The CapEdge data charts let you plot and compare up to five years of detailed financial data for a company. Click the Data tab on a company dashboard to access the financial data charts for that company.
The metrics list displays all financial metrics that have been submitted by the company in the last five years. Next to each metric is a list of segments that can be plotted for that metric, e.g. by geography or corporate department. Click the checkbox next to a metric to plot the value. Metrics often only have a single segment, named Default, that displays the default (total) data for that metric. Note that metrics may be available for differing date ranges, or a single date, depending on what data the company has filed for each over the last five years.
Use the filter at the top of the metrics list to narrow-down the list of metrics by name, e.g. type Revenue to list all metrics with Revenue in their name.
When you select a metric, it will display in the chart and chart key. If data is available for multiple periods, e.g. Quarterly and Annual, you can use the buttons in the chart keys to choose the period. Metrics that don’t display a period in the chart key are point in time measurements, rather than a measurement for a quarter or year. For example, Assets is typically measured as a total figure at any particular time, rather than a quarterly or annual value.
To remove a metric from chart, either uncheck the checkbox in the metrics list, or click the icon in the key list. The Clear button above the chart will remove all metrics and clear the chart.
Click the Plot relative toggle switch to change all plotted metrics to relative values. This plots all metrics on a scale of percentage change, starting at a zero value for the first available figure. This allows you to more easily compare the relative growth of metrics from different scales or units, e.g. to compare how revenues have changed relatively to costs over time.
Click the Compare to link in the metrics list to compare any other company to the current company. Each may have filed different sets of metrics – click the Common only button under the metrics filter to display only metrics that are available for both companies.
Click the Stock price toggle switch to include stock prices in the charts. Stock prices also respond to the Plot relative toggle so that you can compare the relative change in stock price to any other metrics.
Click the Download data button above the chart to download a CSV file of all data currently plotted on the charts.
The data comes directly from SEC company filings, specifically the XBRL data files that are commonly filed with 10-Q, 10-K, and other routine financial reports. We aggregate data from up to five years of filings for each company, using the latest figure for a metric if there are differing values, e.g. a subsequent 10-K/A amended value will override a previous 10-K value.
Apart from a limited number of U.S. GAAP metrics, companies are free to choose their own names for metrics, and how they do or do not break down a metric into segments of data, e.g. by geography or product-line. Companies can also be inconsistent about naming metrics from one year to the next, so they may use one metric name until 2017, then a different name after that. At the moment we do not attempt to map or normalize these inconsistent names.
In quarterly reports, companies often report values for the financial year up to that quarter, e.g. the first 3 months for Q1, the first 6 months for Q2, and the first 9 months for Q3. In order to present more useful and consistent quarterly data, we interpolate quarterly data from the difference in these periods when it is not available. For example, the second quarter financials can be interpolated by subtracting the value for the first 3 months from the first 6 months. Interpolated values are highlighted in yellow on the charts to show they have been calculated by CapEdge, and not filed directly by the company.
Financial statements – income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements – are automatically created from the raw data ("XBRL") filed in financial reports. Every company files slight variations on the same metrics, which can sometimes include their own proprietary metric definitions. They can also use the wrong metric names to file a similar but incorrect item of data.
We use the official FASB XBRL US-GAAP Reporting Taxonomy to map all standard GAAP metrics to the same line-items in the financial statements you see on CapEdge. This means that while most of the commonly filed top-level metrics are usually accurate and consistent with the published earnings reports (e.g. Revenue, EPS, Net Income, Assets, Liabilities, Cash Position, Cash Flow), you should be aware of the following:
The cash burn rate is estimated based on data from the company's previous financial reports, and doesn't take account of any filings or fundraising since the last report, e.g. additional sale of securities.
The estimated burn rate is calculated using three different techniques:
Depending on the availability of historic data, we calculate each of the above burn rates twice: