The address of Giulia Nobili is L’Estoril, 31 Avenue Princesse Grace, 98000, Monaco.
The business address for Heritage Assets SCSP is c/o Heritage Services SAM Attn: Cristina Levis, 7 Rue Du Gabian, 98000, Monaco. Includes 8,044,049 shares currently held by Heritage Assets SCSP, 3,609,000 shares and 6,266,667 warrants (which will become exercisable on February 8, 2022) expected to be distributed to Heritage Assets SCSP by Centricus Heritage LLC within the next 60 days, over which Mr. Lefebvre d’Ovidio has sole investment and voting power.
The business address of Jack Blockley is 1st Floor, 3 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2RE, UK.
The business address of Lee Boland is 1st Floor, 3 More London Riverside, London SE1 2RE, United Kingdom.
The address of Notion Capital III GP LLP, 91 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0EF, UK. The address of MNL Nominees Limited is 44 Southampton Buildings, London, WC2A 1AP, UK. Notion Capital Managers LLP has sole investment and voting power over the shares held by Notion Capital III GP LLP and MNL Nominees Limited. The investment decisions of Notion Capital Managers LLP are made by the majority vote of an investment committee comprised of five members. Under the so-called “rule of three,” if voting and dispositive decisions regarding an entity’s securities are made by three or more individuals, and a voting or dispositive decision requires the approval of at least a majority of those individuals, then none of the individuals is deemed a beneficial owner of the entity’s securities. Based upon the foregoing analysis, no individual member of the investment committee of Notion Capital Managers LLP exercises voting or dispositive control over any of the securities over which it holds sole investment and voting power.
The business address of Nicholas Taylor is 3 The Forum, Stratus 2, Grenville Street, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, JE2 4UF.
The address of NNS Investments (Cyprus) Limited is 18, Evagora Papachristoforou Street, Petoussis Building, Ground Floor, Office 01, 3030, Limassol, Cyprus. The investment decisions of NNS Investments (Cyprus) Limited are made by the majority vote of a committee comprised of five members. Under the so-called “rule of three,” if voting and dispositive decisions regarding an entity’s securities are made by three or more individuals, and a voting or dispositive decision requires the approval of at least a majority of those individuals, then none of the individuals is deemed a beneficial owner of the entity’s securities. Based upon the foregoing analysis, no individual member of the investment committee of NNS Investments (Cyprus) Limited exercises voting or dispositive control over any of the securities over which it holds sole investment and voting power.
The address of Seraphim Space Investment Trust plc is 167 City Road, London, EC1V 1AW, UK. Seraphim Space (Manager) LLP is the fund manager of Seraphim Space Investment Trust plc and its investment decisions are made by a unanimous vote of a committee comprised of three members. Therefore, no individual has sole or shared investment and voting power over the shares held by Seraphim Space Investment Trust plc.
The address of Sumitomo Corporation is Attn: Shingo Nakashima, Aerospace Dept., 3-2, Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, 100-8601, Tokyo, Japan. Sumitomo Corporation has over 200,000 shareholders, none of which holds more than 10% of its shares, and its voting and investment decisions are exercised by its board of directors. Therefore, no individual has sole investment and voting power over the shares held by Sumitomo Corporation.
The address of The Evolution Technology Fund II, SCSp is 15, Boulevard Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, L 2411. Luxembourg. Evolution Equity Partners II Sarl is the general partner of The Evolution Technology Fund II, SCSp. and has sole investment and voting power over the shares held by The Evolution Technology Fund II, SCSp.
The business address of Trevor Barker is 1st Floor, 3 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2RE, UK.
The address of UK FF Nominees Limited is 5 Churchill Place, 10th Floor, London, E14 5HU, UK. The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has sole investment and voting power over the shares held by UK FF Nominees Limited.