Select Bancorp, Inc. (the “Registrant” or the “Company”) (formerly New Century Bancorp, Inc.) was incorporated under the laws of the State of North Carolina on May 14, 2003, at the direction of the Board of Directors of Select Bank & Trust Company (formerly New Century Bank), for the purpose of serving as the bank holding company for Select Bank & Trust Company (“Select Bank” or the “Bank”) and became the holding company for the Bank on September 19, 2003. On July 25, 2014, New Century Bancorp, Inc. and New Century Bank changed their names to Select Bancorp, Inc. and Select Bank & Trust Company, respectively. This was in conjunction with the merger with “Legacy” Select Bancorp, Inc. and Select Bank & Trust Company of Greenville, NC. On December 15, 2017, the Registrant acquired Premara Financial, Inc. (“Premara”) and its banking subsidiary Carolina Premier Bank (“Carolina Premier”) of Charlotte, North Carolina.
The Registrant operates for the primary purpose of serving as the holding company for its subsidiary depository institution, Select Bank & Trust Company. The Registrant’s headquarters is located at 700 West Cumberland Street, Dunn, North Carolina 28334.
The Bank was incorporated on May 19, 2000 as a North Carolina-chartered commercial bank, opened for business on May 24, 2000, and has its main office located at 700 West Cumberland Street, Dunn, North Carolina.
The Bank operates for the primary purpose of serving the banking needs of individuals and small to medium-sized businesses in its market area. The Bank offers a range of banking services including checking and savings accounts, commercial, consumer, mortgage and personal loans, and other associated financial services.
Primary Market Area
The Registrant’s market area consists of portions of central, eastern, and western North Carolina which includes Alamance, Brunswick, Carteret, Cumberland, Harnett, Jackson, Macon, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Pasquotank, Pitt, Robeson, Sampson, Wake and Wayne counties, portions of northwestern South Carolina in Cherokee and York counties and the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. The Bank’s main office is in Dunn, North Carolina, and it has branch offices in Burlington, Charlotte, Clinton, Cornelius, Elizabeth City, Fayetteville, Franklin, Goldsboro, Greenville, Highlands, Holly Springs, Leland, Lillington, Lumberton, Morehead City, Raleigh, Sylva, and Wilmington, North Carolina. The Bank’s South Carolina branch offices are located in Rock Hill and Blacksburg, South Carolina. The Bank’s Virginia branch office is located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The Bank also has loan production offices in Wilson, Durham, and Winston-Salem, North Carolina.The Registrant’s market area has a population of over 4.7 million with an average household income of over $53,000.
Total deposits in the Registrant’s market area exceeded $395 billion at June 30, 2020, which is the latest date for which FDIC Summary of Deposit survey data is available. The leading economic components of Alamance County, North Carolina, are healthcare and education with the largest employers being LabCorp, the public school system, the Alamance Regional Medical Center and Elon University. Brunswick County North Carolina’s leading industries are education, public administration and energy, with the County of Brunswick Education Board and Government, and Duke Energy as the top employers. In Carteret County, North Carolina, public services are the leading economic factors such as education, health services and public administration (the leading employers) followed by major retailers including Lowes Home Improvement, Walmart, and Food Lion. Cumberland County, North Carolina’s leading sector is the Department of Defense with extensions of the Army, Navy and Air Force located there, followed by Cumberland County School System, Cape Fear Valley Health Systems, and a Goodyear tire manufacturer. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Fayetteville Technical Community College also employ over 1,000 each in Cumberland County. In Harnett County, North Carolina, a top economic sector is education including top employers Harnett County Schools and Campbell University, while other large employers include Food Lion distribution center, public administration, Betsy Johnson Memorial Hospital, Walmart and a Carlie C’s Operation center. Jackson County, North Carolina houses prominent employers in education and healthcare, including Western Carolina University, Jackson County Schools, DLP Partner Medwest, and