United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C. 20549

Notice of Exempt Solicitation
Pursuant to Rule 14a-103

Name of the Registrant:
Arlington Asset Investment Corp.

Name of Person Relying on Exemption:
VA Property 1 LLC (1,350,000 shares of AAIC Common Stock)

Address of Persons Relying on Exemption:
240 W Main St, Suite 100
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Written Material:
Response to Board Opposition Letter (Request for Clarification)

Voluntary Submission; No Proxy Solicitation; All Statements Opinions:
Written materials are submitted pursuant to Rule 14a-6(g)(1)
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Submission is not required of this filer under the terms
of the Rule, but is made voluntarily in the interest of
public disclosure and consideration of these important issues.
This is not a solicitation of authority to vote any
shareholder?s proxy, and proxy cards will not be
accepted if sent. Shareholders should read the company?s
proxy statement (available for free on
the SEC EDGAR website), as it contains important information.
The contents of this letter
should be viewed exclusively as the subjective opinions of
the proponent, and not as any citation of objective fact.

Request for Clarification

To the Board of Arlington Asset,

In reference to your letter opposing the liquidation
proposal, it seems that the Board has conveyed some
mixed messaging, which we fear may confuse
shareholders as they evaluate a potential liquidation.

On one hand, and despite Q4 book value?s 84% premium
to the April 14th closing price,  the letter expresses
your view that the company will achieve greater value
as a going concern than in a liquidation.

On the other, since the initial submission of the
liquidation proposal on August 4th  , one of the
Board?s own members (CEO Rock Tonkel) has purchased
over $270,000 worth of AAIC common stock.

At the time the liquidation proposal was first
submitted, Mr. Tonkel had not purchased a single
AAIC share in nearly seven months. Immediately
thereafter, however, he appears to have made
six purchases over an eight month period, with
the first such trade occurring less than one week
after receipt of the liquidation proposal.

To clarify, we do not allege that these trades were
in any way improper, and specifically disclaim
any such implication.

Having said that, and all else held equal, we
believe your colleague?s sudden interest in AAIC
stock ? beginning just after receipt of the proposal ?
would appear generally inconsistent with
your alleged view that a liquidation might reduce
shareholder value.

Insofar as actions may speak louder than words,
perhaps the Board could reconcile this apparent
contradiction for shareholders, as the CEO?s
views on the merits of a liquidation might bear
significantly on their voting considerations.







