Thank you for taking the time to join today's call.
Dan CFO. by joined I'm Luckshire, our Today
year. a We a our business to approximately have $XXX We shareholders. we in to provide this opportunity had questions. XXC achieved months and U.S. million take then happy upon government TPOXX are the fourth delivered International U.S. in quarter nine Fourth sales government be the oral quarter contract. which pleased the deliveries We'll we to the build strong of first of under financial update to growth to BARDA to the
$XX partners For SIGA In from attributable to XXXX, product team, year. team, team international were in collectively sales entire grew of in pre-tax lot timely chain revenues a million our $X BARDA Services, to with approximately at to and XXXX. the partners work approximately operating supply Pharma well at many through end the to work in the in as $XX performance effort million, also from for the of thank resulting challenges. million I our especially deliver National approximately This so million is XXXX for chain closely as the working like hard supply TPI us $XXX approximately our Stockpile would a at which total, Strategic of income year. involves delivery we
the industries, in discussed industry. including many we November, As pharmaceutical for are supply challenges issue chain an
risks. Our they to as identify arise, with mitigate risks to team manage and supply been has well working issues when continuously such mitigate our partners as chain and
risks note issues, but that in have We challenges is it managing date important to had to persist. and success
in and put take to identify order in best demand. meet future continue proactive will the to manage we to such, position to As procurement us steps risk
today believe strategy risk chain as us the has tool. supply I well in in purposely continue ago years and supply we note, this chain to management historical U.S. a a As proactive many navigating was recent built use centered that U.S.-based the served challenges.
I'd activity, to XXC next contract. with Looking steps forward the about the like talk procurement respect with BARDA to
years, As XXXX two the a with government XXXX, When contained reminder, that final four and BARDA XXXX, we option built initial for of contract each was stockpile former XXXX. TPOXX manufactured in years, XXXX, oral issued drug expired. in U.S. Oral options XXC in procurement TPOXX, replenished it have would such in expect of three which was I procurement years. years. We TPOXX options product in exercised exercises saw that manufactured deliveries shelf approximately oral the has that we approximately And seven-year manufactured option products the XXXX next remaining U.S. been stockpiled million. as options be TPOXX government life. timing TPOXX, intravenous, exercised year. not was or over product scheduled will next stockpile government revenue. significant those note over remains million $XXX calendar will of as exact that final the IV, expirations oral product generate not the be determined. option expirations drug TPOXX procurement anticipate well options valued $XXX.X substance, as XXXX stockpile U.S. this procurement XXXX, These a at had since in and In for we XXXX, the as in with exercises the does given we and three XXXX to The the BARDA of
contract better ASPR options deliveries with smooth to chain. to in government for secure replenish to exercise supply such, options to in longer-term is and manage have and on we'll the with annual been immediate XXXX, in that, Having said no the continue As further working and out BARDA U.S. deliveries there a advance need to expiration. we budgets work XX-year
TPOXX Prophylactic by are Post-Exposure More any that use of the the government ensuring US or The on also we are for considered requirements focused new PEP importantly, in PEP. contract.
