UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 Form 13F FORM 13F COVER PAGE Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: MARCH 31, 2013 Check here if Amendment [_] Amendment Number: This Amendment (Check only one.): [_] is a restatement. [_] adds new holdings entries. Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report: Name: HENDERSHOT INVESTMENTS INC Address: 11321 TRENTON COURT BRISTOW, VIRGINIA 20136 13F File Number: 028-14734 The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form. Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager: Name: CHARLES L HENDERSHOT Title: TREASURER/CFO Phone: 703-361-6130 Signature, Place, and Date of Signing: CHARLES L BRISTOW, VIRGINIA 3/13/2013 HENDERSHOT [Signature] [City, State] [Date] Report Type (Check only one.): [X] 13F Holdings Report, (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.) [_] 13F Notice. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).) [_] 13F Combination Report. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).) List of Other Managers Reporting for this Manager: [If there are no entries in this list, omit this section.] Form 13F File Number Name NONE FORM 13F SUMMARY PAGE Report Summary: Number of Other Included Managers: 0 Form 13F Information Table Entry Total: 57 Form 13F Information Table Value Total: 129,245 (thousands) List of Other Included Managers: Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all institutional managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report. Form 13F File Number Names NONE Form 13F Information Table Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 ---------------------------- ------------- ----------- -------- ------------------ ---------- -------- ----------------------------- Value Shares/ Sh/ Put/ Investment Other Voting Authority Name of Issuer Title of CUSIP (x$1000) Prn Amt Prn Call Discretion Managers Sole Shared None Class ---------------------------- ------------- ----------- -------- --------- --- ---- ---------- -------- --------- --------- --------- 3M CO COM 88579Y-10-1 1,758 SH SOLE 15,996 630 16,626 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND COM G1151C-10-1 2,194 SH SOLE 27,908 970 28,878 ABBOTT LABS COM 002824-10-0 2,995 SH SOLE 82,788 2,000 84,788 ABBVIE INC COM 3,462 SH SOLE 82,888 2,000 00287Y-10-09 84,888 ALTRIA GROUP INC COM 02209S-10-3 2,367 SH SOLE 68,169 670 68,839 APPLE INC COM 037833-10-0 5,188 SH SOLE 11,337 383 11,720 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING IN COM 053015-10-3 784 SH SOLE 11,649 400 12,049 BAXTER INTL INC COM 071813-10-9 3,461 SH SOLE 46,810 840 47,650 BECTON DICKINSON & CO COM 075887-10-9 3,027 SH SOLE 30,428 1,230 31,658 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC DEL CL A 084670-10-8 313 SH 2 SOLE 2 - BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC DEL CL B NEW 084670-70-2 9,918 SH SOLE 92,642 2,540 95,182 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO COM 110122-10-8 1,090 SH SOLE 26,220 250 26,470 BROWN FORMAN INC CL B 115637-20-9 214 SH SOLE 2,846 156 3,002 BARD C R INC COM 067383-10-9 1,670 SH SOLE 16,075 495 16,570 C H ROBINSON WORLDWIDE INC COM NEW 12541W-20-9 1,859 SH SOLE 30,710 550 31,260 CANADIAN NATL RY CO COM 136375-10-2 255 SH SOLE 2,545 - 2,545 CHEVRON CORP NEW COM 166764-10-0 1,320 SH SOLE 10,997 110 11,107 CISCO SYS INC COM 17275R-10-2 3,699 SH SOLE 170,854 6,165 177,019 CLOROX CO DEL COM 189054-10-9 1,407 SH SOLE 15,331 565 15,896 COACH INC COM 189754-10-4 2,867 SH SOLE 55,330 2,025 57,355 COCA COLA CO COM 191216-10-0 1,786 SH SOLE 42,876 1,290 44,166 COMPUTER PROGRAMS & SYSTEMS COM 205306-10-3 1,854 SH SOLE 33,270 1,000 INC 34,270 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP COM 205363-10-4 920 SH SOLE 18,690 - 18,690 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIO CLA 192446-10-2 1,481 SH SOLE 18,000 1,335 19,335 EMERSON ELEC CO COM 291011-10-4 4,772 SH SOLE 83,189 2,215 85,404 EXPRESS SCRIPTS INC COM 302182-10-0 3,011 SH SOLE 49,438 2,825 52,263 EXXON MOBIL CORP COM 30231G-10-2 3,249 SH SOLE 35,052 1,005 36,057 FASTENAL CO COM 311900-10-4 408 SH SOLE 7,838 115 7,953 FLUOR CORP NEW COM 343412-10-2 2,425 SH SOLE 35,727 830 36,557 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP COM 369550-10-8 608 SH SOLE 8,360 265 8,625 GENUINE PARTS CO COM 372460-10-5 339 SH SOLE 4,261 90 4,351 GILEAD SCIENCES INC COM 375558-10-3 569 SH SOLE 11,130 500 11,630 GOOGLE INC CL A 38259P-50-8 3,402 SH SOLE 4,109 174 4,283 HORMEL FOODS CORP COM 440452-10-0 475 SH SOLE 11,062 425 11,487 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHS COM 459200-10-1 398 SH SOLE 1,844 20 1,864 INFOSYS LTD SPONSORED ADR 456788-10-8 549 SH SOLE 9,940 240 10,180 JOHNSON & JOHNSON COM 478160-10-4 5,667 SH SOLE 67,347 2,155 69,502 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP COM 494368-10-3 718 SH SOLE 7,065 260 7,325 MERCK & CO INC NEW COM 58933Y-10-5 409 SH SOLE 9,244 - 9,244 MICROSOFT CORP COM 594918-10-4 4,981 SH SOLE 168,593 5,535 174,128 NEWMONT MINING CORP COM 651639-10-6 1,773 SH SOLE 41,851 465 42,316 PAYCHEX INC COM 704326-10-7 4,436 SH SOLE 123,130 3,400 126,530 PEPSICO INC COM 713448-10-8 4,733 SH SOLE 58,194 1,630 59,824 PHILIP MORRIS INTL INC COM 718172-10-9 3,377 SH SOLE 36,027 400 36,427 PRICELINE COM INC COM NEW 741503-40-3 1,216 SH SOLE 1,692 74 1,766 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO COM 742718-10-9 2,300 SH SOLE 28,853 995 29,848 STRYKER CORP COM 863667-10-1 2,244 SH SOLE 33,135 1,265 34,400 SYSCO CORP COM 871829-10-7 1,905 SH SOLE 52,511 1,650 54,161 PRICE T ROWE GROUP INC COM 74144T-10-8 518 SH SOLE 6,330 595 6,925 TJX COS INC NEW COM 872540-10-9 822 SH SOLE 16,900 675 17,575 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC CL B 911312-10-6 5,458 SH SOLE 61,400 2,140 63,540 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP COM 913017-10-9 3,046 SH SOLE 31,327 1,280 32,607 VSE CORP COM 918284-10-0 615 SH SOLE 24,596 - 24,596 WAL MART STORES INC COM 931142-10-3 2,142 SH SOLE 27,706 915 28,621 WALGREEN CO COM 931422-10-3 4,613 SH SOLE 93,682 3,070 96,752 WESTERN UN CO COM 959802-10-9 914 SH SOLE 59,068 1,705 60,773 WESTWOOD HLDGS GROUP INC COM 961765-10-4 1,264 SH SOLE 28,085 370 28,455