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aaa, Aberdeen, ability, Aboriginal, absent, abuse, accelerate, Accelerated, accepted, accessory, accuracy, accurate, achieve, achieved, acquire, acquired, acquisition, Active, acute, add, added, adequacy, adequate, adjacent, adjusted, Administrative, Admired, admitted, advance, advanced, advancing, adversely, advertising, advisor, affiliate, affiliated, affordability, affordable, agency, aggregate, ago, agreed, agreement, AIF, aim, Alan, Alberta, Albright, Aliant, alongside, alternative, amalgamated, Amalgamation, Amazon, America, American, Andersen, anniversary, announced, antenna, antennae, anticipated, app, Apple, approach, approximately, Arabic, arising, arrangement, art, Arthur, artist, Asset, assign, assist, assistance, assistant, assisting, assumed, assumption, Atlantic, attend, attract, Attracted, audio, augmented, August, automation, Ave, average, award, awarded, aware, Bachelor, balance, bank, banker, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Bar, Barney, base, Baseball, based, basic, Basketball, Baton, BBB, BC, BCE, Bell, Bench, benchmarking, Berkeley, bid, Big, billion, BIPOC, Bishop, Black, blend, Blind, Blitzz, Bloomberg, Blue, Bombardier, Boul, boutique, Box, brand, Brandt, breach, breadth, Bret, bridging, bring, bringing, British, broad, broadband, broadcast, broadcasting, broke, Brookfield, Brought, Brunswick, build, building, Bureau, Burrard, ca, cable, Calgary, California, call, calling, campaign, cancellation, capable, capacity, Cape, card, care, career, Carr, carried, carrier, carry, carte, case, cash, cashback, cast, Catalyst, causa, Cay, CBC, CCL, CCPTA, cease, ceased, ceasing, celebrating, Celestica, cell, Center, centre, CEO, certified, Chain, Challenge, Chamber, chance, Chancellor, channel, charge, charitable, chart, charter, Chartered, chatr, CHFI, children, China, choice, chosen, churn, CIBC, Circle, circular, circulated, Citigroup, Cityline, Citytv, clear, cloud, Club, clustered, coast, Coastal, coaxial, Cockwell, Cogeco, Colette, collaborate, collectively, College, Colour, Columbia, combined, combining, Comcast, commence, comment, commerce, commercial, commitment, committed, Communitech, comparable, compelling, compensated, compensation, Competition, competitive, complex, complexity, composed, comprehensive, comprised, compromise, computer, Computing, concluded, Condition, confidential, confirm, confirmed, conflict, consecutive, consideration, constating, construction, Consumer, contact, contacted, contacting, contemplated, content, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, contrary, convenience, convenient, conventional, convey, Cooper, copyright, core, Cornell, cost, Council, counsel, country, coupon, courier, court, coverage, CP, CPA, CPAC, create, Created, creating, creation, creative, credit, Cree, critical, CRTC, CTC, CTV, CTVglobemedia, culture, Cup, CUSIP, customary, customer, cyber, cybersecurity, daily, Dalhousie, DAM, dashboard, deal, dealer, dealing, death, debt, declared, decreasing, default, defi, degree, delegate, delegated, deliver, Delivered, delivering, delivery, demand, denied, Denver, Depatie, deploy, deploying, Deputy, derived, description, detect, deter, develop, developing, development, device, differentiate, digital, digitizing, diploma, direct, directed, directly, disability, disaster, discharge, disclose, disclosed, discretion, discretionary, dismissal, Disney, distance, Distinction, distribute, distributing, distribution, diverse, diversified, diversity, divide, dividend, Division, Doctor, doctorate, Dolphin, Dominion, donated, donation, door, downgrade, download, downtown, Draft, Dream, Drop, dual, Dufferin, Durocher, duty, earlier, earn, earned, easier, easily, eastern, easy, EBITDA, economic, economy, ecosystem, EDGAR, Edge, Edmonton, education, Edward, efficiency, eligibility, eligible, Elite, Emily, employee, enable, enabled, enabling, encountered, encumber, energy, engineering, English, enhance, enhanced, enhancing, enjoy, ensure, entered, entering, enterprise, entertainment, entitled, entity, enumerated, environment, environmental, environmentally, equality, equipment, equity, escaping, Escrowed, ESG, essential, estate, esteemed, Ethernet, Europe, evaluate, evaluating, evaluation, event, Evolved, exclusive, exercise, exercised, existing, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expect, expected, expense, experience, expertise, explanation, extensive, external, extracted, facilitate, facilitating, facing, Fairfax, Fame, family, FAN, fast, faster, fastest, favour, favourite, Fax, FBC, FC