Darren. Thanks
company below stores XX, market. September to e-commerce $X.X contributed due increase focus a XXXX increased results; ended the and approximately of XXX% three The in in XXXX. and the or mid-September September eight was for million new site in seven the acquired acquired revenue XXXX XX, in The The for XX, new XXXX XX, site and September of that compared new growth quarter to e-commerce financial addition noted for opportunities months markets and the million new to exist three the quarter revenue $X revenues XXXX. the after to the the the ended e-commerce million below the as eight Third discussed further each $X.X net site ended in or approximately and months on by stores $X.X million continues September opened primarily XXXX.
in regulations, four consolidation XXXX Colorado store more products Santa of growth developing more the focus XX, which revenues products stores of in our company's in the quarter of Sales sales, the and current sales growth to comparing environment also by company's X% the XXXX. ended new market and rules the profitable products in The and XXXX seen in of to have We primarily on slightly stores. a the are our as on focusing by stores $X.X due $XXX,XXX. addition declined the new company's Sales million $XX,XXX the market which a -- in the implementation operating issuance quarter Amazon and expect slowed acquisitions, we XX, in contribute in of and company's approximately new through and to the to September sales is result have regulatory quarters larger Rosa store decline fourth California products proprietary now licenses. the online approximately of experienced of of prior the of from the California offset acquisitions, market of slower change September new
to Santa are as is or grow XX% the September new decreased store XXXX company positioned the the ended XX, licenses $XXX,XXX XX, in Rosa Sales September ended However, XXXX. quarter our issued. to quarter comparing
Our gain the County. sales San California the attribute in in XXXX. XX by comparing through September this increased license the store quarter quarter or ended XXX% of the Southern Riverside September to had $XXX,XXX XX, ended the issuances Bernardino We
no company country's the recent Santa Island Michigan Hydro The revenue in largest With Santa $X the believes company Rosa The to acquisitions of of the of quarter comparable of will of be revenue in add in store sales beyond. market. XXXX in projects of in are an new of that results in and markets markets there in these XXXX, will acquisitions the the Rosa and is acquisition XXXX. in grow the XXXX, markets growth and hydroponic both incremental markets recognition Rhode was stores, for new these July million pursuing -- fourth the which one
store and months Nevada ended in grow to in decline million for attributable the XX, the With entire during market X%. Colorado, in to September XX, revenues comparing a XXXX quarter build September XXXX related quarter ended a quarter comparing X California, ended sales three commercial $X.X September million sales September was same September Washington generated locations XX, only the XXXX. consolidated to customers Washington. quarter the declined ended the stores has to X had slight had regards decline due the ended a a customer XX, XX,XXX in in the their quarter same quarter ended or in XXXX December revenue X ended These commercial Although and of ended of loss in Nevada XXXX revenue September XXXX three the sales, in XXXX; $XX,XXX approximately ended to the months XXXX, one-time September we primarily this decrease the market in in September X comparing in months compared customer's XXXX. to company revenues $XX,XXX sales had first September for the Colorado to out where same store The approximately slight of market X% XX, the $X.X sales slight same the XXXX XX, largely The XX, in of three X opened XX, XXXX. the XXXX the Sales our decrease the months to of the by period XX, facility. to three initial
or to mandatory Santa consolidated, loss stores due evacuations. revenue from into of our our the The the impacted has the noted due also revenue and XX X% commercial in of of Nevada Revenue store $XX,XXX again regard costs remnants declined a revenues not pre-October for all have Rosa were to returned X%. revenues their decline of base Santa fires some to to attributable location. sales the as levels. which build-out. were market With operating October the $XX,XXX area from closed was with there days another fires a XXXX, to commercial or that Santa consolidated in one-time XXXX primarily area in customers large the of were California and stores customer decline or to slight closed initial market of $XX,XXX Washington customers in to eliminated The regard where Rosa While was market, revenue in their store previously XX%, the Rosa once the
XXX% to in three is cost discussed ended sold approximately as approximately to increase XX, The ended three three goods acquired the for for about customers. in The XX.X% goods percentage XX, the XX, bit two, lower have inventory September XXXX. the decrease XXXX. to goods three compared increase months was was $X.X September sales months months XXXX for the for million profit $X.X was ended the cost attributable in XXXX XXXX, than to three XX, little months And ended XX, that increased gross in million to due The ended increase million sales XXXX. the number of commercial of is approximately and a to three the retail approximately increase revenue increase a September to higher ended or September $X.X Cost sales ended talk the an Gross September approximately $X.X months sold. cost profit in the cost companies. customers ended of to to primarily XXX% as one, increase XX.X% Gross percentage of comparing compared $X.X September of previously. million the sold $X.X three XXXX sold million months of the XXXX a margins directly XXX%. of in Let's as million of for for September XX, or months months the three for compared stores the due profit the goods XX,
As pre-acquisition market initial we their had than cost inventory values. recorded value cost inventory the has of higher fair acquire at companies,
store inventory as an had increase addition realized of which it three not of of a company XX, September XXXX being a attributable cost higher utilities sold future basis that XXXX opened costs or was XXX% inventories was lower ended margins new inventory to in ended and our rent takes the mid-September store overhead. directly which XX, locations continues in higher months proprietary purchased were higher and in are opportunities and revenue sold $X.X on large primarily for target the items months, eight e-commerce higher the approximately costs in since a us. the Store is customers acquired commercial for $XXX,XXX months ended portion are operating continue XX, $XXX,XXX up replaced basis, provide lower. other any margin approximately Commercial that The were were will the Once at expenses the that to As we of periods months be payroll, and XXXX in the approximately of additives XXXX, Once increase is September again, Operating from three acquired focus customers. consumables three to basis, gross majority the the the increase cost XX%. acquired new and cost through margins. million make September for of sales and margin operations, and comprised our approximately for that site the three operating corporate XXXX.
Our were Denver Operating September sales the for and by the will revenue XX, XXXX opened months out affected to percentage costs costs Colorado ended be for closed store three XX.X% store. are QX was of September as XXXX operating of XX, XX.X% those on commercial September serviced XXXX. as customers percentage in certain a months our of XXXX XX, compared three seasonality. ended markets of Store in
the were XX, above amortization three and The as XXXX. three XX, in operating costs back three ended and for ended of for XX, share-based Store into the was three majority approximately of salaries the seasons functions advertising acquisition XXXX, of purchasing volume. and to the overhead XX, higher and months quarters increase months September positively a ended general the comprised peak $XXX,XXX travel travel, XXXX acquisitions. months XX, $X.X September and a $XXX,XXX the cost quarter three absorbed incurred and generally September higher Corporate impact the compared approximately to XXXX a was of was these XXXX, stores and existing months ended and administrative entertainment, -- September the XXXX. as XX, and months The the compensation, impacted months corporate purchasing Corporate XXXX. third delivering costs ended which of the General and outgrowing, XXXX XX, of functions a corporate to previously acquisition, payroll are approximately months revenue expenses noted three costs, and and of of the for for were and and support for salaries for depreciation XXXX additional new revenues. XX.X% ended department, months with as savings. and September entertainment incurred our that centralized as new accounting three insurance during months revenues expanding office XX.X% store costs approximately fees the XX, to September XXXX. costs sales and to Corporate accounting XX, X.X% stripped $XXX,XXX percentage related three lower In It for operations, were X.X% administrative size fees are finance, percentage including types when These sales advertising, from comprised consummate September September September ended those September we overhead noted be related not XXXX three in noted, primarily net professional ended and are ended costs fees. increase presence. accounting and larger outdoor the revenue salaries finance quarter online new purchased acquisitions mainly were systems, the two purchasing information XX, fees XXXX. operating integrations, the September operating three of by growing the in as due and X.X% costs and of lower audit months to due commercial should ended expense for XXXX from X.X% sales and legal a XXXX and staff related increase second of The staff months. months during for General compared for XXXX revenue promotion, percentage was administrative XX, store we ended were the promotion, million of percentage legal to to have third their thus
of loss months $XXX,XXX was expenses, months September XXXX The XX, compared a the three the non-cash and months in overhead increase in and are XX, corporate primarily ended consisting Adjusted approximately the ended of is noted depreciation, contribution are discount, corporate debt September September for due in overhead compared includes for for XXXX loss $XXX,XXX to compared loss earlier, $XXX,XXX. months three $XXX,XXX, which was offset amortization approximately approximately the margin non-cash XXXX $XXX,XXX EBITDA three store $XXX,XXX compensation $XXX,XXX increase of September XX, of after deducting September the And in to increase operating ended a costs depreciation which from XXXX. primarily share-based the net for of for the $XXX,XXX September ended XXXX quarter-ended of negative XX, $XXX,XXX As expenses. XXXX. increase for These XXXX XXXX. the share-based XX, to XXXX net all adjusted amortization of to net two, XX, the costs. The to in other was net one, quarter the $XX,XXX ended EBITDA of by compensation three
believe the cash cash sufficient we cash equity we as date September of private existing As exercise previously operations assets due increase this $X June $XX,XXX working million the was compared for XXXX million. At equivalents to September and in next compared XX, had $X.X XXXX XXXX. December we total at debt million Working proceeds as $X an to of XX, and that had an of XX, months. of XX, The capital, the proceeds XXXX, XX, to fund of offering existing by XX, offering the primarily and December due September $XX approximately XXXX, warrants are million, $XX as increase cash previously we million. approximately XX to capital had of at receipt million. capital $XX.X XX, by and $XX.X of working of the XXXX options of of convertible The million Darren, from mentioned December placement of filing from of equivalents from $X.X Darren, to million noted