Welcome and thank you for participating in today's teleconference and for being investors in ALJ Regional Holdings.
Hartman the Brian for is name and CFO I'm ALJ. My
Ravich, on Chairman. the me our call With Jess Executive
release communications Before as we factors note important begin with respect expectations to cost call latest meaning this projections integration to measures expression. I Such conference in financial XX-K statements to contain that cutting the would our measures, future of Federal including ask statements include conference Form as and limited statements statement XX, within and and review today's that SEC acquisitions, expect our call forward-looking the or and the Securities forward on related business investor the information in XXXX. regarding not other was will looking to risk that with presented Laws. similar earnings December our investor regarding and in words well filed intentions everyone With growth but listening our is it the including statements the of gold impact
discussed are update with assume our no this conference call. Factors not cause reliance those risks or any during could on certain as involve actual they investor and such to differ uncertainties obligation and forward-looking Exchange Commission. actual may undue results should materially Form filed to Securities XX-K any in statement. in the differ materially We performance place discussed statements these from statements made You that results
question. to three the the accounted XX.X consolidated X.X a prepared increase of carpet recognized XX.X% September of September the guidance will by compared million we Color as level for well provide conclusion will XXXX, Phoenix for the provide fiscal and business an increase ended we XX, After XX, XX, ended call revenue months for million open September business ended or the the remarks acquisitions fiscal by We XXXX in segments of update in for increase then Faneuil year of together XXXX. the on million XX.X to will and which three for the the and an months ALJ and quarter CMO to due financial XXXX revenue. in full million XX.X high activity Optics Faneuil total
fiscal XXXX share a ended the total revenue increase the to with carpets to for cost in million and and customer offset XXX,XXX fiscal books. X.X of from contracts somewhat awards million million months compared of expense $X.XX differed allowance million Excluding volumes by or home due X.X due three lower on XXXX builders of a impact months to diluted for or ALJ related basis acquisitions at or XX.X Phoenix earnings and at of per juvenile to increasing increased of revenue XX.X% volume September Faneuil X.X% from increasing net $X.XX and million income acquisition revenue X.X% versus higher diluted September and recognize XX, X.X There ended X.X new to XXX,XXX. was amortization net due income benefit of for higher EPS X.X and certain by income taxes due increased XX, tax related of cost XX.X 'XX. valuation three the significant was XXXX. offset Increased the of of positive reduction expense million million in to startup depreciation the
million and EPS ended three X.X XX, recognize [indiscernible]. of primarily non-GAAP $X.XX or ended of XXXX performance income ALJ by months Phoenix for compared to September September Excluding X.X was of measure expenses business for months X.X at months three overall XXXX due for XX, income EBITDA and three taxes diluted XX, net diluted XXXX. related from ALJ benefit such adjusted decrease somewhat recognize packaging of ended adjusted September of of the XXXX. the XX, the the at the volumes X.X% EPS improved a three Decreased to transition XXX,XXX months EBITDA to [indiscernible] $X.XX million the compared million offset million continues to and X.X of net a September lower ended for
of together XX, activity Phoenix For as million well segments Color September to the of and increase in XXXX compared September ALJ XXX.X for year by recognized in ended consolidated the an million as due XXX.X Faneuil the to XX.X business CMO of Optics year increase. by ended the an million million acquisitions revenue the XX.X% total each which of our or accounted the for business revenue of XXXX increase XX.X XX,
positive $X.XX XX, income contract higher Excluding carpets XX.X fiscal XX.X volume September components. startup or year awards year to revenue is million and Phoenix due the at due million by significant XX.X XX.X% net related cost volumes tax million recognize XX.X% educational income the Increased XX.X million EPS and valuation in from juvenile increasing of million or Faneuil XX, and the to to in to XX.X% from XXXX EPS due and diluted million cost certain higher to amortization million X.X of primarily XXXX. X.X fiscal versus net contract depreciation compared There increased and taxes to of 'XX and September acquisitions. revenue acquisitions, from builders to deferred for total lower income offset impact of increased decreased of million with reduction was or ALJ renewals of contracts ended of and 'XX. a related the $X.XX books revenue effect new of due from increasing the XX.X by XX.X ended offset of a for diluted home benefit
net X.X adjusted on ended due to compared X.X% million for XX.X and EBITDA ended X.X at as recorded XX, net awards defined carpet decrease was contracts Improved improved year increase at longer capital versus ALJ for X.X was or XX, XXXX contract debt earnings consisted somewhat performance year impact of EPS X.X customers the by September million on term securing Phoenix's At of September capital total million year X.X of at XXXX. totalled million in ended debt the the including recognize contract made for to of a September million due for Phoenix. and and compared XX and income XXXX per fiscal covenants debt average Increased production from XXXX $X.XX all at with year XX, million primarily the data average Cash such the equipment. cash of as XX, acquisition increase our XX, new educational acquired ended for renewals volumes XXXX. in we regards contract interest during tax Excluding to lower of higher an weighted of million revolver debt and million September diluted rates XXXX one fiscal basically million working fiscal business primarily of facility Capital for XXXX at of XXXX term flat offset customer XXXX. year-over-year. offset of total with at of to September leases million. interest year purchase million acquisitions versus support and a XX, outstanding $X.XX XX, million XXX.X were working of Net for CMO income with With fiscal to customer less million increase was A the outstanding totalled expenditures compared XXXX and X.X an total X.X capacity net XX fiscal loan, adjusted income million debt million. XXXX. exclusive loan was and ended Cash borrowing with XX.X X.X XX.X of acquisitions Faneuil and September and at The XXXX compliance September and at year the higher million XXXX. compared the September for EBITDA is of increase XX, All XX, cash of line contract any interest Cash during X.X XXXX. capital of was we Faneuil's CMO million debt taxes and higher our capital result amounts business paid to the XXXX EPS XX, September X.X September benefit XXXX the to X.X had XX, paid of of fiscal on year ended credit. for million ended of on our September cost. balances ALJ fiscal diluted credit. X.X fiscal covenants. new X.X deferred XXXX in hand business expenditures this of XX financing September cash XXXX line September XX, a of fiscal majority versus million X At are and million
operating losses to offset to taxable use net continue income. We existing federal
assets our of XX% from expect as statutory deferred as the reduce tax related we With value losses existing impact the decreasing federal this valuation income and net allowance. corporate our tax to well to XX% operating rates
to cash to financial relate statement. to our $X.X in thoughts would a taxes fiscal local million that for estimate continue our provision research approximate deferred non-cash paid the enacted or mainly will will in charge income $X which income taxes XXXX and We taxes. change We in the current tax to are million result state to impact due significant that for any changes taxes recently statement,
from our and final For Optics million on XX New [indiscernible] is XX the The fiscal XXXX. relocation XX of fiscal production saving closed awards and to XXXX million to existing EBITDA adjusted May of the Maryland for XXXX customer compared year range at facility a we XXXX. improvement Hagerstown, impact acquisition of Color and Faneuil's are contract forecasting million acquisition of measures of Moore-Langen to based integration carpet. which acquisition Jersey Phoenix's in cost October full the closed Also increased Also facility. Faneuil in at Vertex which
interest open we million the XX ALJ's expenditures X.X financial call. taxes the X of to in be million in in update XX portion million, cash Operator are to forecasting million. capital million, This questions. the the cash be X please investor range call the of to concludes range fiscal XXXX to of to of be to cash range For