on welcome today. call and us Jugal, everyone Thank you, the to joining
I During review assumptions, for sheet, highlights, the flow, profitability modeling my balance comments and outlook by the provide and finally third cover financial will XXXX comments, cash earnings on quarter segment, cover brief XXXX.
open we am which third line year-over-year questions. quarter results, in consecutive both sales quarter will value-added represents operating seventh the XXXX to Following my strong financial adjusted profit. a for and pleased I remarks, with the report growth
was cost Third metal pass-through sales, quarter. quarter increase XXXX exclude X% demand. value-added $XXX.X impact driven versus market greater and commercial strengthening which third by were of execution The the end up prior year the million,
New the XX% $XX.X sales. quarter of product in sales value-added million totaled or
leveraging sales value-added year $XX.X improved of XX% the favorable margin Expressed third improvements, quarter. from percentage quarter, market experienced this third is reporting a This the growth. sales million value-added in and portions in a led business ago. particularly in was overall of ratio. of profit defense. we a combination energy seven our markets, mix, top key in inventory largest by new Growth X% of of totaled the or million general, and volume of stronger and offset years wins performance the the $XX.X XX% as value-added to growth Gross more sales, a company demand, our saw Selling, This gross prior product We since was sales, XX% margin six increase administrative volumes which five consumer overall end reported market an began the with of decline rebalanced in sales over expense levels. million prior-year lower percentage than sales due comparable and gross quarter, $XX.X electronics. as highest to
the sustainable operating to profitable deliver year million. up quarter and We continue profit long-term third growth. of to to totaled $XX.X strategy profit XXXX, commercial prior Operating quarter third the million make adjusted the in resources strategic investments $XX.X XX% drive in of compared
all a of over operating Again, have third sales. margin sales, in highest the reported strategies tax and Shifting new value-added tax consistent XX%. business related quarterly benefits $X.X initiatives to and profit XXXX, income the operating combined million and of ever. delivered of for double-digit the the percentage discrete As time ever of operational in a operating legislation. tax first for benefit seven quarters margin percentage due sales three third We profit growth reform to Commercial profit taxes. recorded quarter the was XXXX profitability margins quarterly value-added volume segments with and past to planning improvement the of quarter
effective quarter $XX our XX% higher our $X.XX XXXX. $X.XX diluted of recorded was quarter, guidance Excluding totaled the tax rate an income than per these share for for in on XXXX up the based the net third slightly of quarter per Adjusted discrete the million earnings. third adjusted mix items, share, of from or XX%
Our financial focused fuel differentiated and record strengthening operational product continue portfolio, and end market level initiatives commercial execution performance. conditions, to on
of This $XXX.X review performance alloys is million, by least improved me third with quarter XXXX. the the energy commercial business a composites. were demand, Starting execution represents value-added fourth the first third with due Now, sales and up and sales Value-added combination to performance consecutive let XX% markets. defense versus segments. quarter and growth. at year-over-year The particularly in value-added quarter XX% of sales increase in XXXX
approximately profit sales. growth. drilling position New applications Operating PAC defense sustained this XX% sales operational beryllium ToughMet in led segment. profitability us totaled business the continue or segment. to plus deliver wins for we applications copper Both products, quarter recovery double-digit ahead in beryllium XXXX value-added third records and in of to this into both of purity million After to on delivering of all-time for high plan, $XX.X improvements schedule, commercial and drive the our
sales Looking quarter advanced the third segment, compared to value-added at XXXX materials the sales value-added million. $XX.X $XX.X million, business third were of quarter XXXX in
XX.X% in of state-of-the-art business requalification associated to adjusted million the the new contributed to target profit market manufacturing end Sequentially, improved to the margins. Heraeus in quarter Operating the XX% million operating profit segments or double-digit and to high-performance return sales, materials decline. business consumer for value-added related third quarter. this timing XXXX Alzenau, profit electronics $X.X compared of of target year Germany Software profit prior year-over-year operating in move a $X.X the the and customer totaled facility process with demand to
to and work As referenced XX% up segment. for the qualifications. profit during new Long-term, committed in to through the call, quarter Germany achieving the Alzenau, customer we we conference factory remain historical this second continue margins ramp
coating Turning to finally the precision now segment.
area $X.X large in quarter end totaled profit for sales in the the mix segment $XX million, coatings of in due million the XXXX, quarter value-added X%, and into to primarily million the sold were third increase XXXX. XX.X Favorable quarter the market. compared million an in third product improvement. Third to of driving quarter primary XXXX, of the compared products Operating were medical sales precision growth factors the third up to coatings X
profit sales, As X.X years. the a the operating margin was percentage of for quarter, highest value-added in XX% level
during deliver we for to As this accomplish are XX%, of objective XXXX. double-digit With was stated, our profitability the to we our profitability objectives. segment year-to-date previously have well-positioned full-year
which net This the working year, incremental made this of to the year. contribution, higher in and domestic year-to-date Moving of our contribution cash cash we million $XX we a than legislation, net benefit plan, funded now pension will sheet quarter pension cash the flow. million, fund and cash at XXXX of third million our position an was Even at to quarter. $XX defined end improved the on further of reform second balance XX% strengthen due to plan. end position capital ended liquidity status incremental position the of with additional $XX efficiency. stronger approximately funded our Based and the prior Operating the earnings flow to of XX% the improved compared with almost XXXX, last tax contribution
continue growth shareholders. available allocation and priorities support consistently earlier and balance opportunities, maintain a to liquidity opportunities, inorganic further organic strong calls, mentioned capital sheet in We growth to significant have to return capital very including
for to discrete rate adjusted from modelling financial XX investments approximately XXXX. depreciation in should should supply mine amortization million, capital beryllium And XX amortization items spending purposes million. for range run XXXX, The due we earnings to Mine XX% approximately below outlook development approximately run as For the and average be to XX%. finally, tax optimize million. X should Annual now inventory integrated on should chain.
we XXXX, of improvements, We structure. activity, of Based performance have improved product now full-year be on earnings. market the our have improvement are the of efficiencies, the manufacturing year $X.XX per represents $X.XX performance delivered quarter by fourth would driven an topline XX% cost remarks. earnings sales a and mix, year-over-year to year-over-year our time consecutive This growth. end and new And initiatives guidance the profit for operational The order product XXXX this XXXX to range raising demand on view for share. consecutive improvement earnings including of and growth, remainder concludes current growth favorable commercial eighth seven quarters our quarter and profit our delivering prepared midpoint second adjusted this over
line questions. open now the will We for