The Money Market Portfolios
File No. 811-07038

EXHIBIT ITEM: Copies of any material amendments to the registrant's
charter or by-laws Amendment Effective February 1, 2018
To the By-Laws of
The Money Market Portfolios (the "Trust")

WHEREAS, Article VIII, Section 2 of the By-Laws provides that the By-Laws
may be amended by the Board of Trustees; and

WHEREAS, by resolutions adopted October 24, 2017 at a meeting of the
Board of Trustees of the Trust, the Board of Trustees unanimously
authorized the By-Laws to be amended as set forth below.

NOW THEREFORE, the By-Laws are hereby amended as follows:

1.	ARTICLE VII, Sections 3, 4 and 6 are replaced in their
entirety with the following:

*  *  *  *  *  *

Section 3.	CERTIFICATES FOR SHARES.  No certificate or certificates
for Shares shall be issued to Shareholders and no Shareholder shall
have the right to demand or require that a certificate for Shares be
issued to it.  The Trust shall adopt and use a system of issuance,
recordation and transfer of its shares by electronic or other means.
Section 4.	LOST CERTIFICATES.  No new certificate for Shares shall
be issued to replace an old certificate that is surrendered to the Trust
for cancellation.  In case any Share certificate or certificate for any other
security is lost, stolen, or destroyed, such certificate shall be
cancelled and the ownership of an uncertificated Share shall be
recorded upon the books of the Trust, on such terms and conditions as the
Board may require, including a provision for indemnification of the Board
and the Trust secured by a bond or other adequate security sufficient to
protect the Trust and the Board against any claim that may be made against
either, including any expense or liability on account of the alleged loss,
theft, or destruction of the certificate.
*  *  *  *  *  *

Section 6.	TRANSFERS OF SHARES.  Shares are transferable,
if authorized by the Declaration of Trust, only on the record books
of the Trust by the Person in whose name such Shares are registered,
or by his or her duly authorized attorney-in-fact or representative.
Upon receipt of proper transfer instructions from the registered owner
of certificated Shares, and upon the surrender for cancellation of such
certificates representing the number of Shares to be transferred with an
assignment and power of transfer endorsed thereon or attached thereto, duly
executed, with such proof of the authenticity of the signature as the
Trust or its agents may reasonably require, the Trust shall cancel the old
certificate and record the transaction and ownership of uncertificated
Shares upon the books of the Trust.  Upon receipt of proper transfer
instructions from the registered owner of uncertificated Shares, such
uncertificated Shares shall be transferred on the record books to the
Person entitled thereto.  The Trust, its transfer agent or other duly
authorized agents may refuse any requested transfer of Shares, or request
additional evidence of authority to safeguard the assets or interests of
the Trust or of its Shareholders, in their sole discretion.  In all cases
of transfer by an attorney-in-fact, the original power of attorney, or
an official copy thereof duly certified, shall be deposited and remain
with the Trust, its transfer agent or other duly authorized agent.
In case of transfers by executors, administrators, guardians or other
legal representatives, duly authenticated evidence of their authority shall
be presented to the Trust, its transfer agent or other duly authorized
agent, and may be required to be deposited and remain with the Trust,
its transfer agent or other duly authorized agent.

Adopted and approved as of October 24, 2017 by the Board of Trustees.

/s/ Steven J. Gray__________

Steven J. Gray

Assistant Secretary