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AA, aaa, abandonment, ability, aboriginal, absence, absolute, abstain, accelerate, acceleration, accessed, accessory, accommodate, accommodation, accompany, accompanying, accordion, accrued, accuracy, achieve, achieved, achievement, acid, Acidic, acidity, acknowledge, acknowledging, acquire, acquired, acquiring, active, actively, Activism, activist, activity, add, added, Additionally, addressed, addressing, ADEQ, adequacy, adjacent, adjust, adjusted, adjusting, Admin, administered, ADTV, advance, advanced, advancement, advancing, advantage, adverse, adversely, advisory, affiliate, Ag, agency, agree, agreed, agreeing, agreement, ahead, aid, aim, aimed, air, airborne, Aley, alia, alloy, alloyed, alluvial, ALSD, alteration, altered, alternate, alternative, altogether, amalgamate, Amarc, amenability, amenable, America, amortization, Analyst, analytical, analyze, analyzed, analyzing, ancillary, angle, ankeritic, announced, anode, anomaly, Antamina, anticipated, Anu, APP, appeal, Appendix, approximately, aquifer, aquitard, arc, area, arise, arising, Arizona, arranged, arrangement, array, articled, ASARCO, ascertain, ASCu, assay, assayed, assaying, Assemblage, asset, assigned, assist, assistance, assisted, Atlanta, attached, attorney, attract, attributable, attributed, Au, augmented, August, aureole, Australia, automatic, automatically, automotive, average, aviation, avoid, awaiting, Award, awarded, aware, AZ, BA, Bachelor, back, background, bacterial, bagged, ball, banded, bank, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Bar, barren, baseline, basin, batch, batholith, battery, bay, BC, BCEAO, bear, bearing, bedded, bedrock, began, beginning, belonging, belt, beneath, beneficial, beneficially, Bergot, Bethlehem, BHP, billed, billion, Billiton, Biny, biodiversity, Blackwolf, blank, blast, blasting, blend, block, BNY, body, Boliden, bonding, boosted, Border, bornite, borrower, borrowing, boundary, box, Branch, breach, breadth, breakdown, Brian, bribery, bring, bringing, broad, Brophy, build, building, built, bulk, Bullmoose, bundled, buried, bus, Butte, Caa, cable, calcite, calibrated, call, called, calling, Cambrian, Camp, campaign, Canex, cap, capability, capable, capacity, capped, carbon, carbonate, Carbonatite, care, career, carefully, Cariboo, Cartier, case, cashflow, catastrophic, catering, cathode, cautionary, CCG, CEAA, cease, ceased, ceasing, cell, center, centered, central, centre, centred, centreline, certainty, certified, certify, chain, Chair, chairman, chalcopyrite, challenged, challenging, chamber, charge, charging, charter, Chartered, chemical, chemistry, Chile, China, choose, chrysocolla, circuit, Circular, circulation, cited, civil, CKN, claim, classified, classify, clastic, clay, clean, cleaner, clearing, climate, Clinton, closure, CN, Coalspur, coarse, Coast, Coeur, Cohesion, cold, collateral, collect, collected, collecting, collection, collectively, collector, College, Colorado, columbite, column, combination, combined, Cominco, commenced, commencement, commencing, comment, commented, Commerce, commercial, commercially, comminution, commitment, committed, commodity, commonly, compatible, compete, competition, competitive, complementary, complex, complexity, component, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, Computershare, Comstock, concentrate, concentrating, concentration, concentrator, concert, conclusion, concrete, concurring, condemnation, conduct, conducted, conducting, confidence, confidential, configuration, confined, confirm, confirmed, confirming, conflict, conform, conformable, conglomerate, conjunction, Connector, Conoco, conservation, conservatively, consist, consisted, consistency, consistent, consisting, consortium, constitute, constituting, constrained, construct, constructed, construction, constructive, consult, consultation, consulting, consumption, contact, contemplated, contemplating, content, context, contingent, continually, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, contract, contraction, contractor, conventional, conversion, convey, conveyed, conveyor, convicted, coordinate, coordinated, coordinating, copper, core, cored, Corner, corrective, correlation, corridor, Corrupt, corruption, cost, costly, Council, County, coupled, court, coverage, CPA, crane, create, created, creating, credit, Creek, crest, criminal, critical, Crown, Crude, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, Cu, Cuisson, culminating, cultural, culture, Cumberland, cumulative, cured, currency, curtail, curtailing, curtailment, curve, customary, cut, cutting, cyber, cycle, cyclical, cycloned, daily, dam, damage, dark, database, dataset, deal, death, debt, decade, decide, decided, decision, declaration, decline, decommissioned, decrease, decreased, dedicated, deem, deemed, deep, deeper, default, defaulted, defeated, defence, defend, defending, Defense, defer, deficient, deformation, delay, delayed, delegate, delegated, delineated, delineation, deliver, delivered, Deloitte, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating, demonstration, denominated, density, Department, depend, dependence, dependent, depending, depleted, depletion, deploy, deposit, deposited, deposition, depth, Deputy, derivative, derived, destruction, devaluation, dewatered, dewatering, Dhir, dialogue, diameter, diamond, Dickinson, diesel, differential, difficult, digital, dike, diligence, diorite, dip, dipping, direct, directed, directing, direction, directly, director, disadvantage, discharge, discharged, discontinued, discount, discounted, discovered, discovery, discreet, disease, dismissed, dispersion, disposal, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, disseminated, dissolved, distance, Distinguished, distributed, distribution, disturb, disturbance, diverse, divestiture, dividend, Division, Doctor, Doctorate, dollar, dolomite, domain, Dome, dominant, dominated, dormant, double, Dowa, downgrade, downstream, downthrown, downturn, draft, dramatic, dramatically, drawdown, drawn, drill, drilled, drillhole, drilling, drinking, driven, dropped, drought, dry, due, Dump, duration, dust, duty, Duval, dynamic, Dynasty, EA, Eagle, earlier, earliest, earned, earth, east, eastern, eastward, EBA, EBF, EBG, EBH, EBITDA, EBP, EBQ, EBS, economy, education, educational, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effluent, EIS, electric, electrical, electricity, electrification, electrolyte, electromagnetic, electrowinning, element, eleven, eliminate, eliminating, Elk, Elkview, embankment, EMLI, employ, employed, employee, empowered, enable, enact, Enaex, encounter, encountered, encourage, endangered, Endeavour, energy, enforce, enforced, enforcement, engineer, engineering, enhance, enjoining, enriched, ensuing, entirety, entrance, entry, environment, environmental, EPA, Epithermal, equidistant, equipment, equipped, equivalent, Ernst, eroded, erosion, escalation, esg, essential, essentially, estimate, estimated, estimating, estimation, Europe, European, evaporation, event, eventual, eventually, evidence, evolving, EW, exacerbate, excavate, excavation, exceed, Excellence, excellent, exclusive, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exhaustive, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expect, expected, expend, expenditure, expense, expensive, experience, experienced, expert, expire, expiring, expiry, explanation, exploitation, exploration, explore, explored, exploring, exposed, exposing, exposure, expressed, expressly, extent, extinction, extract, extractant, extracted, extracting, extraction, extractive, extreme, extremely, face, facilitate, facilitated, facility, facing, fact, factor, factoring, fail, failed, failing, failure, faith, fall, falling, Fame, familiarity, family, Farm, fashion, fault, faulted, favor, favorable, favour, favourable, favourably, FCA, feature, fed, fee, feed, feeding, feet, feldspar, Felix, fenite, fersmite, field, Fife, figure, fill, filled, filtered, filtration, final, finally, finely, fire, fish, Fitch, fixed, flank, fleet, flexibility, float, floated, flooding, Florence, flotation, flow, flown, FLS, FLSmidth, fluctuate, fluctuated, FNX, focused, focusing, focussed, foliation, food, foot, Footage, footprint, Fording, forecasted, foreclose, foregoing, Foreland, forest, forma, formally, forward, fossil, found, founding, fourth, fracture, fragmental, fragmented, Fraser, fraud, free, freehold, frequency, frequent, frequently, fresh, freshwater, friendly, froth, ft, fuel, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, function, fund, fundamental, funding, Furukawa, gain, gained, gangue, gap, gas, gatehouse, gather, GBG, gently, geochemical, geologic, geological, geologist, geophysical, geopolitical, Georgia, geotechnical, Gibraltar, global, globally, GMP, goal, gold, good, governmental, Governor, gpm, gradational, gradient, gradually, graduate, graduated, Granite, granodiorite, graphitic, gravel, great, greatly, greenest, greenhouse, grey, grid, grinding, grit, ground, groundwater, group, grow, growing, guarantee, guaranteed, guidance, Gunn, gyratory, habitat, Hall, Hallbauer, halt, hand, handle, handling