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Acrobat, AivJ, aj, anLI, apH, bl, bo, BsTrG, bu, cd, ce, ci, cn, cp, cu, cv, cxw, cy, Distiller, dq, ds, dw, dx, dz, eby, ej, en, eRzM, ev, ew, fb, fi, FkQ, fx, ge, ged, gfXt, gk, gn, gq, gs, gt, gw, hbs, hc, hg, hh, hJM, hkF, hl, HQSQ, hu, ip, iu, iZp, ja, jfd, jh, jn, jv, jwc, jym, kb, Ket, kj, km, koO, kp, krCy, ks, Kyq, kz, ld, LGY, lk, LMyR, lo, lq, lt, ly, LYC, lz, mb, mg, mj, mm, mo, mp, mu, mw, mz, ni, nm, nmu, nn, nnv, od, om, oo, ov, pd, PhW, pj, pp, pq, pu, pv, py, qa, qd, qe, QIn, qj, qm, qp, qy, rc, rf, rh, riY, rj, rpzO, rqL, rt, rvQ, rw, rz, sc, sd, si, sn, sv, sz, SZl, tb, tc, tl, TPH, tq, tt, tz, UfA, uuj, UXB, vb, vc, vd, vf, vj, vk, vo, vp, vq, VQB, vv, Vzd, wb, wm, wpL, ws, wSs, WWp, XFH, xl, xNz, Xui, yi, yj, yn, yv, ZdS, ZFy, zh, zKS, zq
abbreviated, ability, accelerating, acceleration, accept, acceptable, accepted, accompanying, accomplish, accomplished, account, accounted, accounting, accretive, accrual, accrued, accumulated, achieve, achieved, achievement, achieving, acquire, acquired, acquiree, acquiring, acquisition, act, active, actively, activity, actuarial, actuary, ad, adapt, addition, additional, Additionally, addressable, adequate, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administration, administrative, Adrian, ads, advance, advantage, adverse, adversely, advertised, advertisement, advertiser, advertising, advice, advisory, Advocate, affect, affected, affecting, affiliate, affiliated, affirmative, affluent, age, agency, agent, aggregate, aggregated, agree, agreed, agreement, agricultural, aim, aimed, Air, aircraft, Alabama, Alcoa, Alexandria, Allegany, alleging, allocate, allocated, allocation, alter, alternative, amalgamate, amended, amendment, american, amesbury, amortizable, amortization, amortized, amount, amounted, analytical, anchored, andChronicle, andPekin, Animal, announced, announcement, annual, annualized, annually, annum, anticipate, anticipated, antidilution, antidilutive, applicability, applicable, application, applied, apply, applying, appointed, appraisal, approach, approval, approve, approved, approximate, approximately, April, Archer, archive, area, arising, arrangement, array, ASC, ashland, aspect, assessed, assessing, assessment, asset, assign, assigned, assignee, assignment, assist, assistance, assume, assumed, assumption, assurance, assure, ASU, attack, attained, attempt, attention, attestation, attract, attractive, attributable, attribute, attrition, audience, audit, audited, August, authorized, automatically, automotive, average, avoidance, avon, award, aware, back, bad, balance, balancing, bank, bankruptcy, bargaining, base, based, BASF, basic, basket, Bath, Baton, bear, bedford, begin, beginning, behalf, behavioral, bellingham, beneficial, beneficially, Bent, berkley, bid, bill, billed, billion, biotechnology, blanket, block, board, boat, Boeing, bolton, Bombardier, book, bookkeeping, booklet, border, borne, borrowed, Borrower, borrowing, Boston, bound, boutique, boxborough, Bradley, Branch, brand, branded, branding, breach, brewster, bridgewater, Bristol, broad, broadcast, broader, broadly, brockton, build, building, bundled, buying, cable, calculate, calculated, Calculating, calculation, calendar, California, call, called, calling, Canandaigua, cancellation, canton, capacity, Cape, capital, capitalization, capitalize, capitalized, capture, Carbondale, card, care, carefully, Cargill, Carolina, Caroll, carried, carrying, case, cash, catastrophic, categorize, category, Caterpillar, Cautionary, Cayman, cease, center, centered, central, centralization, centralized, centralizing, century, Cerner, certificate, certified, certify, Cessna, Chairman, Chamber, Chapter, characterized, charge, charged, chatham, chemical, Chemung, Chicago, Chief, Children, China, circulated, circulation, circulationDaily, circulationHolland, circulationSteuben, circumvention, clarified, classification, classified, cleanup, clinton, close, closed, closing, cluster, clustered, clustering, coast, coastal, Cod, Code, Codification, codified, coercive, Coldwater, collateral, collateralize, collectability, collected, collection, collective, collectively, College, color, Colorado, Columbia, column, combination, combined, combining, commencement, commencing, Commerce, commercial, commercially, Commission, commitment, committee, commodity, common, community, companion, company, comparable, compared, comparing, comparison, compensating, compensation, compete, competing, competition, competitive, complement, complex, complexity, compliance, comply, component, composition, comprehensive, comprised, compromise, computation, computed, computer, ConAgra, concentrated, concentration, concluded, conclusion, condensed, condition, conduct, conducted, conducting, confidence, confidential, confidentiality, confirming, conflict, conform, conformity, confusion, conjunction, connected, Connecticut, connection, consent, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consistently, consisting, consolidate, consolidated, consolidating, consolidation, consortium, constitute, constituted, constituting, construction, consulting, consumed, consumer, consuming, consummating, consummation, consumption, contaminated, contamination, contemplated, content, contingent, continue, continued, continuing, continuously, contract, contraction, contractual, contrast, contributory, control, controllable, controlling, conversion, convert, Copley, copy, core, Cornell, Corning, corporate, corporation, corrected, correlated, Correspondingly, corroborated, Cortland, cost, costly, Cottonwood, country, county, Coupled, courier, Court, covenant, cover, coverage, covered, covering, create, created, creation, creative, credit, credited, criteria, critical, Crystal, cumulative, cure, customarily, customary, customer, daily, Dakota, damaged, dashboard, data, date, dated, DC, deal, dealing, death, debit, debt, December, decide, declaration, declare, declared, decline, declined, declining, decrease, decreased, dedicate, dedicated, deductible, deducting, deemed, deep, default, defer, deferral, deferred, deficiency, define, defined, degree, delaware, delay, delayed, delaying, deliver, delivered, delivering, delivery, Delphi, demand, democrat, demographic, demonstrated, departing, department, depend, dependent, depending, depict, deposit, depreciated, depreciation, DeRidder, derivative, derive, derived, Description, desert, design, designate, designated, designed, desirable, desire, detail, detect, deter, deteriorate, determinable, determination, determine, determined, determining, detrimental, develop, developing, development, devoted, difficult, dighton, digital, digitally, diligence, dilute, diluted, dilution, dilutive, direct, direction, directly, director, directory, disability, disadvantage, discharge, disclaim, disclose, disclosed, disclosure, discontinue, discontinued, discount, discounted, discourage, discovered, discovery, discrete, discretion, discretionary, discrimination, discussed, discussion, dispatch, display, disposal, dispose, disposed, disposition, disregard, disrupt, disruption, dissatisfaction, distinct, distinguished, distressed, distributable, distribute, distributed, distributing, distribution, District, diverse, diversification, diversified, diversify, diversion, diversity, divert, divested, divided, dividend, division, document, documentary, Dodge, domestic, dominate, Dominion, Dorado, doubled, doubt, doubtful, dover, Dow, downturn, drawn, driven, drug, due, Dunsmuir, duty, duxbury, dynamic, earlier, earn, earned, earning, east, eastern, eastham, EBITDA, economic, economically, economy, edition, editorial, education, educational, Edward, effect, effected, effective, effectively, efficiency, efficiently, effort, EIN, El, eleven, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, eliminating, Elmira, email, employ, employed, employee, employer, employment, enable, enabling, enacted, enactment, encompassed, encounter, encountered, encourage, end, ended, ending, energy, enforce, enforcement, engine, England, enhance, enhanced, enhancing, enjoy, ensure, enter, entered, enterprise, entirety, entitled, entity, entry, environment, environmental, equal, equipment, equity, equivalent, ERISA, error, escrow, essex, establish, established, establishing, estate, estimate, estimated, ethanol, Eurodollar, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, event, evidence, evidenced, evolving, examining, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, exchange, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusion, exclusively, execute, executed, execution, executive, exercisable, exercise, exist, existed, existing, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expect, expectation, expected, expend, expenditure, expense, expensed, expensive, experience, experienced, experiencing, expertise, expiration, expire, expiring, expose, exposed, exposure, expressed, expressly, extend, extended, extension, extent, external, externally, extinguishment, Exxon, Eye, EZ, face, facilitate, facility, fact, fail, failure, fair, fairly, faith, fall, family, Fargo, Farm, FASB, fast, fault, favorable, favorably, February, federal, fee, feet, fewer, fiduciary, FIFO, fifteen, FIG, file, filed, filing, filling, final, finalization, Finally, finance, financed, financial, financing, FIP, Firestone, firm, fiscal, fit, fixed, flagship, flexibility, floating, floor, Florida, flow, fluctuate, focused, folded, footprint, force, forecast, forecasted, foregoing, forfeited