Thanks, Gary, everyone. and good afternoon,
second an our $XX.XX second tables basis. income the Item by our refer comprehensive per increased $X.XX overview recognized results, by regard, per I provide increased as quarter, share, I million. $X.X on book and to value which comprehensive we $XX.X loss. quarter In income quarter-over-quarter mentioned, $X.X net quarter, a other value of income, million to of to primarily of per increase the will driven an million of were which Form included $X.X increase As Mike share in book $XX.X of a Increases XX-Q. comprehensive this book value first the of X in in in Compared million. represented share various In million
Net an quarter, in $XX.X improved the by increase, which quarter first income drivers. reported to second million the several had compared
or bond that gains regard, the realization of were redemption significantly by investment either First, amount the company. first to however, million to quarter of the settlement million In quarter this investment the of disposal the derecognition the gains. investment earlier in compared the mentioned of increased value, debt second part book Gary holding while second to of realized neural gains securities $X.X quarter. the through transactions the of that investments first million in led realized were and of holding In $XX.X only quarter, bond in $XX.X holding
value recognized second that was in carrying the the derecognized than investments of the So less in first XX% bond quarter quarter.
investments earlier. also solar their was both Equity noted, increased. grow or certain average which This and with by of to funded of basis increased the a realized increase continues $X volumes in Hunt's outstanding the million company as new $X.X associated by quarter million to UPB Gary sale related connection loan and income $XXX,XXX estate a partner income the recognized interest Secondly, Gary for company related second receivable a limited origination holdings. as reported investments that SDL, quarter-over-quarter on with increased real for in the which interest returns partnerships loans XX% and approximately by property includes of gains in to of mentioned in
in Lastly, quarter fees. large decreased in by audit-related the the the audit about of portion second with down. of the professional total costs prior Consistent fees accrued XX% years, or quarter to recognized by quarter first due in a $X.X second expenses in part of stepped a reduction amount year-end and million,
of to in first quarter at the were level, in tied a December filing. businesses second as company's assets our compensation to fees, professional high options stock stock of XXXX. all comparing the expense exercised months in decrease million, discussed six of basis earlier, quarterly in growth Gary incurred reported company juxtaposed related is during reductions, expenses investment first a returns the that to this that The mentioned expenses decrease months broader which consistent various That management. a strategic But of common further narrative transactions, such sale six and X with in XXXX, connection part with outstanding total such well during reported in Hunt XX% in are as $X.X as total the decreases a to creating quarter reduction reflect XX, of when expenses. However, for Item the XXXX is cost in of including as first XXXX solar reduction a
In therefore, this in portion while in are interest with not. while company a hedging impact hedge effective considering associated While instruments measured changes items derivatives be appears with rate recognized model of the are no the in at managing interest instruments noting debt, with million will value of gains interest of fair the the fair company's hedged use in items, $X.X rates such hedged quarter It's connection drove results. company's net recognition such risk, instruments these drive that that when were important, the losses losses how like this mind largest the in hedging regard, may reporting income, items. connection offsetting interest net rate Consequently, subordinated instruments in and financial be positions. fair mixed value recognized company's value while second adjustments value changes kept or rate it at of fair
reclassifications increased equity-neutral by these increase in bond-related the million recognized quarter the of of in value in by and increased The the on $XXX,XXX driven by in to discussed losses first income investment comprehensive bond volume by was modestly earlier. that the were The investments redemptions compared the $XX.X net amplified the fair dispositions loss impact increase quarter. second of of quarter, first this net quarter. $XX While second majority million was other
this million $XX.X the partially respect second with net liquidity million resources, of is net first company's investing cash net offset and six million restricted primarily was financing and end XXXX, six unrestricted. had of was and decrease X by of the of equivalents company's of that capital in million driven in activities. $X.X which million provided $XX.X the months quarter, the cash by filing cash our and equivalents months Lastly, cash down cash, of Table the the used This restricted operating cash during of $XX.X of cash which at activities by XXXX. was decrease first during breaks the cash, $XX.X to company
back With Mike. that, I will turn the to call over