reevaluation In procurement sum, essential. years be size the among protect believe will Americans with as the the only expect of to years be US expected calendar the the three of the able momentarily, over we an PEP, stockpile stockpile for outbreak. discuss would of more of Consequently, course in number I a by the next upcoming that the treatment the strongly half existing is significant determined. the timing XX-day Given event government we of to
from could of as noted sizing those an approximately especially the the later XX of this will contracted active, clinical important the Highlighting over play trial has need immunogenicity pandemic perspective, that role. expect from million in to the would stockpile is the believe the has purchase government of that would that of to ultimate the COVID-XX antiviral smallpox could results stockpile. drug and receive in a prior data those sufficient program and to billion. antibodies timely used we In access courses nearly prophylactically. monoclonal the drugs treat antiviral seven be terms importance $XX US we our call, I we believe progress care. clinical having the million doses COVID to COVID And for PEP all who program be year. of that Substantial TPOXX that from broad, outbreak PEP note of the PEP current approximately that and highlighted investor not
to deliveries international government. US that the note would I intravenous topic to procurement, our to shift of Before the like begun I have product we of making
which to base ordered reminder, we our to would XX,XXX and final for approximately IV a and XX,XXX $X we have product deliver equate revenue. this up approximately of to As drug expect XXC million contract courses courses year,
contract remaining a front the approximately regulatory on FDA options million. have TPOXX value TPOXX, procurement is PDUFA we to date of review provide going the for is we XXXX. and IVT XX, FDA $XX believe reach the the extension XXC for our stages. data well, note Please We IV that one NDA the under additional had final to May total for reminder, a that the As as
Agency to PHAC believe Health PHAC, in amendment Public International million Looking the the or proposed XXXX. deliveries respect product groundwork $XX that of contract approximately the sales, to for of TPOXX Canada lays we forward with to
targeting of National also of the to XXXX. We $X CDND, Defense a are in $X million oral delivery Canadian TPOXX million to Department
we only country approximately focused Canada, centered million. target to order is been and a conditions a purchase logistics. noted in for the an In approval some on important we had EU from opportunities has countries we complications until as final in a will remains includes monkeypox, but are EMA target January, of an with potential this This believe initial investor not vaccinia milestone $X Customer the or at would jurisdiction from be terms advance continue and EMA approval. Europe, broader regulatory negotiations and treatment new Beyond on prior for which not juncture and frustratingly slow calls. smallpox cowpox discuss announced obtained indication procurement immunization
the to East XXXX and We sales with recently has Meridian waned, with potential note picked growth as Middle up held to to meetings build opportunities. to on with are the also I international meetings Europe, of Asia sales Middle that but would our customers with the discuss partner marketing the regard in in being especially, Europe and jurisdictions East. Asia in hard have working like key recent COVID-XX pandemic
on oncolytic our a was the of a bent antiviral distraction a have they in smallpox the collaboration which also events had virus press context the December report the XXXX. in to could of completed our treatment in given international faces. from international of the we clinical them Ukraine, In also have would on that, Europe like We broad are for reminder I testing as collaboration they Russia but activity also unfortunate note, impact which their an announced. immediate focus an be it's may on threat initiative, candidate I customers touch potential there Europe. monitoring activity, implication, would of war The
vaccinia, cancer have several we smallpox used are the the developing companies use previously, that virus historically in As vaccine. therapies was orthopox that described the
While not or opportunity we of for could studies, their The preclinical is Architect BioArchitect potentially dosing, any for have approved with to TPOXX. and announced focuses with successful, vaccinia the routes TPOXX. markets it product of like up provides commercial TPOXX Bio Long the where companies higher systemic are there collaboration products open ultimately more an if term, January date, in collaborations use on new in vaccinia been administration.
have novel antibiotic. new initiative, Initiative. completed for one part of X/XX as they intend Paratek, They collaboration additional intent with our turn Finally, over update, financial XXXX call at Congress, contract additional Cipla. under other provide on to this RFPs I the before first for three with Dan are I XXXX an World to a three BARDA to the issue the award and and counting Resistance would the stockpile update announced like an which antibiotics to they by three as Antimicrobial procure the
business in third competition a We unfortunate as BARDA The for development business small second small small indicated is indicated aside January to the have the antibiotic work have is a XX, but business BARDA set the federal believe criteria there set business can Neither be and businesses BARDA. RFP sustainable antibiotics. RFP encourage set complete more set we case. nor does criteria was advancements that small small a opposition did that A the will RFP, or aside the in released was the larger they the will be not and in the bankruptcies second guarantee a the qualify, designated aside, our the with the past required, to Limiting the no anticipate novel aside. RFP contemplated essentially companies has contract. Cipla under field. and to small SIGA aside meet business the be that business on set plagued mission when of two given small of support not
RFP Dan, to financial continue pass I'll update. monitor Dan? will and development over the this who with ones Cipla. will call now to We partner future provide around our a