Despite staying position to recovery how to continue Tom, strategy go is well of as challenges safe. Spirit with to emerge us We in of over earlier last Spirit Tom I hope well The Thanks, that diversify grow. the the new narrow-body benefits position doing to and a stronger right taking couple and we focus put and believe market rise. we're actions our segments X maximize the the products years, rates detailed sharp morning, a good maintained and and has focus services. production new on with will everyone. on and to the everybody
and our diversification excited move in are change journey. for the forward We will they how us
For begin new segments. we results, in the will fourth quarter reporting X these
for Please let's jet was Slide due from of lower programs. Now revenue pandemic continued the increases X. of higher the last acquired and same AXXX increased recently COVID-XX from the production business rates XX% These increase quarter was turn $XXX international deliveries. XXXX XXX were the program well on our year. impacts wing partially to resulting the primarily pause air results. the third by up traffic Boeing's widebody The and Revenue Bombardier million, to on revenue rates as to from the production offset the on move quarter XXX as quarter
to the to of same XXX in Turning increased deliveries quarter shipsets to deliveries. compared XXXX. shipsets XXX Overall,
this have We deliveries deliver in third roughly to on The third last quarter quarter remain shipsets XX delivered the XXX of year. year. XXX to shipsets compared track increased XX to
in of on excludes of to the We valuation reported quarter $X.XX earnings per share the negative negative $X.XX Adjusted XXXX. and EPS compared in Let's deferred negative EPS EPS compared this third turn $X.XX XXXX. allowance pension now tax to earnings gain. curtailment period asset to per per Adjusted was negative share Slide of share of $X.XX same quarter X.
increasing operating and in production XXXX. improvement costs lower our year, contributed and to the reduction along The the saw including costs. in of negative last the quarter We capacity negative quarter restructuring with to margins. XX% third cost expenses, we with at improved actions result have XX% rates, over third taken excess Looking the compared have to
compared period loss quarter, XXXX. $XXX lower same We charges also third last million $XX to charges the third forward loss recognized million of to year. quarter In of the recognized compared the forward in we
changes. also program, million driven additional forward XXX in in to recorded the income to the related we was during an charges litigation was reserve valuation to which Boeing assets. of allowance related forward related tax Also the the quarter's of well million well primarily This loss by schedule on a on noncash quarter, most as loss $XX of AXXX as as reduction $XX deferred as $XX additional million program, schedule
from due employees who plans benefit Additionally, defined the the primarily members are pension other of accrual curtailment of the income shorts acquired as plan the acquisition. expected the $XX to future gain at of effective the Bombardier year. the increased benefits to The closure of of is of close all million a end resulting part for
received free negative XXXX. $XX quarter million refund in in in full will was statements. additional income $XXX $XXX tax period Free $XX financial an flow compared quarter same the refund, benefited cash Free the October of X. cash million. million to was The which approximately expected year turning our flow completes refund reflected Slide to million be fourth flow tax of the for income Now $XXX on million cash from million $XX positive
the during we Protection of $XX addition, Aviation Manufacturing million from award $XX quarter, In received Jobs the the million Program.
$XXX expect cash be to between the and $XXX million. million year for continue flow We to negative free
and debt and debt. the quarter XX. balances $X.X We ended billion Let's Slide billion cash with of $X.X cash now on turn of to third
loan million years. over of were the basis terms we term replacing of our to a market of term existing next points. our to achieve $XXX term of Due In X XXX completed we In debt delevering, in conditions, $X billion down to $XXX the we syndication October, a paying loan interest reduction committed able remain loan. million rate
proceeds lower the to the $XXX by we plan interest incremental environment, liabilities. higher rate upsized repay million the Given it interest use debt-like with to about
include this do financials not quarter new Third activity.
will to fourth term reflect and expect the new and on debt loan in November cash XXXX close financials the We balances. quarter the
capacity cumulative the XXX to to primarily our by adjustments on quarter segment revenue on higher programs, and due X%. revenues quarter, the let's third XX% in and of XXX prior Now Propulsion of year. Bombardier $X comparison, a In Operating on the margin higher partially by year. the revenue negative recorded quarter. It by forward programs. were This forward for the Slide decrease twin-aisle XXXX, the XXXX, of to during production on Operating performance recorded turn The the to due losses. $X losses adjustments of and offset comparison, during period adjustments to volumes was production production period and up production AXXX improved XX% the unfavorable catch-up segment the Operating losses. recorded X% decreased the forward excess The favorable the to main $X million costs XXX programs, XXXX. drivers million result of of negative compared up the and was profitability. was unfavorable operating increases same segment resulting in negative quarter XX% quarter The negative offset primarily and decrease business in were Defense period partially cumulative same compared of same offset cumulative and net volumes the Increased to Fuselage our quarter the XXX in adjustments based program. quarter XX. losses. partially production decreased $XX of in XXX is the due margin to improvement XXXX segment $XX production resulting and program Aftermarket. XX% to the third the primarily production million were to in The lower million aftermarket quarter segment on XXX excess to the fourth capacity the $X quarter net sales, Beginning of volumes segment compared on Spirit's of primarily third positive higher a profitability forward the million the of the in cumulative favorable million $XX catch-up same $X the Space X% the reported forward period of jet results same segments margin quarter will to was and catch-up the higher programs. of XX% on volume last the of of of XXXX, AXXX X $XX partially the for and on In XXXX. $XX quarter In in compared XX% compared segment quarter of financial losses segment by costs compared higher XXXX. and program. were and million results, revenues in catch-up the XXXX, with new of a reflect Commercial, on offset by million third volumes & XXX million the the recorded compared third the million costs, during divisions: XXX margin Wing negative recorded during
starting In Aftermarket to course For make of Commercial times approximately the have Space and year the segment the we beginning and set the & turbulences us is X%. years cash efforts XX% better to overcome over faced are expect reach we of free year. adversity our last up have faced, we Defense ahead. our set to take at this revenues, closing, target we our -- XX% full XXXX, hold approximately flow Despite for holding few the up to collective
comments. position we company. for segments it way key stronger will our narrow-body the that, give points, focus higher and us emerge sharp some navigate can to with believe closing us turn a over new on business recovery the rates We defense through and that aftermarket I achieving on better to With like to path future so Tom dependent execution. back proper the and will reaching flight a is Our perspective growing production a