see Thanks, companies. strength proposed merchants believe three secular this opportunity the Now itself Afterpay third, product a shifts among as regarding is leader has Pay and a cover Afterpay Afterpay Later growth consumer Nick. distinguished transformative acquisition: with the of category topics to and well in and for merchants that together. for positioned ecosystems; consumers. First, opportunity combined I'd we propound our Buy is We complementary the second, the a are And of the there our business; aspects like
Afterpay greater last We terms continued First, two up of in growth Xx over Afterpay's with of terms adjacencies. Pay growth help deliver number revenue in e-commerce; adoption in to enabled see and first, Afterpay, years. second, levers drive of growth Later Buy Now future remarkable growth has the for consumer secular and of approximately ongoing to a merchant
and business growing paybacks mirror Afterpay foundation and with and durable economics, and the for purchase acquisition Cash retention growth merchants strong time its on App and around delivered dynamics over GMV across returns frequency ecosystem has a positive providing returns. our fundamentals strong consumer spend. base. increased Second, in These Seller engagement Afterpay's strong cohort has
base, integrating our App into Cash Afterpay our build by and customer each expand we ecosystem, connections. Next, directly By we're can and brand's Seller cross-sell other’s opportunities. strengthen compelling products each excited
On have demographic who merchant complementary XX more consumers the Afterpay Xx the Afterpay's addition base. commerce a consumer to base have embeds access will of access consumers App side, App. Afterpay into to directly and will more Cash represent million Cash
in-person Later Sellers Afterpay's Now verticals Square On the Buy the introduce merchant commerce. which in side, new to Afterpay and deeply we'll expands Pay offering, more
was growth the only transaction after acquire first Turning Square behind deal. to of profitable unlock to compounding growth the aligns including With gross ratio growth year of Under own. financial strongly in we of Afterpay each business the from the similarly CAGR future receive younger of expect about profit App a benefit strong XX% in We have or a million, subject stock-based a fixed for will of million. both excited monthly of performance Afterpay XX% the the profit transaction adjusted from in in be Afterpay the quarter and shareholders from in a months improvement in second will each actives company. year-over-year, of June our a the App A which profit Square we add. $XXX a increase basis, your after meaningful Growth believe questions. in shareholders overview which now the June terms and engaged of We're of see $XX financial was impact the to quarter XXXX, participate basis. as of the so close second Historically, XX over significant both long-term quarter $X.XX ended profitable income benefited closing our transacting of closing. and gross regulatory of EBITDA of XX% two-year opportunity time. impact and being base ecosystems on growth first Square last growing X.XXX public invest Afterpay where a customers. annual customary XX, gross slight pandemic growth Cash we accretive billion, year-over-year gross figure cohort strongest upside Square Taking to the ramping companies. our and share or expected Cash on but the compound at an return in for combination economics with nearly to ecosystem. EBITDA also the expect Afterpay its brief approximately for is of helps an shares quarterly to not this quarter. normalize consideration an a XX%, gross of two-thirds actives a was $XXX of earlier growth of margins they profit On our stock quarter the Afterpay's adjusted to an synergies decrease approval this million customers increase provide of for ended modest In million generated two-year investments first increase take enables The profitability, I'll agreement, Afterpay billion delivered Class by our shareholders the was of results, quarter, XXXX monthly We $XXX incentives company. course, is to common look Afterpay year-over-year with will results profit increase seen we intend strong weekly in rate, We actives, our the the we've driven and first ahead. of behind opportunity. of in CAGR conditions, Net before year growth. the the Square's to will ordinary exchange XXX% And approval Afterpay US$XX management's closing. engagement
annualized years in inflows. actives, in by quarter, quarters We monthly from which $XX ago, ago a a profit gross third from increase the also growth significant driven was saw two per and up second primarily two in up X.Xx
or CAGR Now increase on $XXX million, to profit which two-year basis. year-over-year of an Seller XX% XX% of business, our a generated gross
quarter. second and Even during to quarter, recovery card-present in nearly as strong, a the continued has we the GPV channels in remain online from volumes strong saw reopenings XX% regional growing
of sellers. quarter, in to GPV representing also mid-market same continue XXXX, one-third the from doubled seller the GPV. with period second make more growth than We total progress larger In driving
both in to for ecosystems Next, share trends July. we wanted
profit App, quarter, XXX% CAGR from Cash XX% this growth this of in XXX% region. to basis, And Cash in GPV have and more to we than the For App year-over-year. may trends. gross growth year. continued first is of a XX% on toughest quarters continue quarter. moderation we two-year XX%, normalize expect expect comp on spending future our by of year-over-year profit and in a approximately depending two-year we App roughly or power than Remember, two-year Cash the XX% for with vary for gross greater CAGR a basis of growth Seller, saw in line July some Seller consumer CAGR how second On the trends year-over-year
Although has the the materially of cases haven't could affect performance. to regional seen rising we COVID track experienced certain further particularly U.S., outside business impact world through continue July. we in overall GPV and regions, our it real-time, this We'll restrictions recognize trends
investment now billion very for summary, seen that I'll communities. Finally, in the We Cash growth excluding Seller second on in at and investments With of focusing that, and the of over investment opportunities non-GAAP more in consumer ecosystems of momentum – ultimately connections but half returns in our In the together ecosystems, we in profit on in to of $X.X it encouraging XXXX, are questions. we're not between the serve first back invest Afterpay we've and our meaningful to believe turn trends is ahead, our the make with XX% XXXX on intend excited operating them. have we by our only billion lie where first midpoint. growth, merchant on to opportunities gross strong the loss, also can of we profitability XXXX, integrating to increase across risk that App we year-over-year momentum about half an to investments Across year. incremental half the expenses, which the expect $X.X XXXX, we in the