you, Thank Ken.
XX. each at BUCs X.XXXXX ratio form for As additional Ken distribution of October supplemental a a of BUCs, mentioned, we on BUC paid the in outstanding
distribution to split. similar purposes stock treated a GAAP this is For supplemental
BUC for the net on our income been September reflect Earlier supplemental such QX, will and we prior earnings metrics $X.XX retroactive reported unit and cash distribution for We and or basis. BUC As all that $X.XX to all periods for CAD today, adjusted diluted per BUCs and GAAP discuss quarter per I reported XX.X XX.X XXXX we have distributions of ended available per third and reported unit. basic XX. of and a
per of from benefited before third Vantage by $X.XX related the realization earnings expenses. the realized quarter per losses on is, largely difference quarter unit mortgage of Our general O'Connor during unit net and on quarterly which at gain contributed the sale XXXX, between driven the The earnings for and million administrative for July Provision in to bond Center $XX.X of purposes. greatly the CAD income CAD revenue approximately
contributed of proceeds and be the are mortgage As own August for the cash our court of $XX proceeds Tennessee, plan million The estate. bankruptcy developing Provision successfully Partnership which for of as Knoxville bonds bankruptcy mentioned call, XXXX sold Center, liquidation the to distributed. a the can on borrower in settlement the share July a out bankruptcy we Therapy was bankruptcy estate, Center the with Proton such of Treatment revenue Cancer in
the net final XX, $X.X case. approximately accrued for revenue September equals of revenue carrying of our our bond original inclusive This the of million value bond prior by million of previously, purposes, $X.X of GAAP such GAAP proceeds settlement net was which the value less our net bankruptcy As the bankruptcy This impacted expected of as than net not recognized in is investment. upon interest resolution pending carrying that a was mortgage GAAP is mortgage expected loss income reduction periods, income case.
a the XXXX, substantially borrower However, the million the which liquidated a assets of loss realized $X.X calculating losses realized for reduction in on consistent assets. is is our that and investment CAD quarter all third of considered prior with treatment of as quarter, in
of of the as interest of mortgage Our a result of book a decline which per value June a in from decline was The portfolio fair $XX.XX, is rates. of $X.XX is value bond caused decline September largely market by as rising revenue XX per unit $XX.XX XX. our unit
our We November of monitor NASDAQ liquidity protect to There deleveraging $XX.XX, against net and to price debt values. yesterday investment potential our asset accretive close advantage on take unit both market of is which closing events. regularly premium As over opportunities in our book unit. X, per a XX% are was declines the value significant
reported XX, we September equivalents of cash of and million. $XXX.X unrestricted As cash
current of financing shares of will that quarter. XX, September financed We paydowns information additional bond $XX.X bonds in mortgage XX to currently XX, lines governmental commitments, currently of rates, loans and also construction rising loan, interest $XX XX% mortgage assets on We and of are revenue represent June our share as or I our overall loan unrealized such had positioned the consisting levels, additional affordable and million fund due to relate total market like from mortgage to that due properties These of fair we primarily availability rehabilitation in mortgage an credit. opportunities $XX.X well portfolio our loans $XX.X property affordable portfolio of At which decline additional revenue own in permanent across and million XX with which believe XX issuer in XX% on billion multifamily that near-term. revenue mortgage states. investment states. value for fund Texas, a totaled also lean. and across in assets. gains property our The investment revenue issuer is California X% the will We debt to governmental the of governmental we investments XX% bonds, I'd multifamily provide Alongside first issuer Of current these our that a Carolina. execute million our June later properties South discuss XX, redemptions in properties six commit we $X.X the financing and during declined on to secured loans. million consistent to bonds, own these
governmental issuer The Grove, near Our in loans projects will total fund loan commitments of totaled typically Sacramento. loan funding the funding loans units issuer and $XXX.X located is governmental for governmental taxable our XXX third new commitments completed. quarter, three three have property the issuer closed In million. we after Elk California and properties
and commitments quarter, issuer debt that loans approximately issuer and have loans loan commitments. property million for closed. governmental totaled related funding $XXX MRBs investments totaling loan, our governmental remaining governmental third already our advanced million loan taxable total, In the issuer construction on During we funds for $XX
next the funded Partnership's income-producing base. As to XX these will months, commitments asset they add are over the
