Speakeasy Fundraise - Updated.mp4 (2m 13s)
1 speaker ()

: Speakeasy is an incredible immersive experience where you're transported back

: 1920s. What we've done is we've created a fully realize club that would have e

: in San Francisco in 1923. You're free to explore as you would in life. It's

: like a choose your own adventure. You can go to any of these rooms. You

: can have a drink at the bar. You can actually gamble, or you can sit

: in the cabaret and watch a show. We ran the show in 2014. We did

: a five month run. We had incredible success. We had 75 performances. We comple

: out across the board. We actually got to the point, which is so exciting, we

: were sold out up to ten weeks in advance. We spent about $250,000 of which

: we had investors for. Not only did we make all the money back, but we

: also gave all our investors a 56% return, which we were very excited to do.

: Everything about this production is scaled up from the first production. We've

: little over 3,000 square feet to just under 10,000 square feet. We have a perm

: home. We have a long term lease. We're putting two million dollars into the ve

: It's everywhere from the wallpaper to the carpet to the tile in the bathroom f

: We want to create a very period authentic space that people can get lost in.

: It's like stepping back in time to another world. I think there's something ab

: telling you how you should live your life, and the rejection of that. The reje

: of saying, "No, you don't tell me how I live my life. I'm going to

: choose to live my life the way I want to." And the show that we

: we've been working on and creating has really taken that spirit and that idea;

: for me, the show is about enjoying the time that you have while you have

: it, enjoying the people that you're with. At the very least, have a drink and

: dance a little bit. Listen to some good music and enjoy this moment that we

: call life.
What people are saying about The Speakeasy.mp4 (1m 9s)
1 speaker ()

: It was a blast.

: Speak Easy was amazing.

: It was incredible. It was unique. It was fun.

: It was fantastic. Literally, fantastic.

: I just fell in love, as soon as I walked in. You forget where you

: are, and what time you're in. And you want to follow these characters, these p

: that you're invested in now.

: There's more going on with the personalities, the story, the anger, the hatred

: the fun, the feminism.

: Everything's immaculate. The details are amazing.

: There's a bunch of costume ideas that I really, now.

: You get to dress up. You get to have a lot of fun. You get

: to be a part of something is from a century ago.

: Doo, doo, doo, doo.

: They were awesome. The drinks were incredible.

: Loved the cocktails.

: The cocktails were great. I got to say, prohibition cocktail?

: The drinks were so good.

: Go.

: Go.

: [inaudible 00:01:02]

: To the Speak Easy.

: Onward to the Speak Easy.
The Speakeasy Teaser Final HD.mp4 (36s)
3 speakers (Speaker 1, Speaker 2, Speaker 3)

Speaker 1: How did you find this place?

Speaker 2: I don't know. Someone gave me a card. It just said, "From a friend."

Speaker 1: A friend? Did you know the guy who gave you the card?

Speaker 2: No.

Speaker 1: No? Is it ... Do you think it's legal?

Speaker 2: I don't know.

Speaker 3: Right this way. We've been expecting you.
First look Speakeasy chorus.mp4 (1m 35s)
3 speakers (Singers, Speaker 2, Speaker 3)

Singers: I'll build a stairway to paradise with a new step everyday.

Speaker 2: This show was unlike any show I've ever directed, it's a super innova

Speaker 3: When the audience interacts with the show, they're really gonna be st

Singers: Shoes go on and carry me there. I'll build a stairway to paradise with

Speaker 2: Stairway to paradise is meant to be a nod to very, very classic, say
field kind of movements. So I borrow classic steps and then I think about what f
ormations I want there to be and what stage pictures I want there to be and what

Speaker 3: Particularly to be a woman at that time period, you know, is revoluti

Speaker 2: Skirts are getting shorter.

Speaker 3: You have this just idea of really seeing the female form being expres
sed in a totally new way. We see this kind of beginning of the woman's revolutio
n, and we still have decades to go but I think it really starts in the twenties.

Singers: I'll build stairway to paradise with a new step everyday, with a new st