, form, Format, formed, formula, Fort, forward, foster, found, foundation, founded, fourth, Fowler, foxborough, fragmentation, fragmented, framework, Frankfort, fraud, free, Freeman, Freeport, freeze, frequent, frequently, fresh, frozen, full, fullest, fully, function, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, furnished, furniture, future, GAAP, gain, Gamble, Gannett, Garmin, Gate, GateHouse, gathering, Gazette, geared, general, generally, generate, generated, generating, generation, Gentex, geographic, geographically, George, global, globe, glossy, gloucester, GMIH, goal, golf, good, goodwill, govern, Governance, governing, government, governmental, grace, Grand, Grande, Granite, grant, granted, grantee, graphic, great, greater, greatest, greatly, green, grew, Gridley, group, grouping, grow, growing, grown, growth, guarantee, guaranteed, Guard, guidance, half, halifax, Hallmark, hamilton, Hampshire, hand, handle, hannibal, hanson, harm, harvard, harwich, hauling, Hawley, Hayworth, heading, headroom, health, healthcare, heavily, heavy, hedging, Henry, herald, Herkimer, Herman, hierarchy, high, higher, highest, highly, highway, hillsdale, hiring, historical, historically, history, hold, Holdco, holder, holding, holiday, Holland, holliston, home, homeownership, hometown, Honesdale, hopedale, Hospital, hostile, House, household, hudson, hull, human, IAB, identical, identifiable, Identification, identified, identify, identifying, ii, iii, IL, Illinoisan, image, impact, impacted, impacting, impair, impaired, impairing, impairment, impede, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implied, important, impose, imposed, improve, improved, improvement, Improving, inability, inaccuracy, inaccurate, inadequate, incentive, incentivize, incentivized, incidental, include, included, including, inclusive, income, inconsistent, incorporate, incorporated, incorporation, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incur, incurred, incurrence, indefinite, indemnification, indemnified, indemnify, Independence, independent, index, Indiana, indirectly, individual, industrial, industry, inflation, influenced, information, infrastructure, infringement, inherent, inhibit, initial, initially, initiate, injury, ink, input, Inquirer, insolvency, installment, instrument, insurance, intangible, integrate, integrating, integration, intellectual, intend, intended, intense, intent, interact, interactive, intercompany, interest, interfere, interim, Intermediate, internal, internally, international, internationally, internet, interpretation, interruption, Interstate, intrinsic, invasion, inventory, invest, invested, investigation, investing, investment, investor, involve, involved, involving, Iowa, IRS, island, isolated, isolation, issuance, issue, issued, Issuer, item, Ithaca, iv, Jackson, January, JCI, Jo, job, John, joint, Joplin, journal, Jude, judgment, judicial, july, June, Junta, Kellogg, key, Keyser, kingston, knowledge, Komatsu, Kraft, la, labor, lack, lake, lakeville, Lamp, lancaster, land, landscape, Lansing, lapse, large, largely, larger, largest, launch, launched, law, lawful, lead, leader, leading, lease, leased, Leasehold, Leavenworth, led, Ledger, lee, Leesville, legal, legislative, lender, length, lesser, letter, level, leverage, leveraged, leveraging, LG, liability, liable, libel, LIBOR, license, lien, life, light, limit, limitation, limited, limiting, lincoln, link, liquid, liquidity, List, listed, listing, litigate, litigation, live, lived, Livingston, LLC, loan, local, locally, located, location, long, longer, longevity, lose, lost, Louisiana, low, lower, lowest, loyalty, lump, machinery, macroeconomic, made, magazine, mail, Maine, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, make, making, Mall, man, manage, managed, management, manager, managing, manchester, manner, manufacture, manufacturing, march, margin, marion, marked, markedly, market, marketability, marketing, marketplace, mashpee, Massillon, masthead, matching, material, materially, mattapoisett, matter, mature, maturing, maturity, maximization, maximize, maximum, McClatchy, McConnell, McPherson, meaningfully, measure, measured, measurement, media, medical, Medicare, medicine, medium, medway, meet, meeting, mendon, mentioned, merge, message, Messenger, met, method, Methodist, methodology, metric, Metro, metropolitan, Michigan, middleborough, middleton, Midland, midsize, midsized, Midstate, midway, Midwest, migration, mile, milford, military, Miller, million, milton, minimum, Minnesota, Mirror, misappropriation, misconduct, Mississippi, Missouri, misstatement, mistake, mix, Mobil, mobile, model, moderate, modification, modified, Montevideo, month, monthly, mortgage, move, Mt, multiple, multiplied, mutual, namesake, nantucket