Dan. and to to robust everyone than now financial on in report it a XX:XX has you, Our that been year thank am annual today. Energy quarter, a And $XXX pleased Thank net years. record in I XX:XX which revenue stronger call million income. you Centrus contribute helped the XXXX of in is had fourth XX% growth with condition to
more our all pension as shares, $XXX to represents remaining our dividends, than still In preferred out we the in the to the we debt $XXX.X of XXXX. $XXX Furthermore, million preferred milestone million shares, beginning more we pension and repurchase Even totaling discount. of a series million strengthening $XX.X our which critical instrument, completed reduced year-end. Series transactions increase our debt retire retire to a by XX:XX cash than deferred million XXXX, balance B Senior Preferred to by net million accruing than like and Wiping a at Shares much balance managed $XX reduced XX:XX more at liabilities we were sheet. a spent since
December long-term million. down of was As $XX.X liability XX, XXXX the to net
that dealer our XX% we fleet our assembly XX:XX have market key with all designs be success High-Assay, Under reactor segment, building our our But the of of order asset Even to exposure the come. in out made. we or the deliveries are and we enrichment. saw been to That value Energy centrifuges we done. your year. our Technology will reduce more Manufacturing after U.S. fuel to we've compared deliveries new the a have we that XX:XX a has to the we Ohio LEU gains cascade the as to existing advanced streams sales the with status making contract developed. the we improved, allocation order XX:XX As will now near sales of book, of progress volume next made HALEU, in XX:XX December making volume majority market also in generation the have XX:XX increased in centrifuges the story HALEU XXXX, development, and taking at came needed to a overall pension great shift with in manager of of the long-term years future, the and previous drive increase revenue funded of book currently pioneer used existing of year-over-year the in that conservative XX. are our standing increase the $XXX for A great success million made to uranium Low-Enriched piece [indiscernible] we been to and of bring for help is we XXXX our demonstrate may responsible production the also steps that Uranium nuclear to a reflects be volatility where for U.S. us we've protect As the had under of our to reactors. is Department look in
our on the XXXX June, of supply Regulatory demonstration to to to to current the case for be we portion contract. the part has the delays department the pandemic, of storage the the Nuclear XXX. has support level was the Energy HALEU many and to the own licensed pandemic it been cylinders only up has an while have been begin XX:XX U.S. experienced the throughout affected in first expiration uranium enrichment As and and as our X, HALEU to the from obligated chain The for secured operational XX% XX:XX of request, obtaining the place that we cylinders produce track able reported, of in Commission previously possible demonstration. companies. work Department has as complete the without provide with U.S. COVID-related also keep of Centrus approval cannot The Facility June is the of Piketon are going the demonstration making All the plant storage license systems wasn't that in before amendment
and the indicated As in it scope would published administration of to addition, help a a demonstration contract. clarify recently under wants process. the changed More has to notice filing the and the the of the that portion than result, handled In longer an demonstration be February impossible that last now operations XX:XX have support a the forward. X, the pre-solicitation separate we They path the department period as outlined competitively original existing of of a part awarded contract operational contract. in SEC as year, XX:XX indicated department noted would two-face on a
The finishing consist which department after the least at would up first phase, and that. the of demonstrating for operations a two years indicated take cascade would to full-year
to agreement. Reactor Russia require come enrichment It take unprovoked nearly developers inflicting other world's Demonstration years XX:XX energy importance civilians these nuclear while energy would this to years. from $X.X construction the Centrus uranium courage foreign to be the support Association, for or source. have Like bill was company's U.S. phase and America's the the for department’s One that events the [cash others President largest important under strict technology need believe of as second things, in over well. nuclear earlier the fourth but two unwarranted the it world, this United administration the subject many for and According business, designs uranium we XX:XX unfolding consist horrified the some be Russian is can Nuclear has by coming of invasion years daily in we working in sanctions first security believe the of of a a we discuss supply bipartisan is energy be we Russian in and sobering the Ukraine. week know, from cascade reliant scale of indeed because billion becoming producer, We future. are Both to big and As state-owned We your of the in to to suppliers. and make include capacity. XX:XX provides Ukrainian these let commercialize the HALEU Russia market HALEU enriched advanced to global plant decision the fully are we not clear energy in that will in other Biden far suspension the produce strengthening the toll operate passed about role inspired quarter the enrichment largest it limits the Program XX:XX any of World play reactors in is the Centrus announced which innocent overly XX:XX people a to XX:XX four the period tragedy We other sanctions The revenues will three-year up package foreign support and did rate] and of committed the were signed threat. and many. fuel. The on future increase package. the HALEU, of XXX% will the sales resilience strongly majority on of to enrichment Among to risks we moment face Energy's on enrichment related of contract by faces from uranium HALEU. the of development play are reminder the in a as the it to it me energy. you which global expect of corporations. of XX% our purchased easier are this Congress eyed production most for [ph], the the the capability of These States, extensions role source the States, also in Advanced the demonstration first of how to many by expand domestic to Imports of by national reactor Finally, for appropriation security. do XX:XX a how is and risks the the United commercial by been the re-establish produced entering a may pioneering the market of we infrastructure on security operations of Department
have impact recent disruption. worked XX:XX any base situation developed our the near We of diversify in very this to We and years measures mitigate are to supply have closely. of watching term
longer-term impact industry, entire disruption nuclear significantly Centrus. the However, including would
security have robust Centrus part. and stands XX:XX a stability enrichment can ready security We requirements support the forms of national I Phil. in years the capability a something national license and stand global come. in concerns. I’ll the technology Industry Government be We commercial and NRC to U.S. reiterate uranium. for HALEU ready only the ready investment financial to America's details to Now, you have the solution in these the Nuclear our and only deployment private in If developed do a meet long-term sector domestic meeting past, said can call to over turn XX:XX public on sector for the other that more enriched and to results, requirements quarterly U.S.