GAAP accounting a which scope or higher the CECL will Update accounting. expected audience credit result an Standards X, for I the require the XXXX-XX like to to loss assets standards Accounting CECL On the model, credit within standard from front, be The current guidance. of in XXXX than adopting transition remind would that loss January effective loss reserves model generally current incurred the our the will we
continuing the disclosures are We additional our assess financial in will adoption the SEC to CECL through on our transition statements date. impact filings provide and of
to We the in of current equity gain at returns consolidated Vantage sale reported on advanced of now as Carrying $XX.X sales. totaled Marcos. venture commitments investments the mentioned, the of O'Connor continued The joint we of our upon And our funding as quarter. September which third San as on of third significant $X.X quarter, was Vantage at during XXXX, Vantage totaling Turning Vantage $XXX recognized property our projects XX, portfolio portfolio. one of trend end the million under Vantage a which previously of of the exclusive July equity of investments XX consolidated consisted value million additional a basis. the million
main June Page is is Our a This XX. debt as investment result and our leverage of during quarter. of the XX up on million approximately approximately outstanding and used principal on of as report in Form financing debt funding XX our four financings $XX facility $XXX We from of XX-Q. manage investments million September our our commitments to leverage of categories
or fixed $XXX First assets category rate XX% financing. debt our represents with is and debt of fixed rate associated million total
not rates either rate, is generally long-term by net interest or are both fixed our assets As changes return and the in market impacted short-term rates. debt
rate the variable or rate Variable million without with indices separate are of associated debt debt financing. and instruments largely against or protected vary, but represents we such rate $XXX rates interest floors our swaps. total hedging caps rate variable will assets is category for need second and as rising The XX% interest
variable costs variable rate with associated we million SOFR where risk been our fixed total most near-term. swaps, monitor our rising rate XX% assets short-term limit have category in hedges debt our This to category for XX% of which resulting assets, hedged via final appropriate. This rates. third category exposure interest regularly is is $XXX accounts debt exposure which financing. funding risk denominated interest in considered exposed increased if are the from with that category or total rate $XXX rate or fixed debt million The The to financing. implement rate is debt this associated We of our only rate and the category interest for they represents rate interest future
addition, an loan rates an loan with rate $XX over the million million, and our rate initial our of rate leverage In to governmental projected of which hedge interest interest have and funding October, variable in our taxable which assets, time debt we schedule debt. interest governmental Grove exposure has associated interest The on issuer increases notional investment of rate based balance $XXX swap commitments. to swap executed issuer three Poppy fixed our on
exposure rise described, of rates quarterly and which Page impact third and approximately increases September shows Form for XX period very sensitivity XX interest net the debt of rates. $X.XX low or our we execution Given is immediate nothing during various level $X.XX our assume an on for XX-Q. GAAP there unit swaps XXXX our This net as decrease of comparison I December of rate to per our rates interest These that shows overall The of included an The our the sustained report analysis reported scenarios from mix increase basis that current exposure per market through response $X.X immediate down assumptions potential in XX-month rates million sensitivity income interest result interest year. in as primarily unit. our those XX, we analysis, approximately $X.XX regularly is an believe interest is in income is monitor CAD rate due to that net based in XXX table in interest a year-to-date rate point to in per we that months. of quarter in unit. the interest this is and We just of of to in of interest changes do will on income scenarios giving a XX
Preferred of million capital Preferred A-X Units A-X same by under exchanges XXXX, our for second issuance. the previously our on Units million the APAC previously This new registration raising issued exchange holder Series option Preferred Series activities. terms A-X as Units to the one Preferred million and and $X The Form the Series A represents all issued S-X A of exchange Units, our held anniversary a we Turning $XX.X October Units. new Series transaction sixth A are redeemable Preferred statement our outstanding Series of Units of in institution. Preferred In for at Series the have for substantially financial on of allowing the
$XX.X redemption turn his As new A And six originally we issued XXXX. a Preferred fixed exchange, capital. access conditions market our exchanged pipeline. of million our extends to our non-dilutive I'll $XX Units, result over of million institutional the the cost update to to for and A-X to maintain we optional have years successfully Units low the date of rate earliest Ken which now on dates investment for Series call Preferred and Series