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abandon, Abernathy, abetting, ability, abound, abreast, abroad, absent, absorbed, absorption, abstain, academic, Acasti, accelerating, accessibility, accessible, accessing, accessory, accidental, accomplished, accruing, accuracy, acid, acknowledged, acknowledgment, ACMPR, acquire, acquired, acquiring, activated, active, actively, Activewear, activity, adapt, added, Adding, addition, additional, addressable, addtionnal, adequacy, adhere, adherence, adjacent, adjust, adjusted, adjustment, administered, administration, administrative, adult, adulterant, adulterated, adulteration, advance, advantage, adverse, adversely, adversly, advertising, advice, advisory, advocate, affiliate, affirmative, afford, afforded, AG, AGCO, age, agency, aggregate, aggressive, aggressively, agreed, agreement, agric, agricultural, agriculture, Agrix, AI, Aid, aiding, AIF, aimed, Air, Aker, al, Alberta, alcohol, alcoholic, alderman, alleged, allegedly, alleging, altered, alternative, altogether, amalgamated, America, American, amortization, amount, amounted, Amy, analytical, analyzing, animal, ANN, annexed, anniversary, announced, announcement, anonymously, answering, Antarctic, anticipate, anticipated, antioxidant, App, apparent, appeal, appealed, appealing, applied, apply, applying, appointed, appointment, approach, approximate, approximately, April, aproximately, arbitral, arbitration, architect, arise, arisen, arising, arm, Armstrong, aromatherapy, Arrange, arranged, arrangement, arranging, array, article, artificial, ascertained, Assemb, assert, asset, assigned, assist, Assistant, assisted, assisting, assumed, astaxanthin, asthaxanthin, ATM, attack, attention, attorney, attract, attractive, attributed, August, automatically, automation, average, avoid, avoiding, award, awarded, aware, Bachelor, back, background, backlog, bank, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, banned, bar, Beat, BeatTM, beauty, began, begin, beginning, begun, belief, belonging, beneficial, beneficially, beverage, biannually, Bike, Bill, billion, Biodroga, biological, BioMarine, black, blended, blending, block, blocking, Blowing, blue, body, bone, book, borrow, borrowing, bottle, Bourse, boutique, brain, Branch, brand, branded, branding, breach, breadth, breaking, breastfed, breastfeeding, breed, Brewery, brightest, bringing, British, broad, broader, broadly, brought, Brunswick, BTS, Buaron, budget, build, building, bulk, bullet, burden, buy, caffeine, CAGR, calculated, California, camelia, Cammarata, Canada, Canadian, cancelled, Candidate, cannabidiol, cannabinoid, Canopy, cap, capacity, capsule, card, care, career, carefully, Carolina, carrier, case, cash, catastrophic, category, causation, cautioning, CBC, cbd, CDN, CDSA, cease, ceased, ceasing, celebrity, cent, center, certainty, certificate, certification, certified, Cetero, CFR, cGMP, ch, chain, Chair, chairman, chairperson, challenge, challenged, challenging, chance, channel, characterized, charge, charged, charlotte, chemical, chemically, chemistry, chia, chief, children, choice, choose, CIBC, circular, circulation, cited, civil, claim, claimed, claiming, clarification, clarifying, clarity, classification, classified, cleaner, cleaning, clear, clearance, cleared, climbed, clinical, clinically, CNBC, coconut, codified, cofounded, coincided, cold, Cole, collaboration, collaborative, collect, collection, collectivelly, collectively, College, Columbia, Column, combination, combined, combining, commence, commenced, comment, commerce, commercial, commercialization, commercialize, commercialized, commercializing, commercially, commissioner, Commitee, commitment, committed, commodity, commonly, comp, comparable, compare, compensation, compete, competent, competing, competition, competitive, competitor, complained, complaint, complex, complexity, compliant, component, composition, comprehensive, comprised, compromise, compromised, computer, computerized, Computershare, concentrated, concentration, conclusively, Concordia, condition, confectionary, conferred, confidence, confidential, confidentiality, confidentially, Confirmation, confirmed, conflict, conformity, confusion, conjunction, Conover, consecutive, conservation, conservationist, consideration, conspiracy, constantly, constituent, constitute, construction, consultant, consultation, Consulting, consume, consumed, consumer, consummate, consumption, contamination, contemplated, contemplating, content, context, contingent, continual, continually, continue, continued, continuing, contract, contracting, contraction, contractor, contractorsa, contrast, contravention, Convention, conventional, Conversely, conversion, convert, converted, coordination, copy, core, correction, corruption, cosmetic, cost, costly, counsel, count, counterclaim, coupled, court, coverage, Cowen, CPA, CPAB, crafted, create, created, creating, creative, credit, crime, criminal, critical, crop, crown, crude, CSA, CTO, cultivate, cultivated, cultivating, cultivation, cultivator, culture, cum, cumulative, currency, curtailment, customary, customer, customize, customized, cyber, cyclical, DACF, daily, damage, damaged, David, de, DEA, deal, Dealer, dealing, death, debit, debt, December, decide, decided, deciding, decision, declaration, declare, declared, declaring, decline, declined, decrease, decreased, deducted, deductible, deducting, deduction, deem, deemed, deemphasize, defect, defective, defend, defending, defense, deferred, Delaware, delay, delegated, deliberating, deliver, delivered, delivery, demand, demanding, demonstrated, demonstrating, denied, denominated, department, depend, dependence, dependent, depending, deposit, deprive, Dept, Deputy, derive, derived, des, description, desirable, desired, dessert, destruction, deter, develop, developed, developing, development, device, devote, devoted, DHA, diagnostic, diet, dietary, differentiate, differentiated, difficult, difficulty, digestive, digital, diluted, dilution, direct, directed, directing, direction, directly, director, Directorate, disadvantage, disadvantaged, disagree, disaster, discharge, discovery, discretion, disease, disposal, disproportionately, dispute, disputing, disrupt, disruption, dissolution, dissolve, distillate, distinction, distinguish, distribute, distributed, distribution, distributor, distributorship, diversified, diversion, divert, dividend, division, docket, docosahexaenoic, doctorate, document, documentation, dollar, domestic, domestically, donated, dosing, double, doubt, downgrading, dozen, Dr, DraxImage, dried, drink, driven, driver, drought, drug, dry, DSHEA, DSU, du, duration, Dutchman, dyslexia, earlier, earliest, earned, earnout, earthquake, easier, easily, EBITDA, echoing, economic, ECSentisalsTM, edgar, edible, educate, education, Edward, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, eicosapentaenoic, eighteen, elderly, electricity, elevated, eliminate, eliminated, email, employed, employee, employing, enable, enacted, enacting, enactment, encapsulation, energy, enforce, enforceability, enforceable, enforced, enforcement, enforcing, engineer, engineering, enhance, enhanced, enlarged, ensure, ensuring, entail, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, enthusiast, entirety, entourage, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial, entry, environment, environmental, EPA, equipment, equipped, equity, equivalence, equivalent, escrow, espoused, essential, Esslingen, estate, estimate, estimated, estimating, estimation, ethanol, ethyl, EtOH, EU, Euphasia, Euro, European, event, evidence, evidentiary, evolution, evolve, evolving, exacerbated, exceed, exceeding, excise, exclude, excluded, exclusive, exclusively, exclusivity, exempt, exempted, exemption, exercise, exercised, exhaustive, exist, existence, existing, exited, expand, expanded, expansion, expend, expense, expensive, experience, experienced, experiencing, expertise, expiration, expire, expiring, expiry, explained, Explanatory, explicit, explicitly, exploit, explosion, export, exportation, exporting, expose, exposed, exposure, expressed, expressly, extensive, extent, extract, extracted, extracting, extraction, extractor, face, facilitate, facilitated, facility, facto, factual, factum, Faculty, fail, failed, failing, failure, fair, faith, fall, false, family, Farm, farming, fast, faster, fastest, fatty, favor, favorable, favour, favourable, FCAA, FCEN, fda, FDCA, Feb, federal, federally, Fellow, Fever, fiduciary, field, Fifty, Fiji, final, finalist, finance, financing, fire, fish, fit, fix, fixed, flagship, flaxseed, fledgling, Flex, flexible, FlexTM, flood, flourish, flow, flower, flowering, fluctuate, fluctuation, focused, focusing, FocusTM, food, foot, foothold, force, forecast, forecasted, foreseeable, Forest, Forestry, formally, format, formula, formulate, formulated, formulation, fortified, forward, found, founded, founder, fourth, fragmented, France, Franklin, fraudulent, free, frequent, frequently, fresh, Friend, FTC, fulfill, fulfilling, fulfillment, full, Fullerton, fully, function, functional, functionality, fund, funded, funding, Ga, gain, gained, gaining, Gaming, Garden, Gazette, GDA, GDPR, Gear, gel, gen, geographic, geographical, georgia, Germany, Gildan, global, globally, GMP, goal, Gold, good, Goodall, goodwill, goPeer, Gottlieb, governmental, graduate, graduated, Graham, Grand, grant, granted, great, greatest, greatly, Green, Greenwich, grew, grocery, group, grow, grower, growing, grown, guarantee, guaranteed, guest, guidance, guilty, GW, hand, handle, handled, handling, harm, harmed, harmful, harming, harvest, harvesting, HB, health, healthcare, healthier, hear, hearing, heart, heath, heavily, heavy, HEC, heightened, heightening, hemp, hereof, HFA, high, higher, highly, historical, historically, history, hold, holder, holding, Homeland, honestly, honour, Hosiery, Hotlist, house, household, HR, human, Hydro, IA, Id, idea, identifiable, identified, identify, identifying, identity, IFF, IFR, IIISE, illegal, illegally, illicit, image, immaterial, Immersed, impact, impacted, impair, impairment, impede, impediment, implantable, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implied, impliedly, Impopharma, import, importance, important, Importantly, importation, imported, importing, imposition, impracticable, impression, improper, improve, improved, improvement, inability, inaccurate, inactive, inadvertently, incidentally, inclusion, inclusive, income, incomplete, inconsistent, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incubator, incur, incurred, IND, indefinite, indefinitely, indemnification, indemnifying, India, Indian, indirect, indirectly, indistinguishable, industrial, industry, infected, inflammation, influenced, infrared, infrastructure, infringe, infringed, infringement, infringing, infused, ingested, ingestible, ingredient, inhalation, inhibit, initial, initially, initiate, initiated, initiating, initiative, injury, innovation, innovative, input, insider, insolvency, inspection, institute, instituted, Instrument, instrumental, insufficient, insurance, intangible, intellectual, intend, intended, intense, intent, intention, Intercept, intercepted, interest, interfere, interference, interim, internationally, interpret, interpretation, interpreted, Interprovincial, interrupt, interrupted, interruption, interstate, introduce, introduced, introducing, introduction, intrusion, invalidated, invent, invented, invention, inventory, inversion, invest, invested, investigate, investigation, Investigational, investigative, investing, investment, investor, invoiced, invoked, involuntary, involve, involved, involvement, involving, IP, Ireland, IRS, Island, isolate, isolated, isolating, issuable, issuance, iv, Jackie, Jan, Jane, January, Jayne, jeopardize, Joe, joined, joining, joint, jointly, Journal, Jubilant, judge, judgment, judicial, July, jurisdiction, jurisdictional, Justice, Kathy, keen, KetoChargedTM, key, kg, Khayat, knowledge, Koro, Koyote, krill, label, labeled, labeling, labelling, labor, laboratory, labour, Labrador, lack, lactating, LaMoe, language, large, largely, larger, largest, lastly, Latin, laude, launch, launched, launching, laundering, Laval, law, lawful, lawfully, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leakage, learning, lease, leased, Leatherback, leave, lectured, led, left, legacy, legal, legality, legalization, legalize, legalized, legalizing, legally, legendary, legislated, legislation, legislative, lender, lesser, letter, level, leverage, leveraging, liable, licence, licencing, license, licensed, licensee, licensing, licensor, licit, life, lifestyle, light, Lijoi, likewise, limit, limitation, limited, limiting, line, lipid, liquid, liquidity, liquor, literate, litigation, liver, LLC, loan, local, localization, located, long, longer, longstanding, LONN, Lonza, loosened, lose, lost, Loti, Loto, low, lower, lowest, machine, magna, mail, main, Maine, managerial, mandated, mandatory, Manitoba, manmade, Manna, manner, manufacture, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturing, Mar, margin, marihuana, marijuana, marine, market, marketability, marketed, marketer, marketing, Marshall, massage, Master, maturity, maximize, maximum, MaxSimil, MBA, MBLL, McCubbin, McGill, MD, measuring, media, medical, medicinal, medicine, MediPharm, membership, Memo, memorandum, Men, merchandise, merchandising, merit, method, Miami, Michael, Michel, million, mineral, minimal, minimize, minimizing, minister, ministerial, misbranded, misbranding, misinterpret, mislabeled, mislabeling, missed, mission, MIT, mitigant, mitochondrial, mobile, mobility, model, modern, modernize, modification, modified, modify, momentum, monetizing, monitor, monitoring, monoglyceride, monograph, month, monthly, Montreal, mother, motion, motivate, move, moved, movement, multiple, narrowly, nasal, nascent, Nation, national, natural, naturally, nature, NB, NBJ, NBLC, NC, NCAC, NCS, necessity, negative, negatively, negotiate, negotiation, NEPT, NEPTUNETM, net, network, NeuroBioPharm, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Newfoundland, newly, NKO, NKOTM, NLC, nonclinical, nonsublicensable, nonviable, North, Northwest, Notably, notice, notification, notify, notifying, notwithstanding, Nova, November, novo, NSLC, nuclear, Nunavut, nursery, nutraceutial, nutraceutical, nutrient, nutrition, nutritional, object, objective, OBSERVER, obsolescence, obsolete, Obstruct, obtain, obtainable, obtained, obtaining, occasionaly, occupation, occupied, occupying, occurrence, Ocean, OCEANO, OCPAQ, October, offer, offered, offering, official, officially, offset, oil, olive, omega, omission, omit, omitted, ongoing, online, onsite, Ontario, open, opened, opinion, opportunity, opposed, opposing, opted, optimal, optimize, optimized, opting, option, order, ordered, ordinary, Ordre, organic, organization, organized, origin, original, outbreak, outcome, outdated, outflow, outsourced, overcome, oversaw, overseeing, oversight, overview, owed, owing, ownership, package, packaged, packaging, packed, page, paid, pain, pandemic, panel, parent, partial, partner, partnering, partnership, party, passage, passed, passion, passionate, patchwork, patent, patentable, patented, path, pathway, patient, PATRIOT, pattern, pay, payable, paying, payment, PDL, PEI, pending, pension, percent, percentage, perception, perform, performance, performed, performing, permissible, perpetuation, persist, personnel, perspective, pertinent, pet, Pharma, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, pharmacology, Phase, phased, PhD, phone, phospholipid, physical, physically, phytocannabinoid, picked, pilot, placement, plain, plan, planet, planned, planning, plant, platform, played, pleasure, plebiscite, PMA, point, policy, political, portal, portfolio, portion, pose, posed, position, positive, possessed, possessing, possession, potency, powder, power, practising, precautionary, preclude, precluded, Preclusion, predicate, predicated, predict, predicted, predicting, prefer, preference, preferential, preferred, pregnancy, pregnant, premarket, premium, prescribed, prescription, presence, present, presented, presently, President, presidential, presiding, pressed, pressure, price, pricing, primarily, primary, primrose, Prince, printed, prior, priority, privacy, Prix, proactive, proactively, proceed, processed, processing, processor, procurement, produce, produced, producer, product, production, productivity, professional, profile, profit, profitability, program, programmer, progressing, prohibit, prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition, project, projected, projection, prolonged, Promenade, promote, promoted, promoting, promotion, promotional, promulgated, promulgation, proof, propagating, proper, properly, property, proportion, proportional, proportionally, proportionate, proposal, proposed, proprietary, prosecute, prosecution, prospective, protect, protected, protecting, protection, prove, provincal, province, provincial, provision, publicly, publish, published, pulmonary, Purdue, purification, purified, purify, purity, purport, pursue, pursuing, pursuit, put, QSR, qualified, qualifier, quality, quarter, quarterly, Quebec, question, quickly, quo, quoted, raided, Random, range, rank, ranking, rapid, rapidly, rate, ratification, raw, reach, reached, read, readily, ready, real, realize, Reardon, rebranded, rebranding, recall, recalled, receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiver, receiving, recent, recently, reclassification, recognition, recognize, recognized, Recommend, reconciliation, recordkeeping, recoverable, recovery, recreational, recruit, rectify, redefining, redemption, redirect, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, reexamined, refinance, refinancing, refined, refinement, reforestation, reformulate, reformulating, refuse, refusing, Reg, regime, region, regional, registrar, regular, regularly, regulatory, Reichhold, reimbursement, rejected, relationship, release, released, releasing, reliance, reliant, relied, relief, relocating, rely, remain, remained, remaining, remedy, removal, remove, removed, removing, remuneration, rendered, renew, renewal, renewed, repatriate, repayment, repealed, repeat, repeated, replace, replaced, replacement, replacing, reputation, reputational, requisite, research, resell, reside, residence, residential, resin, resolution, resolved, restated, restrict, restricted, restrictive, restructure, restructuring, resubmission, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retailer, retain, retained, retention, Retirement, retrofited, return, revenue, review, reviewable, reviewed, revoked, rich, rider, Rinow, riot, risk, robust, Rock, role, Ronald, room, rooted, rotating, rotation, row, royalty, run, safe, safekeeping, safety, sale, sampling, sanction, sanitizer, sanitizing, Saskatchewan, sate, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, sativa, Sativex, Satori, scale