This summary contains basic information about us and this offering. Because it is a summary, it does not contain all of the information that you should consider before investing. Before you decide to invest in our Units, you should read this entire prospectus carefully, including the section entitled “Risk Factors” and any information incorporated by reference herein.
Our Company
BIOLASE, Inc. (“BIOLASE” and, together with its consolidated subsidiaries, the “Company,” “we,” “our” ,“us” or “its”) is a leading provider of advanced laser systems for the dental industry. We develop, manufacture, market, and sell laser systems that provide significant benefits for dental practitioners and their patients. Our proprietary systems allow dentists, periodontists, endodontists, oral surgeons, and other dental specialists to perform a broad range of minimally invasive dental procedures, including cosmetic, restorative, and complex surgical applications. Our laser systems are designed to provide clinically superior results for many types of dental procedures compared to those achieved with drills, scalpels, and other conventional instruments. Potential patient benefits include less pain, fewer shots, faster healing, decreased fear and anxiety, and fewer appointments. Potential practitioner benefits include improved patient care and the ability to perform a higher volume and wider variety of procedures and generate more patient referrals.
We offer two categories of laser system products: Waterlase(all-tissue) systems and diode (soft-tissue) systems. Our flagship brand, the Waterlase, uses a patented combination of water and laser energy and is U.S. Food and Drug Administration or “FDA” cleared for over 80 clinical indications to perform most procedures currently performed using drills, scalpels, and other traditional dental instruments for cutting soft and hard tissue. For example, Waterlase safely debrides implants without damaging or significantly affecting surface temperature and is the only effective, safe solution to preserving sick implants. In addition, Waterlase disinfects root canals more efficiently than some traditional chemical methods. We also offer our diode laser systems to perform soft tissue, pain therapy, and cosmetic procedures, including teeth whitening. Many of the procedures addressed by our systems require no or fewer shots than traditional dental methods. We have approximately 208 issued and 56 pending United States and international patents, the majority of which are related to Waterlase technology. From 1998 through March 31, 2019, we sold over 41,200 laser systems in over 80 countries around the world, and have been the leading global innovator, manufacturer, and marketer of dental laser systems. We believe that Waterlase iPlus is the world’s best-sellingall-tissue dental laser.
We also manufacture and sell consumable products and accessories for our laser systems. Our Waterlase and diode systems use disposable laser tips of differing sizes and shapes depending on the procedure being performed. We also market flexible fibers and hand pieces that dental practitioners replace after initially purchasing laser systems. For our Epic systems, we sell teeth whitening gel kits. During the year ended December 31, 2019, the sale of lasers accounted for approximately 60% of our total sales, and consumables, accessories, and services accounted for approximately 40% of our total sales.
We had net revenues of $37.8 million, $46.2 million, and $46.9 million, in 2019, 2018, and 2017, respectively, and we had net losses of $17.9 million, $21.5 million, and $16.9 million for the same periods, respectively. Our net revenues for the quarter ended March 31, 2020 were $4.8 million. We had total assets of $24.5 million and $31.7 million as of March 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively. We were implementing a plan to transition the Company from an engineering and research and development focus to be more commercially driven and disciplined when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred and it has materially adversely affected our business in 2020 as discussed below.
We were originally formed as Societe Endo Technic, SA (“SET”) in 1984 in Marseilles, France, to develop and market various endodontic and laser products. In 1987, SET merged into Pamplona Capital Corp., a public holding company incorporated in Delaware. In 1994, we changed our name to BIOLASE Technology, Inc. and in 2012, we changed our name to BIOLASE, Inc.
For additional information about our Company, please refer to other documents we have filed with the SEC and that are incorporated by reference into this prospectus, as listed under the heading “Information Incorporated by Reference.”
Our principal executive offices are located at 4 Cromwell, Irvine, California 92618. Our telephone number is(949) 361-1200. Additional information can be found on our website, at, and in our periodic and current reports filed with the SEC. Copies of our current and periodic reports filed with the SEC are available at the SEC Public Reference Room at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549, and online at www.sec.govand our website at No portion of our website is incorporated by reference into this prospectus.