Opportunity Partners L.P.
Park 80 West - Plaza Two, 250 Pehle Avenue, Suite 708
Saddle Brook, NJ 07663

March 30, 2015

Robert I. Frenkel
LMP Real Estate Income Fund Inc.
c/o Legg Mason
100 First Stamford Place, 6th Floor
Stamford, CT 06902

Dear Mr. Frenkel:

  We intend to solicit proxies in connection with the 2015 annual stockholder
meeting of LMP Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (the "Fund").

  We hereby request: (1) a record of all shareholders entitled to vote at the
2015 annual meeting setting forth their names and addresses and the number of
shares held by each shareholder, (2) with respect to those shares held in
street name, any information regarding beneficial owners that is or comes
into the possession of the Fund (or its agent) including but not limited to
a "Non Objecting Beneficial Owners" list, (3) a list of the depository
institutions of DTC (Cede) and the number of shares held by each depository
on behalf of its customers. Please provide this information as soon as it is
available to the Fund (or its agent). All of the foregoing should be in
precisely the same format as it was provided to the Fund (or its agent).

  We hereby affirm that we intend to use the requested information solely for
soliciting proxies in connection with the Fund's annual meeting and that we
have never sold or offered for sale any list of shareholders or aided or
abetted any person in procuring any such record of shareholders for any
improper purpose.

  We believe that the refusal to promptly provide us with the requested
information would constitute inequitable conduct and thereby be a breach of
fiduciary duty.

If you wish, you may email the requested information to us.  Thank you.

            						Very truly yours,

 							/S/ Phillip Goldstein

							Phillip Goldstein