will we and Today, XXXX. everyone. income afternoon, results good months XXst the and six for our be three December adjusted and financial adjusted ended discussing Bohn, net EBITDA including Thanks,
ended December reported or fully attributable $XXX.X and three we diluted per share. the basic $X.XX For on XXst of net stockholders XXXX, months million income revenues of to $X,XXX,XXX common
For XXXX, of stockholders we on to basic year months or reported period revenues XXst million common comparable three million This December net the XX.X%. attributable $X,XXX,XXX over share. represents $X.XX ended or fully prior per $XXX.X $X,XXX,XXX a income per $X.XX and the of of decrease diluted approximately
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and ended attributable XXXX, December reported six to net diluted months or basic of For common $XXX.X income fully per $X.XX XXst share. on $X,XXX,XXX $X.XX of per stockholders the revenues, we million
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months income $XX,XXX,XXX. or common approximately For This adjusted net the decrease XXXX, attributable $XXX,XXX approximately of X.X%. reported stockholders ended six we of XXst to a represents December
for decrease of EBITDA compared reported XXXX. We EBITDA XXst six million This of $X,XXX,XXX approximately represents months to of for December the adjusted months a adjusted XXst $XX,XXX,XXX XXXX, ended $XX,XXX,XXX six approximately XX.X%. the December ended
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