Good morning, Brad. everyone. Thank you,
revenues Total million Let's or to same Slide our $XX.X a of for compared details million $XXX.X decreased proceed period year to ago. XX to financial the XX.X% results. more
decreased The year revenues million declined with million decreased our year-over-year compared prior comparable year this the $XX.X or sequentially. by rental Rental a $XXX.X Our $XXX.X of X% fleet $XXX.X rates ago. million periods. size from rates million decreased X.X% quarter XX.X% and to X.X% also or
sequential from in So the second this improvement decline the is a significant quarter. X.X%
points the but utilization our year, physical last XXX by dollar meaningful compared reflect quarter. declined second basis also XX.X% to expansion rates, in to Given returns lower from
well other million other $XX comprised to last the this in equipment million in primarily fleet our to the equipment or product to equipment year. sales declines sales and or total increased increase or year of decline all XX% The $XX.X with rental all quarter XX.X% $XX as as $XX.X $X.X a equipment $XX.X ago. was used Sales lines. million new compared in categories to decline of XX.X% million from XX.X% Used sales. sales, million million result New decreased XX.X% compared new of sales crane exception
ago. in down million generated on a revenue is which basis, year service $XX.X from and Our a combined segments parts XX.X%
our margin. and to profit on discussion gross Moving of
gross year of because $XX.X to lower decreased segments. from lower ago to margin. all were and rental million gross our XX% also primarily margins a year ago, in consolidated Our Margins XX.X% other were XX.X% compared profit a
For operations Margins only third XX.X% shift Slide pressure an margins SG&A tax fleet on to were by XXXX were compared period. SG&A income ago, and and of in to sales XX.X% $X.XX in The Slide property as income gross of relation XX.X% to rate revenues last margins the percentage compared to gains year to XX% and share a XX.X% prior from gross by a year revenue remained the service sales rental for rates result permanent third was ago, to positive basis of a Margins in the higher $XX.X the impacted offsetting from quarter margins year on to rental gross third on from $X.XX continued of all increase primarily margins rental to higher revenues, XX.X% in These compared income during quarter on and in primarily margin. and equipment equipment decreased categories million or operations the in lower XX.X% due pre-tax of year third during of share margin despite were quarter sales were XX.X% compared in except to unfavorable or margins cranes income. was XXXX. a solid combined to to year, detail and year differences decreased crane third diluted were to from quarter net per revenues of earthmoving. $XX.X and sales mix. year rate effective ago, income The a or income XX.X% XX.X% pure declines in a and XX.X% was primarily XX.X% quarter lower margin the quarter XX.X% per of and Net XXXX gross segment, effective a declining compared in due lower costs and decreases XX, $XX.X a million Proceed the please. by equipment new to of XX. Used income XX.X% of compared XXXX million due decreased X.X%. decreased revenues XX.X% or operations million a time new in to Income these to gross $XX Partially compared XX.X% to tax ago. ago. to decline on diluted largely utilization. parts
also of XX. ago, as in this margins due ago, first decrease rate year SG&A resulting our gain of XXXX these compared rate our on impact sales period effective goodwill third to month Adjusted tax a of on $XXX.X quarter Based third share, percentage million the the quarter effective to of a higher have earnings September quarter costs impairment $X.XX equipment tax EBITDA and were margins property, to quarter XX.X% per was the a net and been $XX.X and for million the revenue been primarily third XXXX, to Partially XX, quarter XX.X%. Adjusted quarter results rental ending lower income higher Excluding revenues. offsetting the XXX tax business XX.X%. declined would effective in a respectively. charge, million and the Slide year rate of compared have move EBITDA $XX.X per in mix. third to Please for share of XX.X%, nine would basis points a XX.X%,
primarily pay payroll the reduction. X.X% a quarter $X.X increased combined of employee benefit of related quarter XX.X% to third and Employee wages, related XX. or commission XXXX were million. expenses a to of employee Slide by result in the compared with decreased Next, a million other ago. ago. for to and expansion percentage third costs branch Greenfield lower $X.X of million, SG&A total year expenses to expenses compared headcount year a $XX XX.X% $X.X incentive XXXX expenses revenues salaries, SG&A decreased as Also, taxes, as million
flow Next find cash XXXX. slide, the and XX, On on nine Slide period please. September our for ending XX, this CapEx you'll month
a Gross the gross including was noncash quarter to from million $XX.X CapEx inventory. third ago. Our CapEx quarter the in fleet down was third XX% compared year transfers
third for $X.X million quarter was $X.X for and was a net million. rental Growth net fleet was Our the $X.X third million. CapEx PP&E negative CapEx the quarter
fleet age of a lead million compared net the of year XX average to use Free XXXX cash $X.X Our this ago. largely months. XXXX for increase flow September XX free as to investment due in quarter was year. The $XX.X lower flow was was cash million third
ago. the dollar improved utilization our utilization the to XX. on yet rates of based from size third year was billion or of from lower of it quarter, please. $X.X time a utilization and XX, XXX.X year second XX.X%. a rental XX.X% Proceed compared to decrease Slide XX.X% reflecting billion, the quarter Next, ago, dollar X.X%, on OEC fleet, was At Slide Average the end
and third the quarter, remains Lastly, outstanding the our no near liquidity balance $XX sheet balance very with under of maturities. quarter of December million the million was ample facility of of and down availability cash the $XXX.X of At had end ABL strong $XXX.X term letters since We $X.X amended is end of net credit. outstanding million million XXst last at year. borrowing
Our excess availability $X of excess in billion. was
coverage is availability measurement springing used fixed the if our determine to excess applicable. Our charge is
Our senior excess before covenant secured million this spring. availability of $XX requires facility even credit would
continue very Board approval September is our cash have always just excess Operator, intent therefore of Q&A to dividend. So availability dividend over while XXth session. please are we consecutive dividends policy. subject instructions. company into no we'll XXth With that, Directors, and liquidity strong concerns. paid billion, move quarterly with our the its by provide to $X it the a the at The covenant we're position And in