whether you have any funding alternatives in the event
       that  Mr.  Tay cannot provide additional funding. For instance, you note
       in the risk  factors  section that you have conducted no market research
       to  evaluate  any  potential   business   opportunities.   Explain  more
       specifically  how Mr. Tay plans to identify merger acquisition  targets.
       Please note that any known terms for such funding should be disclosed.

RESPONSE:  The Company has disclosed (in page 2 of the last paragraph) that Mr.
Tay has orally promised to provide the Company with additional funding in order
to implement its business  plan,  and  that  it  has no funding alternatives to
date. In addition, the Company also disclosed (in  page 3 of the 3rd paragraph)
how it plans to search for merger acquisition targets.

   5.  We note your risk factor disclosure and your disclosure elsewhere of Mr.
       Tay's engagement in outside business activities.  Please  add disclosure
       regarding  any  specific  conflicts  of  interest  involving  your  sole
       officer.  Please  also  disclose  the  nature  of  any  of  his business
       activities  that  possess  similar  investment  objectives  to you.  For
       example,  please  discuss  how  Mr. Tay will identify a target for  this
       registrant in relation to the other  similar blank check/shell companies
       where  he  is an officer, director or shareholder.  Please  discuss  any
       related conflicts of interest and how such conflicts will be resolved.

RESPONSE:  The Company  has  disclosed  (in  page  4  of  the  third paragraph)
conflicts  of  interest involving the Company's sole officer with  other  blank
check companies,  and  how  the  sole  officer  will  identify a target for the
Company in relation to the other similar blank check companies  where  he is an
officer, director or shareholder. The Company has also added a new risk factor,
entitled "There may be a conflict of interest between us and other blank  check
shell companies owned and managed by our sole officer and director" (in page  6
of  the  second  paragraph),  to  discuss  this  and how such conflicts will be

Form of Acquisition, page 3

   6.  Please revise in this section and elsewhere in your filing to provide an
       estimate of how much time you believe that  Mr.  Tay will devote to your

RESPONSE:  The  Company has disclosed in this section (in page  5  of  the  2nd
paragraph) and elsewhere, that Mr. Tay will devote approximately five (5) hours
per week to the Company's  business  until  the  acquisition  of  a  successful
business opportunity has been identified.

Item 1A.  Risk Factors, page 4.

   7.  Please  add  a  risk factor to disclose that there is substantial  doubt
       about your ability  to continue as a going concern. In this risk factor,
       please disclose the losses  you  have  incurred  and  your  net  working
       capital deficiency. Refer to Item 503{copyright} of Regulation S-K.

RESPONSE:   The  Company has added a new risk factor, entitled "Our independent
auditor has raised  doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern" (in
page 5 of the third paragraph  of  this  section)  to  disclose  that  there is
substantial  doubt  about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.
In this risk factor,  the  Company  also  disclosed  the losses the Company has
incurred and working capital deficit as at August 31, 2010.

"There may be conflicts of interest between our management  and non -management
stockholders{ellipsis}," page 4

   8.  The registrant appears to have one stockholder who owns  a  100%  of the
       common  stock  outstanding.  Please  revise  to discuss how this risk is
       applicable to your company or remove the risk factor.

RESPONSE:  The Company has removed that risk factor.  In its place, the Company
has added a new risk factor (in page 5 of the 1st paragraph  of  this section),
entitled  "Our  sole  officer  and  director  will  allocate his time to  other
business, thereby causing conflicts of interests in his determination as to how
much  time to devote to our affairs. This conflict of  interest  could  have  a
negative impact on our ability to consummate a business combination."

Item 2. Financial Information

Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation, page 9

   9.  You  indicate  that  you believe your treasury and additional funds from
       "stockholders, management or other investors" will provide the necessary
       funding to the company  to implement its business plan. Please revise to
       clarify, if true, that Mr.  Tay  is  the  only  source  of such funding.
       Alternatively, revise to identify other persons or sources that may help
       defray these costs.

RESPONSE:   The  Company  has  revised  this  section  (in page 11 of the  last
paragraph, and page 12 of the 3rd paragraph) to disclose that it depends on its
sole officer and director, Mr. Tay, to provide the necessary funds to implement
its business plan. The Company further discloses in this  section  that  it has
not contacted potential investors to help fund its business activities, and  it
has  not  entered  into  any  credit  facility  agreements  or  other financing

   10. Please  clarify,  if true, that you currently do not have any  money  in
       your treasury.

RESPONSE:  The Company has  revised  to disclose in this section (in page 12 of
the 3rd paragraph) that it has no money in its treasury.

   11. Please disclose whether the company  has  the  obligation  or  intent to
       reimburse the aforementioned funds.

RESPONSE:   The  Company has disclosed in this section (in page 11 of the  last
paragraph) that it  intents  to reimburse Mr. Tay for any loans he makes to the

   12. Please revise to discuss Mr. Tay's obligations, if any, to provide funds
       necessary to implement your business plan.

