Invest Today & Become Part-Owner.mp4 (2m 28s)
1 speaker (Speaker 1)

Speaker 1: Hi I'm Marlo Giudice and I'm the CEO and founder of Marlo's Bakeshop
 . I started the company in 2013 with a simple idea . I have unique recipe that
my grandmother had passed down to me and I wanted a way to share it with the
world . Today , that mission has evolved and Marlo's Bakeshop now exists to
nurture our customers and promote women's entrepreneurship with our wholesome
soft bakes biscotti and heirloom cookies . Our products are made exclusively
with organic and GMO free ingredients . They're allergy friendly and they have
30 % less sugar than the leading cookie per serving . Their global flavors like
sesame tahini and Mexican hot chocolate distinguish them in a competitive
category . But what makes them even more distinctive is that they're made from
secret family recipes , crowdsourced from social media . We celebrate these
diverse and authentic recipe origins right on our packaging . With one employee
 , I've grown the company double digits every year since inception . From one
caf on San Francisco to over 1000 points of distribution today that sell our
15 products ranging from grocery stores to gift shops to corporate offices like
Facebook , Uber and LinkedIn . Our sales have increased an average of 65 % for
the last two years and we've sold over two million cookies . We've accomplished
all of this while completely bootstrapping the business . That's why we're here
on Refunder to raise 350000 dollars to accelerate our growth . The capital we
raise will be allocated towards three key initiatives . One , toward strategic
marketing and promotional programs for our expanding distribution in the retail
channel . Two , it will help bring our line of crispy cookie bites to market
creating another day part opportunity for the Marlo's Bakeshop brand and to
capitalize on the growing indulgent snack trend . Three , it will be invested in
 digital marketing and optimizing the direct to consumer shopping experience on
Marlosbakeshop . Com . With this capital in play , we're projecting to more than
 double sales each year for 2019 and 2020 while attaining profitability . Our
talented sales team is led by Jeff Canner who is brought on board because of his
 extensive experience with emerging food brands . Jeff has a proven track record
 of growing brands to the point of their acquisition or exit . With your Refund
our invest you'll be partnering with us to help us achieve our goals through
2020 and beyond to our own acquisition . Please join us and become part owner .
Together , we can expand globally , support women as business owners , and bring
 the joy of eating clean all natural cookies to people all over the world .
Together , we can make Marlo's Bakeshop a household name