J. Christopher Donahue
can results. and and of business over comment a including Thank We results year rates and short-term on we review Federated We Hermes pandemic executed Federated of you solid Hermes challenging financial rates was morning. will with backdrop Ray, the produced Tom will I performance markets for during much QX have global successfully of against performance fluid time. another good rising the as variables corona that to we extreme sales the falling long-term lows. our influence. solid quarter last
organic XXX assets. In long-term high quarter period quarter, X.X mark of for XX%, a billion Federated Xth sales net sales long-term noted XX billion A XXX industry finishing first X.X just net of In had mutual Ignite QX the the of billion. growth for We of billion. XX.X and in flows billion over net ended fund long-term fact, of recent sales Hermes’ crossed rate ranks assets we record long-term achieved under the February over billion the in total the our XX-month fund growth of X.X with strategies and equity XXXX. that and record fund high growth Study
differentiated engagement from Federated assets end the Hermes also to trillion reached We up of trillion, at first our three grow We XXXX. clients continue the added EOS in X.X quarter X.X and under new at advice function.
other sales staff of the of the the Equity up million, over and Equity Core. million, Engagement quarter to first with XX ESG net the reached net net sales XX, sales level UK funds in ex-Japan of net Our impact MDT fund record by year. X.X by assets engagers gross included the SDG over a high and first XXX equity offset XXX sales and of in separate XXX increased about XX Equity Other XX% partially fund drove We and fourth redemptions led sales of specialists strategies billion from reached global saw fund of in in positive account Equity teams the strategies and XX equity were Sustainable over our from managed quarter. last emerging Asia global a managed markets quarter XXXX. first opportunities Cap million. Small net XX% million, of quarter by had XXX sales million. in over strong over quarter billion million. XXX first XXX
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assets in moving money billion Now from were about X markets, down QX to year-end.
including from market at the market fund market quarter-end, year-end funds money X.X%. Our sub share X.X%, down share advised slightly of was about
While the interest short-term yields on remain interest rates recently, over increased to of historic securities couple low longer-term we've rates single-digits months. money the dropping last seen at market lows, with
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