were UltraMIST came from KCI and a category. X to on pressure. -- with Kinetic of It's $X The the people a know -- $X pressure asking, care that, and doing? on start And Why standard the for it I is around overnight the with wound. took little used standard became before happen involved I grew I'll am this? a I ramp while it am vacuum took billion I the and cleaner didn't What negative revenue because in billion, what a when XXXX market was a very as care. because Negative concepts, it It it of occurred. XXXX, there while. putting that
negative then to gets down to claims, certain it pricing. a happens of pressure, try CMS care what push for in Unfortunately, is as wound typically level
the And pretty wonderful anymore still profitable pricing centers been and negative a so operate pressure wound impacted even It's a to successful, for to talk for reimbursement be becomes care burden. negative But it's clinically. Ps. cases, always And some we in the has product It them. not X about dramatically.
they're because for product. overpaying a they're -- have and money it's happy are You not happy need because The efficient physicians payers from are making the it. clinically to
with dollars It's product, are. it's are squeezed good harder pressure it use And third, to still mostly are then the the postsurgical here and is a getting make surgical, negative wounds the of I for kind them. and patients And happy have the their because payers what's better. physicians is in money still think they happened where
come treatment It's Ps. For some then that it's the wound the practices. have are $XXX skin we and product we per patients to the alluded fantastic. they're care hyperbaric. the a their UltraMIST, in It's using is happy. other at still is -- probably so The reimbursement X under happy payers modalities clinically very $XXX because great, of price margin subs are the gross like highest of Morgan the And umbrella to
the have with we general, in combination So a winning X Ps there.
a in have and QX use UltraMIST. -- that do payers early out we'll pressure you UltraMIST along the commercial specifically we negative haven't when compares some to negative shift probably generated will head-to-head, then that come of And the that and that to study from drive later with UltraMIST really pressure savings are come that are to
question Your second was the around marketplace.
of versus go product inpatient marketplace outpatient me back come Let to line.
it your that the not their the happened allowed home. to for house are mobile really edge, their that care care the happened providers the about from facilities, the have home wound homes, transported COVID, center, in wound pushed be During wound someone pushing to outpatient one benefit are show go at care patients the in at the you're that will They home, They some before ramping business the treated there they and which so and to homes industry meaning up up nursing the realized care to up worry nursing having were getting benefits is hadn't for division now wound that that show you be treatment wounds. to don't hospital, to allowed nursing treatment to and the edge.
gets nursing preventing reimbursement means they're because which home market, their providers when from drive nursing in you staff expensive we've growth where nursing home scores XX for in move wound get nursing our home, year home, is to situation. the patients aspect nursing a the that it's a home. nursing a really how home the down, at nursing you're a it to treating are and that quality goes go the they're bad and having bedsores much market is beneficial just next is time it's this down, occurring they're the skilled the seen largest The your if from getting infected, into then It's most
So that's lot. helping a
think quality go moving you homes need the granny, person hours, always they at center, I about spend a whereas stores say if staff much better wound nursing if can granny like And they you have them transport, and there, treat home from home, -- more for again, the to the and it's because you it efficient. a the nursing moving they And nursing profitable providers ]. the [ it's it few
years It's for see Home old. and time. a think And continuing. continue Nursing that X long you'll So Care both a that's the that Care really for maybe we trend Home I see next
you asked happy lastly, products. product And our with about Right now, we're very line.
UltraMIST. dermaPACE have and We
We And would also between patch that's now as visits. that's [indiscernible] have see in we that I with a think product line. product have We Shield called need a right complete Bloom development be partnering you'll where an to view move. people if where it us in
good We industry players different well the with in have relationships because the a with know our together they products them. of lot very work
put other heal the already, fish wound, already a you'll relevant lot going type the become that the and term with that we or hydrogels. some you're And see And therapy, wound. use amniotic put of do again, with more the combination on a the as into skin and we tissue plan they'll partnering they'll more treat on to seeing 'XX and some of 'XX. hear then some where of thing alternate and to they'll on to folks. go doctors We're So same
happen, the developed. are helping it the including on diagnostic we seeing make good guys partnerships it's sure and they will how protocols because job we're keep to ones folks, ultimately, -- be getting we're our with So just
point So time, not getting it from demand. is at important But product future, our the now, in focus our just is may as line meeting think complete this in on the be. our and product I right suppliers