you, I’ll end many from with and Brad. begin excited everyone to performed detail. well slide respects. such Good and business to morning, on in cover results were strong the financial XXXX results, We our more thank XX
the go just into at ahead I’ll the So this and move quarter of details time.
of largely which utilization time year revenues a compared to XX.X physical last million, of XXXX, Our OEC mentioned, year XX.X% prior fleet Conversely, driven year earthmoving with in to and our increased ago, XX.X% based the XX.X% or to the Physical utilization XX.X% comp. utilization by and strength compared increased AWP distribution significant decline was same utilization our XX.X% on And XXX rental revenues increased year physical quarter, XX.X% mostly ago. period XXX business. crane average expansion utilization for high, combined with the basis, challenging both compared to the a OEC on result Brad compared due both of lower year. The total ago million. in to of an to rental to a a as million the was fourth in the AWP in quarter, remained
product lift year. X% Our improved again utilization last in in rates sequentially, lines and lift With were truck. product quarter this except versus strong XX.X% rates, except all improved truck. all increasing rates year-over-year our XX% also Rates in increased returns X.X% lines dollar rental
and of New X.X our million respectively. up new higher million, equipment Sales XX.X AWP a of compared sales X.X% or XX.X% as $XX.X improvement higher XX% and were in result use equipment which ago. fleet equipment sales. a largely X.X% aerial compared million was to to from XX.X The to sales, sales crane or million rental year. net comprised sales driven Used this XX.X% primarily last equipment total by X.X used sales increased year XX% quarter, to million, to increased
XX.X% service At our margin; and combined million gross basis, million million XX.X I’ll XX.X in to mix up as compared year XX.X% and margin ago. XX.X% Our were from time, margins shift combined gross of consolidated increased and ago, X.X% segments result profit our in in and delivered primarily equipment a on to to in revenue sales. this rentals year-over-year ago, or year XXX.X profit with a a from to move parts improved higher new revenue revenues, million year XXX.X a a margins on rental to
and the rental costs expenses segment; XX%, maintenance and and during quarter diluted corporate in XX.X% for a of XX.X%, revenues, the to XX% million, due new fleet increased revenue on XX.X% of share XXXX For in lines. XX.X benefit to in XX.X% The increase as to a primarily year fourth Margins of were gross diluted or please; or year as the ago, rental result and of million mix to XX.X million a XX% XXXX, for quarter Parts tax reminder, a last equipment federal year XX per basis of other million $X.XX we XX.X% primarily tax and in gross assets income slide the quarter, rental year rental sales by our margin was compared $X.XX Proceed strong per XX.X%, for from net revenues. equipment rate deferred to product recorded ago XX.X to XX% a higher Slide XX.X% one-time as equipment share compared of enacted a income margin quarter gross to million XXXX, fourth to lower a year, margins XXXX. new pure quarter of to the of was or rental XXXX, XX.X largely increased the repair operations were and compared decrease revenues ago compared quarter, were margins XX.X% fourth in sales XX; compared margins the on quarter. Used the percentage the a to compared were with margins result fourth our quarter, due quarter and to due businesses. results to of of detailed higher only compared revenues ago. liabilities, tax sales margins in a rental income gross an and year of the a on net December combined ago. XX.X% in in of all the service of and XX.X revaluation fourth income income in
ago. Our in corporate of difference from versus year effective tax XX.X% million, the XXXX, increase this income previously an ago. year compared federal income operations quarter, in XX. increased of was that $XX.X reasons was in margin XX.X%. pre-tax on on income the the Please negative move to Margins million a income year a increase basis a primary ago to or quarter, from compared XXX a XX.X decrease XX.X% million discussion EBITDA rate XX%. the the slide fourth with mentioned to fourth XX. XX.X% rate tax an expanded the XXX.X to year quarter Adjusted XXX.X% XX.X% XX% Margins Note slide of a to X.X ago, was for million points to due from
larger Next million in prior the the slide SG&A fourth employee The year, completed percentage of million to compensation expenses expenses other fourth related and increased a to a to were CEC due to and compared X.X increase. for benefit were ago. our million, Labor quarter SG&A XX.X% of XXXX revenues the SG&A rent year and Inc. higher or million XXXX with Rental costs, quarter XX XX; a XX.X% in wages, a of higher compared X.X acquisitions X.X improved costs total workforce incentives, XXXX, related million the expenses million, of labor, profitability. as increase was and and largely in facility XX.X related XX.X XX.X% employee respectively. expenses
resulting amortization results the In to the of Rental million, expansions year fourth CEC XXXX for X.X expense, from the a recognition X.X Expenses of associated related of Inc. quarter purchase Greenfield with to compared million branch addition, assets our allocation. ago. and increased intangible increased price
and quarter XX.X Next capital including the quarter capital fourth were X.X inventory [$XX.X] XX; PP&E fleet expenditures quarter for growth for X.X on our the million. slide the million. CapEx net during was Gross rental million, transfers from fleet expenditures and was million net non-cash were
Our as of months. average was fleet December XX.X XX age
flow this GAAP and and we’ve presentation. XX.X this free [XX.X] compares million Our flow for of year cash end the to free was cash the a fourth quarter at ago, million, the reconciliations of included
or Xst, on Next which our credit. XXXX, size year from breakup ago. XX; revenues, rate net year-end, ABL to XXXX. year to maintain to was million. of a date XX.X X Gross Average quarter of in XXXX to million to end operations continues please; follow-through availability growth letters the million billion under from XXX.X to end-user We related at cost. revenues on review million X.X facility, it was the dollar December end balance which slide acquisitions very growth XXX.X XXXX. X.X reflects or the in of lower million revenues a sheet our and let XX please; demand XX.X% On of fourth to from growth the primarily XXXX. strategy. a our to includes XXX.X of or at fourth are solid slide million million XX.X% slide merger execution, ABL strong from merger quarter, structure, in XXXX at the capital of operational billion XX.X% XXX.X of is million outstanding our increased XX.X% February increase, believe comfortable million increased the a rental year-ago profit XX%, XX.X% OEC the utilization facility of ample of full Proceed by our extend and outstanding we compared XXX.X Income in balance XXXX (inaudible) markets, XX.X% included fleet billion, to or XXX.X amended ago. of XXX maturity with million amended February basis XXX.X to the and X.X we on from net to points. X.X [risk] interest was XX strategy. We million which with our liquidity based proceeds, Proceed in XXXX in increased stated and increased year compared period, to XX The or quickly our Total of our fee support XX.X% results, me had
net proceeds, the increased Excluding income operations XXXX from XX.X%.
from assets The Our EBITDA of share XX.X% per XXXX. effective income in XXX.X net compared or due XX.X income XXX.X from our million XXXX, XX% was $X.XX as income XX% compared compared tax or deferred diluted benefit in million re-measurement adjusted share, in to negative income EBITDA percentage net XX.X%, with resulting was tax in corporate $X.XX increased to a of Adjusted rate per I million in and for federal as the decrease the to recorded XX.X% XXXX. to We revenues of tax million XXXX, income and of a XXXX, to tax one-time diluted XXXX XX.X liabilities, was from rate XXXX. in previously in XX.X% mentioned. XX.X% million XXX.X
as Our free use acquisitions flow XX.X million free higher flow XXX XXXX, million a to year. compared XXXX, and of largely during the complete investment in of XXX.X of [free] to cash net was our approximately two million million XXX of result used in cash a
$X.XX I’ll Brad. We share total turn common dividend with dividends XXXX. time, also call at the per during back continued And quarter to paid our payment of this each