RESPONSE:  The Company has disclosed (in page 12 of the 3rd paragraph) that Mr.
Tay has verbally promised to provide  the Company with funding to implement its
business plan.

   13. We note your statement in paragraph  5  in  this  section  that you "may
       consider  a  business  which  has  recently commenced operations,  is  a
       development company in need of additional  funds  for expansion into new
       products or markets, is seeking to develop a new product  or service, or
       is  an  established  business  which  may  be experiencing financial  or
       operating   difficulties   and  is  in  need  of  additional   capital."
       Considering you do not have  any  funds,  please  clarify  how  you will
       provide start-up financing to a developing company or additional capital
       to a struggling company.

RESPONSE:   The Company has disclosed (in page 12 of the 5th paragraph) that  a
target business  may  seek a combination with the Company despite its financial
position, because a target  business  may  be  in  a better position, either to
conduct a future public offering of its securities,  or  to undertake a private
placement with registration rights, than if it were a privately  held  company.
The  Company  further discloses (in page 12 of the 7th paragraph) that it  will
have no cash or other assets to provide a target business, other than providing
a controlling interest  in  a  reporting  company  without the time required to
become a reporting company by other means.

Item 5. Directors, Executive Officers

A. Identification of Directors and Executive Officers, page 12

   14. Please revise your disclosure to reference specific activities conducted
       by Mr. Tay in the past five years and provide the specific dates that he
       began and ended with any of such entities where he was employed.

RESPONSE:  The  Company  has revised its disclosure (in  page  14  of  the  2nd
paragraph) to provide Mr.  Tay  business activities for the past five years and
also previously.

Item 6. Executive Compensation, page 13

   15. We note your disclosure that  you have not paid any cash remuneration to
       your  officer  and directors since  inception.  However,  we  note  your
       disclosure on page  14  that  you  paid  31,390,000 shares to Mr. Tay in
       consideration of his services founder services  rendered  to you. Please
       be  aware  that  the disclosure requested by Item 402 of Regulation  S-K
       applies to any type  of  compensation received by officers and directors
       from any source related to  their  activities  and  services provided to
       you.   Therefore,   please  revise  your  disclosure  to  provide   this
       information  or  advise   us   why   such   shares  are  not  considered

RESPONSE:  The Company has revised this entire section  (starting  in page 15),
and  included  a  "Summary  Compensation  Table,"  (in  page  16)  to  disclose
information  concerning  cash and non-cash compensation paid by the Company  to
its named executive officer,  Mr.  Tay.  The Company has also disclosed in this
section, the issuance of shares to Mr. Tay  for  his  services  in  forming the
Company and developing its business concept and plan.

Item 7. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, page 12

   16. Please  disclose  whether  Mr.  Tay paid any portion of the $3,139  that
       served as consideration for the shares he received. Refer to Item 404 of
       Regulation S-K.

RESPONSE:   The  Company has revised this  section  (in  page  16  of  the  2nd
paragraph of this  section) to quantify the amount of consideration paid by Mr.
Tay in exchange for  his shares.  The Company has also revised Item 10 (in page
17) with this disclosure.

   17. Please state the name of your promoter.

RESPONSE:  The Company  disclosed  in this section (in page 17) that it has not
had a promoter at anytime.

Item 9. Market for Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters, page 12

   18. Please  revise to discuss how  Rule  144  applies  to  your  outstanding
       shares. Refer to Item 201(a)(2)(ii) of Regulation S-K. Please also refer
       specifically to the application of Rule 144(i)

RESPONSE: The Company  has  disclosed in this section (in page 17 under Item 9)
how Rule 144 and Rule 144 (i) applies to the Company's outstanding shares.

Item 15. Financial Statements and Exhibits, page 26

   19. We note that you have  filled  a form of common stock purchase agreement
       as Exhibit 3.3 to this registration  statement.  Please file an executed
       copy of the agreement or tell is why it appropriate  to file the form of

RESPONSE:  The Company has filed, in Amendment No.1, an executed  copy  of  the
common stock purchase agreement as Exhibit 10.

       As requested, the Company hereby acknowledges that: (i) it is
responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in its filing with
the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission"); (ii) Staff comments
or changes to disclosure in response to Staff comments do not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to its filing; and (iii) the
Company may not assert Staff comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated
by the Commission or any other person under the federal securities law of the
United States.

       We  trust that you will find the foregoing responsive to the comments of
the Staff. Comments  or  questions regarding this letter may be directed to the

                                 Respectfully yours,

                                 Daedalus Ventures, Inc.,
                                 Kallisto Ventures, Inc. and
                                 Neptunus Ventures, Inc.

                                 /s/ William Tay
                                 By: William Tay
                                 Title: President and Director