Entrex Carbon Offset Company, LLC 	150 East Palmetto Park, Suite 800 Boca Raton, FL 33432 April 25, 2023 Division of Corporation Finance Securities and Exchange Commission Washington D.C. 20549 VIA EDGAR Form 1A/w Re: Entrex Carbon Offset Company, LLC Form 1A Filed April 3, 2023 File No. 024-12205 To whom it may concern: Pursuant to our discussion regarding the Entrex Carbon Offset Company s (the Company) Form 1A filing as indicated above, please be advised that we hereby respectfully request withdrawal of the above-mentioned filing pursuant to rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Act). The Company understood, potentially incorrectly through counsel, that the response to the comments provided by the SEC were to be filed again once amended. We now understand the document was superfluous and should be filed via correspondence with the assigned SEC representative. Accordingly, the Company respectfully requests that the SEC grant an order permitting withdrawal of the aforementioned documents and declare the withdrawal effective as soon as feasibly possible. Be assured that no securities have been sold by the entity discussed herein. Please contact this office with any additional questions in this regard. Sincere Regards, /SWatkins/ Stephen H. Watkins Chief Executive Officer Entrex Carbon Offset Company, LLC (954) 856-6659