everyone. Craig Thank you morning, and good
was a paid over steady strong cash Our from by results. performance operating lower quarter and million and operations coal second $X interest cash quarter collections during segment of $XX financial quarter performance the favorably impacted Operating million from of of million up as cash result year. generated by flow for represents royalty less million $XX cash from balance. our $XX debt another the We prior quarter solid
net quarter in income $XX includes from was million Second settlement. which million litigation segment our a $XX soda ash gain
$X.XX year gains demonstrating impact Excluding this gain the prior coal met per with our year properties and $X.XX and of asset on construction earnings adjusted soda and assets. the respectively. for prior thermal our unit portfolio the second net diversified and benefits owned restructuring unit the with of NRP's and sales, of of income debt was consistent quarter were cost and common aggregate our diluted Basic ash per second
segment onto our Moving results.
quarter. $XX that second during Our markets thermal both continued by perform million continues coal results million well, and segment the for driven of markets. helped coal royalty generating operations of to the cash These and net export were $XX strong tighten revenue from domestic
produced our and the Our sales coal on approximately strong. tons properties second met lessees of quarter million in remain prices X
In pricing the of resulted our met coal steady in in region result coal in demand production second our prosperities from thermal coal up Appalachian performance. quarter. of and QX XX% coal coal continued our strength performance thermal a As to of this XX% revenue regards made during royalty
prior of up from million year property year. to and Illinois received approximately $XX the lessees half royalty X lessees with Operating Powder our cash River remain cash X from result and second $XX expect we produced timing coal quarter In and of received of second million the produced In the to ash a in we coal during total, generated and properties consistent of of in and the over was quarter cash segment, our Our of tax last Basin royalty revenue the tons Basin. million General our the as and on coal thermal soda second of thermal in coal year. payments Appalachia, Wyoming segment coal tons quarter from met we quarter million what markets reimbursements. quarter XX royalty production coal second now distributions the minimum the regards the receipts Northern second the flow prior for million the and in steady in and of primarily our
earlier, $XX.X second General million As our settlement Wyoming benefited net gain. noted from income quarter recognizing litigation at
income Excluding to scheduled resulted QX, year lower was second $X.X the production to during outage impact the repairs resumed ash prior completed the in in segment and unexpected down were end soda our quarter. as of of net million compared the sales. successfully that repairs a The a result primarily this gain prior plan of operations
quarter construction down we segment for primarily flow which is $X million second net income the cash $XXX,XXX our the for $X year million Our delivering which by will quarter of the customers. to in in get the compared year QX, generate due of the consistent prior during haul reimbursed aggregate our payment to Operating [ph] cost with prior was quarter. timing second quarter
lower XXXX. $X compared the year expense in cost by segment financing as on due interest and million primarily million, lower early the quarter of $X prior second quarter corporate $XX in $X to million million in were our extinguishment lower and of prior balance to result a of debt Our a debt loss year this
second the common will of million distributions cash a With common unit as call of a the second distribution our During holders I'll questions. quarter receive operator $XX turn to quarter, over unit cash month. the this and and will $X.X holders recently $X.XX of total $X.XX the for that announced for preferred receive we preferred per unit later million back to $X.X to paid holders of cash unit flow and million holders. Distributable unit our per