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The CapEdge search recognizes the following concepts:
If you search for multiple terms, e.g. multiple words and a filing type and a company ticker, the search will find filings that match all of the specified terms. For example, a search for cruise pacific 8-K 2018 will return filings that must contain the keywords cruise and pacific, must be an 8-K filing, and also must be filed in 2018.
However, if you search for multiple terms of the same concept, e.g. multiple filing types or multiple companies, the results will contain filings that match either. For example, if the previous query was updated to cruise pacific 8-K 10-Q 2016 2018 then while the matched filings must still contain the terms cruise and pacific, they can now be either one of 8-K or 10-Q, and filed in either 2016 or 2018.
You can also specifically tell the search how to query for multiple words, by using the special uppercase words AND, OR and NOT, along with brackets if needed. For example, while the default search for cruise pacific returns filings that contain both terms, you can use OR to search for cruise OR pacific, which returns filings that match either word. Remember to type these special words in uppercase.
As a more complex example, 2015-2018 10-Q AAPL MDB (database OR encryption) NOT hack searches for filings that match the following criteria:
By default, when you search for a word, CapEdge will also attempt to match variations of that word. A search for luxurious watches, for example, will match filings that include luxury and the singular watch. This usually gives the best results in terms of matching filings to your search.
It does this by reducing all words to their root form, but sometimes you want to match the original exact term. For example, searches for engineering, engineers and engines will all return similar results because they share the same root word (engine), but they have different meanings. In this case, put quotes around the words or phrases to search for them exactly: compare search results for engineering with "engineering".
You can also use a proximity search to find words near each other. Add a tilde character (~) followed by a number after any quoted phrase search to find the phrase words within that number of words of each other. For example, "gas volume"~2 will search for the words gas and volume with up to 2 words in between.
A filing is made up of multiple files, or a main file and additional exhibits. When your search includes a keyword or phrase, we search the text of every file/exhibit for a match, so you may see multiple results from the same filing in the results – these will have the exhibit number displayed under them, e.g. EX-99.1 so that you can identify different exhibits from the same filing.
When your search doesn’t include a keyword, for example you’re just searching by a company and filing type, like SHOP 6-K, the search will return only the one main filing file from each filing, so that you only see each filing listed once in the results.
Click the Filing Analysis tab on any search results page to view a high-level analysis of the corpus of results: how they are distributed by company, filing type and filing date. This is a useful way to research technologies or themes, for example, by viewing which companies mention them the most, or how interest in them has changed over time.