morning is good Thank doing and everybody well staying I everyone. you, hope healthy. and Tom
as aviation year XXXX and industry. see a to We continue Spirit our for commercial bridge
the the will the remain wide-body few especially is air in next years, regions is for the domestic While of which aircraft. trending travel for right world sign direction, an encouraging programs narrow-body in headwind a many
have are of our in support customer XXXX, delivery aircraft. rates to During order or our narrow-body to increase planning we production on programs new
as of the half the the be to the to the the expect financial challenging increase. our to back year in year results production expect We first half of improvement see most narrow-body rates and
rates was quarter first was revenue for which pandemic. been have to XXXX the the to to last down impacts XX% under from turn continued $XXX due COVID-XX our quarter lower results. slide to Now, million, due let's primarily international The quarter the resulting body same the traffic the air revenue decrease three, move Please pressure from of reduced year.
the last jet decrease. our wing from some the was Revenue first to In addition, year AXXX rate year. program of Bombardier the in our revenue AXXX offset of wide-body recently this lower programs compared and acquired production quarter helped business
up to XX% year. of bright compared Our be the a defense quarter programs last same spot, to continue as
of of down XXX to shipsets deliveries less first with wide-body lower were was to when main which quarter XX, of in program XX% XXXX. AXXX the XXX were first XXXX decrease XX XXXX, XXXX compared first The a The XXXX. compared in program with program the in reduction. quarter the from the first also Turning of deliveries than XX is driver to the XXXX in deliveries quarter quarter deliveries, the of narrow-body
XXX of XXX quarter Overall, year. MAX the first quarter decreased quarter to XXX to last in The delivered increased compared shipsets the XX in gradually same last shipsets XX first of compared deliveries year. deliveries to shipsets have to
share excludes to This XX.X% negative EPS costs, taken of deferred to share share allowance. the of of Let's EPS to was margin compared abnormal EPS per the first actions with to quarter of negative of quarter negative in period tax XXXX. year. and Adjusted and restructuring, impacts excess charges, on programs by Operating in the per negative first SG&A. to the on lower the non-cash XXXX. losses $X.XX the in $X.XX compared the four. negative $X.XX voluntary compared share the we quarter was period reported past have have We The cost first of the compared slide for forward negative per retirement XXXX turn contributed earnings capacity, COVID-XX, first earnings expenses plan now offset acquisitions, same the additional Adjusted per quarter partially of restructuring $X.XX XX% was XXXX. the improved to XXX including and AXXX last and same valuation
year. interest offset increase quarter primarily quarter, analysis primarily driven and and improvements. and higher rework the interest recognized in costs absence loss we deliveries in XXXX, the charges same increased XXX rates. first rates exchange with expenses driven partially recognized first for on in of the increased to of system a lower voluntary of amortization other million, expense foreign production loss of by higher prior AXXX quality in In $XX and fee and financing the to by support XXXX forward million by on Interest the production debt period quarter coupled rates, Additionally, retirement $XX the compared reflects expense income resumption engineering Boeing's first of the one-time
incremental quarter valuation the of an was deferred on million During assets allowance XXXX, recorded. first $XX tax income
non-cash is item. this a As a reminder,
$XXX to of compared slide Now, period improvement February, flow partially quarter favorable XXXX. offset by working the free five. for primarily use This of received a Free Boeing. turning of is cost-reduction year-over-year last due capital in flow use result the management the absence the to same million a MOA of of $XXX cash was and a the on million, as cash efforts, million with $XXX to,
$XXX Boeing advance flow million quarter the in by XXXX, of $XXX about free of the first payments cash Excluding received improved million.
For cash-tax flow between free This the $XXX approximately and $XXX million. cash negative, expect year, million benefit includes we be to $XXX of a million.
progress most due our single-aisle to we as to rate previously, half that into the expect mentioned first year, we As improvements be the latter believe challenging of increases. of production planned the and XXXX, half
$X.X balances quarter notes on and million cash prepaid turn with we to first billion We and floating In year. ended of the $XXX this of cash were now $X.X February, approximately slide six. debt. due Let's debt rate that billion
pandemic. believe and we mentioned, $X cash and current on flows of timing billion debt line address the vary from rates global structure planning narrow-body years, Tom coupled traffic be We quickly As are repay our the in the liquidity operations, our generated will three provide market. in with sufficient how in cash air to hand ability the to challenges which to next the our from and with recover will opportunities of production cost
could in However, result unevenness in cash fluctuations from period. period flows COVID-XX in the the to our global recovery pandemic from
acquired $XXX the quarter, down seven. XXXX, partially wide-body production defense MAX due and primarily slide on margin offset were performance quarter Fuselage higher on $XXX gross jet revenues. same to approximately segment improvement. the in production contribute for helped compared last XXX increase period compared to in the revenues, was XX%, and the million our volumes programs, revenues to XXX defense turn to profit the recently program the million, by to MAX an let's business Bombardier In negative XX% segment Increased Now year. first negative lower Operating
Boeing of XXXX. programs, The compared in primarily forward reduction costs. offset million XXX the programs, the catch-up and decreases and main AXXX primarily Airbus programs. expenses, of the costs AXXX in and million, catch-up segment COVID-XX revenue of adjustments negative were same wing and quarter MAX improved forward capacity wing and primarily the in the to abnormal segment XXXX. million first million. The net also positive losses recognized Propulsion due to and net contributors restructuring programs due and and losses XXX revenues. adjustments. capacity and by a XXX $XXX profitability. AXXX AXXX recorded the the recently Operating segment margin the quarter recognized from revenue of charges in of revenue to recorded in Fuselage Operating of during unfavorable COVID-XX quarter revenue was lower from X% million the $X program margin negative improvement of $X on profitability lower the favorable charges. and production the losses, acquired for restructuring and to excess the $XX Lower X%, volumes capacity $XXX quarter excess unfavorable on million to operating recognized The million partially AXXX the expenses, aftermarket margin the losses. higher catch-up We of were to of program quarter the for the segment result adjustments in cumulative recorded compared net $XX were costs, $X margin $X on XXX X% X%, million Lower positive driver segment quarter the to main was to The forward AXXX AXXX due cumulative increased forward of abnormal excess and cumulative
The a of to to very provided first be quarter start challenging year. the XXXX
beginning While we precise recovery around positive uncertainty traffic in see trajectory pandemic the remains, to domestic the of air signs demand. are
positive in should momentum point this flow We to and progress is rates a aftermarket see on over past Cash priority diversification pleased day-to-day our is year into narrow-body made in of Higher create few team are a our half efforts. the activities. our back and top growth defense the focal for XXXX. the the year months
MAX delivery dependent of on cash the XXX, Our XXX shipsets. flow approximately is planned XXXX
With I'll comments. over service, monitoring needed return it We the from MAX back for Tom are closely global recovery approvals some as as that to the well regulatory turn the pandemic. for closing the to remaining XXX