, February, Fecan, federal, Federation, Fellow, felt, female, fibre, fido, field, fifty, Filipino, final, finalization, finance, financing, FirstCaribbean, Fiserv, fit, Fitch, fix, fixed, flagship, flexibility, flexible, flow, FM, focused, food, footprint, force, forefront, Forest, formal, formation, Forum, found, foundation, founder, founding, fourth, fraud, free, freedom, frontline, fulfill, fulfilling, fully, Fun, function, functioning, Fund, fundamental, funded, future, FX, FXX, Gallery, game, gender, geographic, George, gift, gigabit, Glenn, Glentel, global, goodwill, Google, governmental, Governor, graduate, graduating, Graham, grant, Greenest, Grew, GRI, ground, group, Groupe, grow, growing, Guest, guidance, Gwaii, Haida, half, Hall, hamper, handle, Hansen, Hartling, Harvard, health, heart, hedged, Helly, Heritage, high, higher, highest, highly, Highway, Hill, hiring, history, hit, Hockey, hold, Holdco, holding, home, honorary, honoured, Horn, Hospital, hosting, hotline, housing, HR, hub, Human, hundred, Hunter, Huron, hypothecate, ID, identified, identify, identifying, Ignite, IgniteTM, ii, iii, immersive, implementation, implemented, implementing, important, improve, Improved, improvement, inclusion, inclusive, income, increased, increasing, increasingly, index, India, Indian, indirectly, individual, inducted, Infinite, infrastructure, initial, Initiative, innovation, innovative, inquiry, insider, insolvency, inspect, install, installation, installing, Institute, instituted, integrated, integrity, intellectual, intended, intention, INTERCORPORATE, interfere, Internet, interoperable, interpreting, interview, introduce, introduced, introduction, Invest, Invested, investigation, investment, invitation, invoke, IoT, IP, irrevocably, island, issuance, Ivan, jack, Jake, Jan, Japan, jeopardy, joined, joining, joint, Jorge, Joseph, judgment, July, June, jurisdiction, Justice, Kawartha, Kelowna, Kerr, key, Kim, knowledge, Knox, la, Lab, label, Labrador, land, landline, Lanka, laptop, large, largest, launch, launched, launching, Laurier, law, Lawrence, lawyer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, Leaf, league, learning, lease, led, Leech, legal, legislation, Lending, lesser, letter, level, Leveraged, leveraging, LGBT, liaison, LIBOR, licence, license, licensed, Licentiate, life, light, Lignum, likelihood, limit, limited, Lind, linear, LinkedIn, liquidity, Lisa, Lisbon, listen, listening, literate, litigation, live, Living, local, located, location, long, Loretta, lost, love, loved, low, lower, lowest, Lyford, mail, main, maintenance, mandate, mandatory, Maple, margin, marginalized, Marisa, market, marketable, marketing, marquee, Martha, Mastercard, matching, material, materially, matter, maximum, McGill, meaningful, measurable, measure, measurement, media, mediacorp, Medicine, Medium, Melinda, membership, mentorship, metro, MHz, Miami, Michael, microwave, Millgrove, million, minimum, Mississauga, MLB, MLSE, mobile, modified, monitor, monitoring, month, Montreal, Moody, Mosaic, Moved, multicarrier, multicultural, multilingual, multimedia, multiple, Municipality, Museum, music, Naturopathic, NBA, NBC, NCIB, negative, Nest, net, Netflix, network, networking, Newfoundland, newly, NHL, NI, nominated, nominating, nomination, Norfolk, North, Note, noted, notice, Nova, November, NYSE, Oakville, objectivity, obtain, obtained, obtaining, October, offer, offered, offering, Ojibwe, OLN, OMNI, ongoing, online, onset, Ookla, opened, OpenSignal, optic, optical, option, Orange, order, ordering, ordinary, organization, original, Osgoode, Ottawa, outbound, Outdoor, overage, oversee, overseeing, OVERVIEW, owner, ownership, Oxford, packaging, paid, pandemic, Park, Parliament, part, Participating, participation, partnership, party, passing, Patrick, payment, Peace, peer, peering, people, perform, performance, performed, performing, permanent, permit, personnel, pertaining, Pflag, phase, Philip, phone, physical, pick, picking, Pickup, pillar, placement, Plate, platform, Platinum, pledge, podcast, political, poll, popular, population, Port, portfolio, portion, Portugal, position, postpaid, Poverty, power, practice, practiced, predecessor, preferred, premium, prepaid, prescribed, presence, present, presented, president, prevent, price, pricing, pride, prime, primetime, Prince, principle, prior, privacy, Pro, processing, Procurement, produce, producer, product, production, profession, program, programming, progressively, prohibited, Project, promote, prompt, promulgated, proper, property, proportion, proposal, proposed, protected, protection, protocol, province, provincial, publicly, pulse, purpose, pursue, putting, PVR, qualified, quality, Quebec, Quebecor, Queen, questionable, quick, quorum, Race, Racism, radio, Radiocommunication, range, ranked, rapid, rate, rated, rating, RCI, reach, reached, reaching, read, ready, real, reality, rebuild, receipt, receive, received, receiver, receiving, recent, recently, recipient, reciprocal, Reclaimed, recognized, recommend, recommendation, recommended, reconciliation, record, recorded, recovery, reduce, reduced, reflect, region, regional, Registrar, regular, regularly, rejoining, Relaunched, release, relevant, reliability, reliable, reliance, rely, remain, remedying, remote, remotely, removal, removed, remuneration, Renfrew, repair, repaired, represent, representation, represented, representing, repurchased, research, residence, residential, resilience, resolution, Resource, response, responsibility, responsible, restart, restrict, Restriction, result, resulted, retail, retain, retention, retired, retirement, return, Returned, revenue, Roam, roaming, Robert, robust, Rochester, role, rolling, rollout, rotating, rotation, Rotman, row, Royal, Rupert, rural, Ruralwave, Ryerson, safe, safeguard, Sagent, sale, Salmon, Salomon, SASB, satisfaction, satisfied, scalable, scale, scheduled, Scholarship, School, Schulich, Science, scope, score, Scotia, Scotland, screen, seamlessly, season, secretary, sector, secure, Secured, securitization, security, sedar, seeking, select, selected, selection, sell, senior, separated, separately, September, set, setting, setup, SFLT, share, shareholder, Shaw, shed, shining, shipping, shirt, shopping, shown, significant, significantly, Simcoe, similar, simple, simplified, single, sitcom, skepticism, skilled, small, smart, smartphone, SmartStream, SmartStreamTM, Smith, SN, social, socially, society, Sociology, software, solution, SONiC, Sooke, sought, Southeast, Southwestern, space, specialist, specialty, spectrum, speed, Speedtest, spend, spending, spent, Sponsor, sport, Sportsnet, spot, Spotify, spotlight, Sprint, Sri, St, stability, staffing, standalone, standing, Stanley, star, starter, state, station, stay, stayed, Step, stipulated, storage, store, Strachan, strategic, strategy, stream, streaming, strong, structure, Studio, Study, sublicense, submission, subordinated, subscriber, subscription, SUBSECTION, subsequent, subsequently, substantial, suburban, succeed, successive, successor, sufficient, suitability, Suite, summarize, summarized, summary, summer, Sun, SunOpta, supplementary, supplemented, supplied, Supply, support, supported, supporting, surf, survey, suspension, Sustainability, Sustainable, SWIFT, switching, system, tablet, talent, Task, taxation, TBooth, TCFD, team, technical, Ted, Tel, telecom, telecommunication, telemarketing, telephony, televised, television, temporarily, temporary, terminated, termination, test, testing, thirteen, thrive, Thunderbird, tied, time, timely, Tire, today, Tony, tool, top, Tottenham, tower, Town, Toyota, tracking, trademark, traditional, traffic, Trailblazer, transaction, transcontinental, transfer, transform, Transformed, transmission, transparency, treasury, treatment, Trilogy, trust, trusted, trustee, TSX, tubi, Turkey, Turned, TV, typical, UK, umlaut, unaudited, unauthorized, uncertainty, underground, underreported, underserved, understand, understanding, Unified, Unison, Unitel, universe, University, unlimited, unsecured, Unveiled, upfront, Upload, urban, usage, utility, vacant, Vancouver, variety, venture, venue, verify, versatility, Vice, video, view, viewing, violence, virtual, virtually, visibility, vision, visual, Vodafone, voice, voicemail, volume, volunteer, Volunteered, volunteering, VP, vulnerable, waiting, waived, waiving, warrant, watch, Waterloo, Waterstone, Watson, wave, WeFix, West, Western, whistleblower, wholesale, Wickramasinghe, wide, WiFi, Wilfred, Windsor, winning, wireline, withdrawn, WNED, women, Woodhead, work, working, workplace, world, WOW, write, written, Wyse, XITE, Yonge, young, youth, YouTube
absence, amendment, Anthony, attached, chapter, check, Clappison, Classification, Codification, communicated, complying, cover, covered, de, deemed, electronically, exhibit, file, filing, furnish, GAAP, identification, imposed, Industrial, Instruction, irrespective, Joe, language, liability, MacDonald, Natale, obligation, posted, promptly, referencing, registrant, relation, request, requested, respond, sheet, shorter, standard, submit, Subsidiary, term, undersigned, update, Washington, zip
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