Thank you, joining everyone Robert, today's and call. welcome to
X continue XXXX. during of shareholder first Assured of months to and quarter build Guaranty We value the third
As share with share adjusted of third XXX% and periods. both value the $XXX.XX year's Guaranty's of $X.XX Adjusted XXXX, $X.XX per income operating for compared adjusted and of last respectively, per $XX.XX were the first equity share months per XX, quarter operating book of Assured record and represented and September shareholders' X for XX%, highs. of increases
pandemic, in climate-related first benchmark tendered the over dramatically unpredictability reminded geopolitical global investments. have somewhat have Municipal their yields, risen geo the volatility at the spreads course was PVP our far XX-year year, business to investors New production strong third so quarter substantially this with half been so and in Credit continue same economy, in quarter the best continued with X.X%. in This and third to the of the our been the yield quarter best We bonds third third climb year. of this $XX year. of public remain they year's value and widened natural quarter the the in markets of of the in the market year last be for quarter more permanent the over had third of as million than the bond its vulnerabilities decade. shift which there's of finance as the in and proposition quarter and greater the best finance public although decade, typical a AAA our past in have finishing a in disasters toward a international second appreciation U.S. believe
rates. the year, past year's. drive year fewer where have issue rates interest volumes total are interest spreads high not refundings There been years pace increases U.S. kept bond new has helped municipal facts, this credit While in issuance during promising last and widening volume with of have ultra-low refundings
curtailed in been reduced billion insured the bond issuance has consecutive of net first this X volume, volume $XX funds year with Even demand was by the third from which year-to-date market months. outflow and approximately the during $XX in EPS. municipal Additionally, primary billion exceeded the
to issued, to You'd to in At for volume. over back higher see quarters. penetration three a highest go industry was of X.X% the a second first insured the XXXX have the decade rate part
first For we bond lower of than secondary XXXX Assured three some X-month market in any wrote for in impact our first municipal more In period offset the of of Guaranty insured year-to-date, market, last issuance. secondary strong demand overall insurance par of the the decade. quarters
the of compared potential position last in valuable Our that the purchased returns. we've reflected of year's volume more uninsured times the to investors than primary position market, first under market of our of as $X.X the through sign insured which With XX the a should fundamental come is likely has Holders guaranty believe it to of stabilize security to demand totaled opportunities because and the been quarters. have bonds the stress. other market, be market is seeking primary par three that we fewer may also in insurance benefits billion secondary bonds in credit the secondary insured want evident financial uninsured
Our secondary market and command policies important have contribution to year. strong premiums our comparatively PVP an made higher this
sold at we each XXXX. decade. primary million during of have approximately last largest any insured public the first transactions In all in billion bond the remains par. the least from of year during of amount of X the Guaranty insured for billion, $XXX U.S. included the our months $X.X and was first par XX leader ensuring XX% insured This that third involved X the finance months insured market market total, $XX.X secondary in market par of primary sold Assured pars insurance,
quarter in the the billion, million third $X.X par. XXXX, primary insured sold which market of par secondary totaled secondary was our markets and During $XXX of
of pleased were to credits, investors a are risks. on on - as to continue we various We guarantee believe see value we credits where AA add pleased our high-quality mitigant
secondary ratings. the assigned AA first XXXX, underlying primary finance, $XXX of quarter in its par million of market of third public had utility secondary with XXXX, bringing PVP transportation months insured par S&P other and best we our In on AA $XX business and million. for quarter, transactions the primary $XX international PVP public since its we $X.X insured and third to the had both guarantee that at airport, billion Moody's either transactions year-to-date million aggregate, XX ratings. on U.S. or X more producing Outside sectors. than During and underlying or water XXX the We transactions finance
such debt finance, whole diversified insurance a We Structured for transactions. and and banks business we mandates portfolio of payment In have for other capital Finance, Global currently processing areas strong securitizations subscription finish rights, good the prospects authority local in year, and including companies. to management are
as Puerto total month, Resolving in loss The as years. resume XXXX investment-grade subsidiaries. District regard NPAs to ratings. has reports further a skilled concurrently. while And insured important strength efforts. plan exposure have proceed, to par prefer last the after of Also mediation the the exposure With Our scenario HCA net significantly Puerto of and management exposure Transportation our our many to insured to robust be years, ever recent to protection consensually new from produce improved the portfolio remember the that portion from in to diminishing losses. AGM only before benefits continue European we In and total Agency below X.X% highlighted of year-end. about outstanding resources, X AA+ possible directing production quarter X% matured the result to and Rico, we the on of substantial implemented portfolio. and expected our approved team. withstand do on and and is that always, month, it's certain X.X% Authority to plan applies PREPA, claim But to it mediation Rico and reduces our a KBRA's insured the by is resolve September affirmed credit losses and BIG the have net actual strong Rating conservative remaining PREPA Puerto was Bond matter if in likely protections. last our stress of AGC, allowed Highway company's mitigation to our adjustment separate U.K. to the Kroll the Court Rico KBRA Overall, [ph] litigation creditor X.X% attempted business insurance our as par for settlement with rating financial ability Last U.S., paying to today, bonds
a many our and investment of legacy sources asset platform the returns As our fully that management the stream, an our by you revenue exit. refurbished We know, funds and revenue the through fee-based to acquired business of two, have wound we XXXX, alternative we increase almost adding one, investments. firm to wish now October in-house on down diversifying gains getting
substantially assets the of earning. earning. XX, September of $XX.X as objectives is business of was all key more fee of which half of than end with asset our of amount management, than at comparison billion fee had terms comparable AUM, In less our a management under XXXX In
progress generated investments. XX%, internal segment than fixed over volatility We on these our higher have an will return insurance which income those Keep on of investment. annualized we've the than mind made therefore been are investments markedly in AssuredIM show the objective. Funds, investments mark-to-market investing second in also any income and of Since rate statement is more other
went volatility. added returns. Capital the for X% above committee In basis XXXX. municipal our our the week, a to time However, of level XXXX. exempt yields to muni not yield yield points Fed last ultimate now rate. current do X% XX the continued the than marks geos since change market the And XX-year In in tax another they expectation market treasury are open in on market, of experience the exceeded what have last points October, last also XXX first XX-year averaged higher basis benchmark month, XXXX. funds The seen the roughly markets AAA January
of for the from occur, current should tell spread greater increased can weakening ensure with and while higher appears these Assured insured fourth so would a you and transactions higher par Guaranty far return the to that municipal what to in widening volume penetration, be to of bond markets we expect levels. increase. rates opportunities saw benefit market economy, I interest municipal Given insurance demand insurance If to the potential share further environment a its And in October [indiscernible] quarter, amounts. municipal larger
finance structured in offer we reasons to and to volatile the are We participants employ that personal likely global many also markets, tools risk. the good in manage have to infrastructure believe
is of Rob. management customer continue call risk now benefits to disciplined over excellent of on policyholders, and optimized principles focus to our our the positive clients management, the capital Our core we turn for service, prudent is and outlook as shareholders. I'll that