- Benefits Overview
Filing Search
- Filing Alerts
- Annual Reports
- ADV & 13F Screeners
Search SEC EDGAR filings by keyword, phrase, company, filing type, date, or advanced combinations. Quickly find the information you need to make better investment decisions. Use it above right now.
Find out which companies mention a technology, material, ingredient, process or other term the most, and whether it’s trending more or less popular over time. Simply perform any filings search, then click the Filing Analysis tab to access the company and date analysis.
Stay up-to-date on the technologies, themes and other investment ideas that matter to you. With CapEdge’s Favorite Search feature, you can save important searches and get email alerts for new SEC filings that match.
Search all 200,000 companies in the EDGAR database by name, stock ticker or 10-digit CIK.
CapEdge remembers and displays your search history so you don’t forget that great investment idea from yesterday. You can also favorite individual companies, annotate filings and create private or shared notes.
Search and filter millions of SEC filings without complex forms. Just type what you want to search for and CapEdge will recognize what you mean, whether it’s a filing type, company ticker, date or keyword. Power users can even get down and dirty with advanced boolean queries like AND, OR, and NOT.
Search for a keyword and the results display filing extracts with the matched words highlighted. Click on a result to view the full filing, and matched keywords are automatically highlighted in the filing content.