, scaled, scaling, scanned, scent, scheme, Schmidt, school, science, scientific, scope, Scotia, Scott, screening, scrutiny, Sea, seal, seasonal, seasoned, sec, Secrecy, secret, Secretary, sector, secure, securely, security, sedar, seed, seek, seeking, segment, selected, selection, selective, selectively, sell, selling, senate, sending, senior, sensitivity, separate, September, settle, settled, settlement, share, shareholder, sharing, shelf, Sherbooke, Sherbrooke, shifting, ship, shipment, shipped, shipping, short, showed, side, signature, significant, significantly, similar, similarly, single, sixty, size, skilled, skin, SKU, sky, SLGA, small, Smoothie, snap, social, soft, softgel, solicit, soluble, solution, SOLUTIONSTM, solvent, soother, soothing, sound, source, sourced, sourcing, South, Southeast, Southeastern, space, speaker, spearheaded, specialty, specific, specifically, spectrum, speed, spend, spending, spent, spoilage, spreading, square, stable, stage, standard, standardization, standardized, STAT, statutory, stay, step, Stephen, stipulating, stop, stopped, storage, store, stored, Strasbourg, strategic, strategy, strict, strictly, stringent, strong, stronger, structure, studied, study, studying, Style, subcontract, submission, subordinate, subsequently, subsidiary, substance, substandard, substantial, substantially, substantiated, successful, successfully, successor, suffer, sufficient, sufficiently, sugarleaf, suitable, suitably, Suite, suited, summarized, Summer, Sun, superba, superior, Supervise, supervising, supplement, supplementary, supplied, supplier, supply, support, supporting, Surfer, Surgery, surveillance, Survey, susceptible, suspend, suspension, sustain, sustainable, sustained, swallowing, sweetening, SWX, symbol, symptom, table, tailored, tampering, target, targeted, targeting, taste, tax, taxation, taxed, teaching, team, technical, technological, technology, temperature, temporarily, temporary, TENN, Tennessee, tentative, terminable, terminated, terminating, termination, territorial, territory, Terrorism, terrorist, tested, testimony, testing, Tetra, tetrahydrocannabinol, tetrahydrocannabionol, textile, TFM, TG, TGOD, THC, theft, therapeutic, therefrom, thereof, thereunder, thermometer, threshold, Tilray, timeline, Timperio, tit, tobacco, Toe, tolling, tomorrow, tongue, Toni, top, topical, toxicity, track, tracking, trade, trademark, trading, trafficked, trafficking, train, trained, training, transaction, transfer, transferred, transform, transmit, transparency, transport, transportation, Trauma, treasury, treated, treatment, trend, Trendy, trial, tribal, tribe, trim, Troy, true, Trust, trustee, tsunami, TSX, turmoil, turn, turnkey, twelve, twenty, type, typhoon, typical, typically, UBS, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unanswered, unanticipated, unavailable, uncertain, uncertainty, unchanged, unclear, uncollected, unconventional, undergo, undergraduate, underlying, understand, understanding, undertaken, underway, undesired, undetermined, undue, uneconomic, unenforceable, unexpected, unfavorable, unfit, unforeseen, unilaterally, Unilever, uninsured, unintended, uninterrupted, Union, unique, Universit, University, unknown, unlabeled, unlawful, unlicensed, unlimited, unmet, unpaid, unpatented, unpredictable, unregulated, unrelated, unreserved, unresolved, unrest, unsafe, unsubstantiated, unsuccessful, untitled, unwilling, upcoming, update, updated, upgrade, USA, usage, USB, usda, user, USPTO, USTPO, utilize, utilizing, utmost, valid, validation, validity, valuable, vape, vaping, vapor, variable, variance, variety, vary, varying, Vaudreuil, vegetable, venture, verified, vest, veterinary, vi, viability, viable, Vice, view, viewed, vigilance, vigorously, vii, viii, violate, violation, violent, visibility, vision, visual, vitality, vitamin, VoiceAge, volatile, volatility, volume, voluntarily, voluntary, VP, vulnerable, waiting, Walden, war, warehouse, warning, warrant, water, weather, Weekly, weight, WellSpring, Wester, white, wholesale, wide, widely, widespread, wildlife, win, winding, winterized, women, Wood, work, worked, workforce, working, workshop, world, worldwide, wound, written, wunderkind, yield, York, youth, Yukon
absolute, accurately, area, assessed, attached, attendance, audited, Balance, CFO, check, collusion, communicated, complying, conceived, Consent, detail, deteriorate, electronically, Employer, extended, fairly, faulty, GAAP, hereto, Interactive, lieu, likelihood, LLP, mark, mistake, override, paragraph, preceding, recorded, referencing, registrant, reliability, requested, resource, revised, Sheet, shorter, Situation, Sponsoring, telephone, Treadway, undersigned, zip
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