, harm, Harmony, Harper, Harvard, harvest, haul, haulage, hauling, HDI, HDSI, head, heading, healthy, heap, heard, hearing, heat, heated, heavy, hedge, height, heightened, helicopter, hereof, heritage, high, highest, Highland, highly, highway, hinder, hire, hiring, history, Hoffmann, holder, hole, honestly, honesty, horizon, horst, host, hosted, housing, Houston, hundred, Hunt, Hunter, hydraulic, hydro, hydrological, hydrologically, hydrothermal, hypogene, ice, ICP, identified, identify, identifying, idle, idled, illegal, image, imminent, impact, impacted, impacting, impair, impaired, impede, impediment, Imperial, implement, implementation, implemented, implied, imply, important, impose, imposed, impossible, improper, improve, improved, improvement, improving, impugned, inability, inaccurate, incentivize, incident, inclement, inclusive, inconsistent, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incur, incurred, incurring, indenture, Index, Indian, indirect, indirectly, individual, induced, inducted, inductively, ineffective, inefficient, infill, inflatable, inflation, inflationary, influenced, infrastructure, initial, initially, initiated, inject, injected, injecting, injection, injury, Innovation, input, inquiry, insecurity, inside, insolvency, installation, installed, insufficient, insurance, Integrate, integrity, intended, intense, intensely, intensity, intensive, inter, interbed, intercalated, interest, interference, interim, intermediate, intermittent, Intermontane, internet, interpretation, interpreted, interrupt, interruption, intersect, Interstate, interval, introduced, introducing, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, inventory, invest, invested, investigate, investigation, investment, investor, involve, involved, involvement, involving, ion, IP, iron, ISCR, isolate, Isolated, issuance, iv, ix, January, Japanese, JD, JDS, jet, joined, joining, joint, jointly, journalist, judgment, judicial, July, June, justice, justified, justify, JV, JVFA, JVOA, Katanga, Kechika, Kenneth, key, kilometre, kind, kinetic, King, km, kms, knowledge, Kootenay, lab, laboratory, labour, lack, laden, Lake, lamellae, land, landfill, large, largely, larger, largest, latent, Latin, latitude, laydown, layer, leach, leachable, leached, leaching, lead, leadership, leading, lease, leased, leasehold, Leasing, leave, leaving, led, Lee, left, legislation, legislative, lender, lending, length, lengthy, letter, level, leverage, leveraged, levied, liability, LIB, lien, life, light, lightening, lime, limestone, line, literacy, literate, lithological, lithology, litigation, LME, loaded, loading, loan, lock, logging, logistical, Lomiko, long, longer, longitude, looming, lose, losing, lot, Louvicourt, low, lower, lowered, lowering, lowest, LP, LSE, Macalister, machine, machinery, Mackenzie, macroeconomic, mafic, Magee, Magma, magnetic, magnetite, magnetometer, magnetotelluric, Maguire, main, Malabar, mandatory, Manual, manufacture, manufacturing, map, mapping, margin, Marine, marketplace, massive, master, matter, mature, maturity, maximize, maximum, McDonald, McLeese, meantime, mechanical, mechanically, mechanism, media, medium, Mellon, member, membership, merge, merit, Merrill, metal, metallurgical, metamorphic, metamorphism, metasedimentary, metavolcanic, Methanex, method, metric, metropolitan, METSIM, mica, Michael, middle, Milestone, military, mill, milled, milling, million, mineralogical, mineralogy, minimizing, minimum, Minister, Ministry, Mississippian, mitigate, mitigated, mitigation, Mitsui, mixed, mixer, mixing, Mo, mobile, model, modeling, modelling, moderately, modified, modifier, modify, modifying, molybdenite, molybdenum, monetary, monitor, monitoring, Montage, month, monzonite, Moody, morphologic, Mountain, move, mud, Multijurisdictional, multiple, multiplying, municipal, Municipality, mutually, NAG, native, natural, naturally, nature, Nb, nearest, necessarily, negative, negatively, negotiate, negotiated, net, neutralization, Nevada, newly, nil, niobium, nitrate, nominal, nominally, Nominating, nominee, nonpartisan, Noranda, north, Northcliff, northeast, northeasterly, northern, northwest, northwestern, notably, note, noted, November, NPV, NSR, numerical, NW, objective, observation, observed, occupational, occurrence, October, offer, offering, offsite, offtake, oil, older, Omineca, ongoing, onset, onsite, open, opportunity, opposed, opposition, optimization, optimize, option, optioned, order, ordinary, Ordovician, orientated, oriented, original, originally, origination, Osisko, Ospika, ounce, outbreak, outcome, outlined, outlook, output, outright, overburden, overhead, overlain, overland, overlying, oversaw, oversee, overseeing, oversight, overview, ovoid, owed, owner, ownership, oxide, oxidized, package, Packaging, PAG, pair, pandemic, Panel, par, parallel, pari, parking, partially, partner, partnership, party, passed, passu, patented, path, pattern, paved, pay, payable, payback, paying, payment, Pb, peer, Pembina, penalty, pending, Pennsylvania, percentage, percussion, perimeter, permeability, permission, Peru, pervasive, petrographic, phase, Phoenix, phyllite, physical, Pickering, pile, piling, pilot, Pinal, pipeline, pit, PKM, Placer, plan, planned, planning, plant, plasma, plate, plated, platform, played, pledge, PLS, polarization, policy, political, pollution, Pollyanna, polymer, polymetallic, poorly, porosity, porphyry, port, portfolio, portion, pose, position, positive, Poston, potassic, potential, potentially, pound, power, PowerSmart, Precambrian, predecessor, predetermined, predict, predicted, predominantly, predominate, preferred, pregnant, prejudice, preliminary, premium, presence, preservation, President, pressure, prevailing, prevalence, primarily, prior, priority, privacy, pro, procedural, proceed, proceeding, Processor, procurement, produce, produced, producer, producing, product, production, productivity, profession, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, profitably, profound, program, progressive, progressively, project, projected, projecting, prolonged, proper, proponent, proposal, proposed, prospecting, prospective, Prosperity, protocol, protracted, prove, provincial, provisionally, proximal, PRT, PTF, publicly, publish, published, pump, pumped, pumping, punishment, pure, purpose, pursuing, pyrite, pyrochlore, pyrrhotite, QCM, Quadra, Quadro, qualification, qualified, qualify, quality, quantity, quarter, quartile, quartz, quash, Quebec, Queen, Quesnel, questionable, Quinnipiac, Quintette, quoted, raffinate, rail, Railway, rainfall, ramped, Ranch, range, ranging, rank, ranking, rapid, rare, rate, rated, Rathdowney, ratified, rating, ratio, raw, reach, reached, read, readily, ready, reagent, real, realized, reanalysed, recalculation, receipt, receive, received, receiver, receiving, recent, recently, recession, recessionary, recipient, reclaimed, reclamation, recognition, recommence, recommend, recommendation, recommended, reconciliation, reconnaissance, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recurrence, recycled, recycling, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refinance, refinanced, refinancing, refine, refined, refining, region, regional, registrar, regrinding, reground, regular, regularly, regulatory, rehabilitation, rejected, relationship, release, relevant, reliance, reliant, relocated, Relocating, relocation, relogged, relogging, rely, relying, remain, remained, remaining, remedial, remediation, remedy, remobilized, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, renegotiate, renegotiation, renew, renewable, renewal, renewed, repair, reparation, repay, repayment, representative, represented, representing, reprocessed, repurchase, reputable, reputation, reputational, requisite, resampled, resampling, research, resolution, resolve, respiratory, rest, restart, restarted, Restarting, restatement, restrain, restrict, restricted, restrictive, restructure, retain, retained, retaining, retention, return, returned, reuse, revenue, reverse, revert, review, reviewed, reviewing, revolving, rim, rinsed, rinsing, riparian, risen, risky, Rita, River, road, Roadrunner, Robert, rock, Rocky, role, Ronald, rotary, rotating, rotation, Rotzinger, rougher, roughly, rounding, route, routine, Royal, royalty, run, Russell, Russia, Russian, saddle, safe, SAG, sale, saleable, sample, sampled, sampling, sanction, sand, Sandra, sandstone, SASB, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfy, scale, scarcity, schedule, scheduled, scheduling, schistose, Scholz, School, science, scope, scoping, Scotland, scrap, scrutiny, SE, Seaspan, Secretary, sector, sedar, sedi, sediment, sedimentary, seepage, selected, selection, selective, selectively, sell, selling, senior, sensitive, September, sequence, sequential, serve, served, serving, settled, settlement, sewage, shallow, shape, shear, shearing, shed, shell, ship, shipment, shipped, shipping, shop, Shortage, shortfall, shortly, shovel, show, showed, shown, shut, shutdown, side, siding, significantly, silicification, silicified, silt, silty, silver, Similarly, Simon, simple, simulate, single, Sixteen, size, sized, skilled, skimmed, Skoki, sliding, slight, slope, slowdown, SLT, slurry, small, smelter, snow, social, socially, Society, soft, soil, Sojitz, solid, soluble, solute, solution, solvent, sophisticated, sophistication, sought, sound, source, south, Southeast, southern, southwest, southwestern, spacing, spare, spatial, specific, specifically, speculative, speechwriter, spend, spending, spent, split, spot, spread, spring, springing, square, Sr, stability, stable, stacking, stage, staged, stake, staked, stakeholder, staking, standing, standstill, starter, statute, steadily, Steady, steel, step, sterling, stimulation, stirred, stockpile, storage, store, stored, storing, storm, strategic, strategy, stratigraphy, stream, streaming, strength, stricter, strike, stringent, strip, stripping, strong, stronger, structural, structurally, structure, study, style, subcommittee, submission, subordinated, subordination, subsequent, subsequently, subsidence, substation, substitute, successful, successfully, succession, successive, suffer, suffering, sufficient, sufficiently, suggest, suitability, suitable, suite, sulfide, sulfuric, sulphate, sulphide, sulphuric, summary, summer, sunk, Sunset, supergene, Superintendent, supermajority, superseded, Supervisory, supplied, supply, support, supported, supporting, supportive, Supreme, surface, survey, surveying, susceptible, suspend, suspension, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, switching, SX, Symington, syndicate, systematic, systematically, table, tabulated, tangible, tank, TAPP, target, targeted, targeting, Task, tax, taxation, TCu, team, technique, technology, Teck, temperature, temporarily, temporary, tension, tent, tenure, terminal, terminate, terminating, termination, terrane, test, tested, testing, TGB, thereof, thick, thickening, thin, thought, threat, threatened, threshold, thrust, tight, timeframe, timetable, Tipper, title, titled, TKO, today, ton, tonalite, tonnage, tonne, top, topographic, Touche, town, toxic, tpd, trade, traded, trading, traditional, traditionally, traffic, train, trainer, training, transaction, transfer, transferability, transferred, transferring, transmission, Transparency, transport, transportation, transported, Transporting, travel, treatment, Tremblay, trenching, trending, Triassic, tributary, trondhjemite, trough, truck, trucked, trucking, true, Trust, trustee, TSF, Tucson, turmoil, turn, turned, twenty, tying, type, typical, typically, UIC, UK, Ukraine, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, unavailable, unbiased, uncertain, uncommon, Unconsolidated, underflow, underground, underlying, understand, understanding, undertaken, undertook, underway, underwritten, undue, undulating, uneconomic, unexpected, unfavourable, unforeseen, uniformly, unincorporated, union, unionized, unique, University, unlimited, unpaid, unprecedented, unreliable, unrest, unskilled, unusual, upfront, upgrade, upgraded, upgrading, upper, uranium, USA, usage, user, utility, utilize, utilized, utilizing, valid, validate, validating, validity, valley, valuable, valuation, variability, variable, variably, variety, vary, varying, Vatterott, Vavenby, vendor, venture, verification, verified, verify, verifying, vertical, vi, viability, viable, Vice, vicinity, view, vii, viii, violating, violation, virtual, virtue, visibility, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcanogenic, volume, Von, vote, voting, vulnerability, waiting, waived, Walcott, war, warehouse, warrant, wash, Wasp, waste, wastewater, water, weak, weaken, weakened, weather, weathering, wedge, week, weighed, weight, welding, wellfield, west, western, Westmin, wet, WHM, wholly, widely, widening, widespread, width, Williston, withdrawal, withdrawn, withstand, word, wording, work, worked, worker, workforce, working, workplace, world, worsened, worth, writing, Wshingwell, WTP, xanthate, xi, Xstrata, Yellowhead, YMI, York, Young, Yukon, zinc, ZinQ, Zn, zone, ZTEM
accurately, amended, attestation, behalf, blackout, book, BTR, capitalization, chapter, check, Composition, COSO, Dan, detect, detection, deteriorate, dilutive, disposition, duly, effected, electronically, eligible, emerging, Employer, exempt, Exhibit, fairly, furnish, home, IASB, Identification, implicit, Interactive, issue, Johnson, mandated, mark, page, pertain, placement, promptly, promulgated, recognize, Reform, registration, relaxing, relief, rescinded, send, shorter, solicitation, solicited, Sponsoring, submit, telephone, thereto, thereunto, Treadway, unauthorized, undersigned, Wall, washington
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