Q: Will the combined company retain PotlatchDeltic pay and benefits?
A: The HR team is working on making sure we have a seamless payroll and benefits transition process as well as a meaningful orientation plan for new employees. The transition to PotlatchDeltic compensation and benefit plans is expected to occur during 2023.
Q: Can I reach out to the people I know at CatchMark to talk about the transaction?
A: Until the transaction closes, PotlatchDeltic and CatchMark will continue to operate separately. This means you must interact with CatchMark employees only as you normally would with any other competitor. Any conversations outside the normal course of business must be cleared by our Law Department.
Q: What does this announcement mean for customers?
A: This announcement will have no impact on the way we do business with our customers, and we will continue to deliver the high-quality products and services that our customers have come to expect from PotlatchDeltic. In fact, we believe that this transaction will expand our customer base.
Q: What can I say to customers, contractors, and suppliers about this transaction?
A: We will be contacting companies with whom we have business relationships to inform them about this exciting announcement – in person, via calls and/or formal letters. Each senior management team leader will manage that process within their organization.
Employees should refer any inquiries to our website for detailed information about the announcements.
Q: Who can I contact if I have more questions?
A: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or HR representative.
Q: What should I do if I get a call from the media or a community leader?
A: If you receive a call from the media, please ask them to call Anna Torma at 509-835-1558. If the call is from a community leader, please direct them to our website. If they have additional questions, please direct them to Anna Torma.