, nation, national, nationally, nature, naval, navigate, Navy, NE, nearby, Nebraska, necessarily, negative, negatively, negligence, negotiate, negotiated, negotiating, negotiation, neighboring, net, network, Nevada, Newcastle, newly, NEWM, Newport, newspaper, newsprint, newton, NH, niche, noncompete, noncompliance, noncontrolling, nonelective, nonmetropolitan, nonqualified, nonrecurring, norfolk, north, Northeast, northern, Northpark, norton, Norwich, note, noted, notice, November, number, NY, NYSE, objective, obligated, obligation, observable, obtain, obtainable, obtained, occupational, occur, occurred, occurrence, October, offer, offered, offering, office, officer, offset, offsetting, Ogle, Ohio, oil, Oklahoma, oldest, Omega, omission, omitted, ongoing, online, open, opening, operate, operated, operating, operation, operational, operationsbefore, operator, opinion, opportunistic, opportunistically, opportunity, opposed, optimal, optimization, optimizing, option, orange, order, ordinary, Oregon, organic, organically, oriented, original, OSF, outcome, outdoor, outlined, outsourced, outsourcing, outstanding, Oversight, owed, owner, ownership, packaging, page, paid, Pantagraph, paper, par, parent, part, partially, participant, participate, participated, participating, participation, partnership, party, past, patriot, pattern, pay, payable, payment, penalty, pending, penetration, Penn, Pennsylvania, pension, people, Peoria, percentage, perception, perform, performance, performed, performing, period, periodic, periodically, permanent, permitted, person, personal, personnel, perspective, pertaining, pertinent, petersburg, petrochemical, petroleum, Pfizer, pharmaceutical, Philadelphia, phone, picture, Pittsford, plainville, plan, planning, plant, Plaquemine, platform, pledge, pledged, plymouth, plympton, PNC, Pocono, point, poised, police, pool, popularity, population, Port, portfolio, portion, pose, position, positioned, post, postage, Postal, postretirement, potential, Poughkeepsie, power, powerful, PPA, practicable, practice, Pratt, preceding, precisely, preclude, predecessor, predict, preeminent, preferred, preliminary, premier, premium, prepackaged, prepaid, preparation, prepared, prepayment, Prescott, presence, present, presentation, presented, presently, preservation, preserve, preserving, pressure, prevailing, prevalent, prevent, previously, price, pricing, primarily, primary, principal, principally, principle, print, printed, printing, prior, prioritized, priority, Prison, privacy, private, Proctor, procure, procured, produce, product, production, productivity, productThe, professional, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, program, prohibition, project, projected, prominent, promised, promotional, Propel, proper, properly, property, proposed, proprietary, prorata, prospective, protect, protection, prove, proven, provision, proxy, public, publication, publicly, publish, published, publisher, publishesThe, publishing, pull, purely, purpose, pursuant, pursue, pursuing, put, qualification, qualified, qualify, qualifying, qualitative, quality, quantitative, quarter, quarterly, Quest, quickly, quincy, quoted, radio, raider, range, ranged, ranging, rapid, rapidly, rate, ratio, rationale, Ravenswood, raw, Raytheon, RBS, reach, reaching, reaction, read, reader, readership, readily, real, realizability, realizable, realization, realize, realized, receivable, receive, received, recent, recently, reclassification, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, reconciled, reconciliation, record, recorded, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recreation, recreational, recruit, recurring, red, redeem, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, Redwood, refer, reference, referred, refinance, refinancing, reflect, reflected, reflecting, reflective, Reform, refrain, region, regional, Register, registered, Registrable, registrant, registration, registry, regular, regularly, regulation, regulatory, rehabilitation, rehoboth, reimburse, reimbursed, reimbursement, reinvestment, related, relating, relation, relationship, release, relevance, relevancy, relevant, reliability, reliance, reliant, relief, reluctance, rely, remain, remaining, remedial, removal, render, renewal, renewed, rent, rental, reorganization, reorganized, repaid, repay, repayment, replace, replacement, replicate, report, reportable, reported, Reporter, reporting, Repository, represent, representation, representative, represented, representing, repricing, reproduce, repurchase, reputation, request, requested, require, required, requirement, requiring, research, reserve, reserved, reside, resignation, responding, responsibility, responsible, restate, restated, restrict, restricted, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retain, retained, retaining, retargeting, retention, retired, retiree, retirement, retrospectively, return, revaluation, revenue, review, reviewed, reviewing, revised, Revolver, revolving, Rhode, rich, Ridgecrest, Rio, Ripley, risk, riskier, RISN, river, rochester, Rockford, rockport, room, Roseville, Rouge, Routine, royalty, RP, RSG, rule, run, running, rural, Sacramento, safety, salary, sale, sampling, sandwich, Santa, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, saving, scalable, scale, scarce, schedule, scheduled, scope, Scranton, scrutiny, Seacoast, season, seasonal, seasonality, seat, sec, secondary, section, sector, secular, secured, security, seek, seeking, segment, seize, select, selected, selecting, selection, Selectively, sell, selling, senior, sensitive, sensitivity, sentinel, separate, separated, September, serve, served, service, servicing, serving, set, setting, settled, settlement, share, sharing, Shasta, sheet, shelf, sherborn, Sherman, shift, shopper, shopping, shore, short, shortage, shorter, shown, side, signature, significance, significant, significantly, similar, similarly, simple, single, situated, size, skill, skilled, Sleepy, small, smaller, SMB, social, software, somerset, sought, source, south, southborough, Southcoast, southeast, southeastern, southern, southwest, southwestern, space, span, speak, specialty, specific, specifically, speculative, speed, spend, spending, spent, sponsor, Sponsoring, Springfield, SpringfieldState, Sprint, square, St, stability, stabilize, stabilizing, stable, staggered, standalone, standard, standardization, standby, standing, star, Stark, state, stated, statement, static, stating, station, statute, stay, step, Stephenson, Steuben, stock, stockholder, Stockton, stop, storage, store, stow, strategic, strategically, strategy, Street, strike, strong, strongest, strongly, structural, structure, subject, submarine, subscriber, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substitute, Subtopic, suburban, Suburbanite, succeed, successful, successfully, Succession, successor, suffer, sufficient, sufficiently, Suisse, suitable, suite, sum, summarized, summary, Sun, Sunday, superior, supervision, supplement, supplemented, supply, support, supported, supporting, surewest, susceptible, suspension, sustain, Sustained, swansea, swap, swing, symbol, syndicate, syndication, system, tab, table, Taft, tailor, tailored, takeover, tandem, tangible, target, targeted, targeting, taunton, tax, taxable, taxation, taxing, Tazewell, team, technical, technological, technology, Tecumseh, Telemarketing, telephone, television, temporary, Tennessee, term, terminal, terminate, terminated, terminating, termination, test, tested, testing, theAdvocate, theAshland, TheBarnstable, theBoston, thecape, theChronicle, theEnterprise, theExeter, theGenesee, TheHampton, TheLeavenworth, themedford, theMetroWest, theMiddleboro, thepennysaver, ThePeoria, thepocono, theportsmouth, thereof, thereon, thereto, thereunder, therockford, theSouthern, theSpectator, theWellsville, theyork, thirteen, thirty, threat, threatened, ticker, tier, time, timeframe, timely, timing, title, titled, TMC, today, ton, tool, topic, topsfield, tourism, toxic, trade, traded, trading, traditional, traffic, training, transaction, transfer, transferred, transform, transition, transparent, Treadway, trend, tribune, truro, trust, trusted, turn, TV, twelve, type, typically, typographical, ultimate, unable, unacceptably, unamortized, unanticipated, unaudited, unauthorized, uncertain, uncertainty, unconditionally, uncoordinated, uncover, underfunded, underlying, understand, understanding, undiscounted, undue, unemployment, unfavorable, unfeasible, unforeseen, unfunded, unified, union, unionized, unique, uniquely, unit, United, University, unknown, unmatched, unobservable, unpaid, unrealized, unrelated, unsatisfactory, unsuccessful, Unsuitable, unutilized, unvested, update, upfront, upton, upward, urban, urge, USA, usage, USDA, Utica, utilize, utilized, validity, Valley, valuable, valuation, variable, variety, vary, varying, vast, vending, vendor, verified, vest, vested, vesting, veterinary, viable, victorville, viewed, Virginia, visited, volatile, volatility, volume, voluntary, vote, voting, Wabasso, Wachovia, wage, waive, waived, waiver, warranty, Washington, wavering, Waynesboro, weak, weakest, web, website, Weed, week, weekly, weighted, welfare, wellfleet, Wellington, wenham, wesley, west, western, whatsoever, whitman, wholly, Wichita, wide, widely, wilmington, Winnebago, withdrawal, witnessed, Woodford, work, worked, working, wrentham, writing, written, wrongful, Wyeth, Yan, yarmouth, year, yellow, yield, York, youth, Yreka, zone
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