The business address of Christian Schmid is Robert-Bosch-Str. 32-36, 72250 Freudenstadt, Germany. The Ordinary Shares listed include 2,500,000 unvested, but existing earn-out shares.
The business address of Anette Schmid is Robert-Bosch-Str. 32-36, 72250 Freudenstadt, Germany. The Ordinary Shares listed include 2,500,000 unvested, but existing earn-out shares.
The business address of the Community of Heirs is Robert-Bosch-Str. 32-36, 72250 Freudenstadt, Germany. Christian Schmid and Anette Schmid are the beneficiaries of the Community of Heirs after Dieter C. Schmid (Erbengemeinschaft).
The business address of Pegasus Digital Mobility Sponsor LLC is 660 Steamboat Rd FL 1, Greenwich CT 06830-7150. Pegasus Digital Mobility Sponsor LLC also holds further existing shares which are, however, already registered for realse.
The business address of Appleby is 42/F, One Island East, Taikoo Place, 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
The business address of Hyojae International is Yeomhwa-ro 160beon-gil, Seo-gu Gwangju, Gwangju, 62040 Republic Of Korea.
The business address of Dr. Stefan Berger is Ohlmuellerstrasse 2, 81541 Munich, Germany.
The business address of John Doherty is 7500 W Sunrise Blvd, Plantation, Florida 33313-4497, United States.
The business address of Jeffrey H. Foster is 133 26TH Ave N, Saint Peterseburg, Florida 33704-3457, United States.
The business address of F. Jeremey Mistry is 125 Queen’s Road, Richmond, Greater London, TW 10-6HF, United Kingdom.
The business address of Steven Norris is 5-8 The Sanctuary, London SWIP-3JS, United Kingdom.
The business address of Sir Ralf Speth is Kranzhornweg 1, 83064 Raubling, Germany.
The business address of Florian Wolf is 12A Finsbury Square, London EC2A-1AN, United Kingdom.
The Community of Heirs is controlled by both Anette Schmid and Christian Schmid.
Pegasus Digital Mobility Sponsor LLC, the sponsor of the Pegasus SPAC, is ultimately a subsidiary of Validus/StratCap, LLC, a digital infrastructure asset management company based in Greenwich Connecticut. StratCap announced an agreement to be acquired by HMC Capital Limited, an Australian Stock Exchange listed alternative asset manager in March 2024.
Appleby is a limited liability partnership law firm with nearly 80 partners worldwide.
XJ Harbour HK Limited is part of XJ Capital, a venture capital firm based in China. it was established by senior executives of China Securities International and anchored by CITIC Group.
Christian Schmid, Anette Schmid and the Schmid Community of Heirs were the sole owners of Gebr. Schmid GmbH and received 33,725,000 Ordinary Shares (which includes 5,000,000 earn-out shares) and 2,000,000 private warrants under the Business Combination Agreement. Christian Schmid and Anette Schmid each hold 9,394,000 Ordinary Shares and 1,000,000 private warrants. The Community of Heirs holds 14,937,000 Ordinary Shares. The securities were the consideration for the transfer 100% of shares in Gebr. Schmid GmbH to SCHMID. As such Christian Schmid, Anette Schmid and the Schmid Community of Heirs did not pay a cash amount for their shares. At Closing of the Business Combination Agreement the capital remaining in the Pegasus Digital Mobility SPAC amounted to approximately $26 million, with shares valued at $11.42. The Schmid Shareholders agreed to the Business Combination under these economic terms, with that valuation of their contribution and SCHMID Group share value. Both Christian Schmid and Anette Schmid, and the Community of Heirs are subject to lock-up agreements, that prohibit them from selling their shares before the end of one year from the time of the Closing of the Business Combination Agreement.
Were they to sell at the current share price however, $3.85 as of September 3, 2024, they would make a loss of $7.57 per share, and is as such they are unlikely to sell, should they chose to after the expiry of the lock-up period, until the share price rises at least above the purchase price.