today, for letter the Thanks, highlights earnings Welcome our a of XXXX. our describe I'd few like third quarter. summarizing the last here. published call to of quarter Earlier the John. major in we shareholder the developments to briefly
testing ourselves battery tests December we the XXXX performance QX independent that presentation, replicate in for single the earnings lab. On year. an disclosed our impressive our We that call, first the disclosed these last now in submitted third-party we from results report showcased can we
pressure. for all X.X because and the XXX hour test at of sell automotive out one Celsius, are requirements charge but XX cycles test inadequate satisfy Grove missing X these rates, atmospheres carried and simultaneously automotive an what of vendors most So battery to applications. automotive is in cell, critical depth even we discharge degree Xc believe and XXX% charge is that's This this for
second Another important for automotive global news in them in long-held automotive OEM September, pretty we validation. OEM the these inclusion calls of that testing to sales customer were their tested labs This prototype our agreement announced into by pursue series has evaluate ultimately, already the ourselves agreement top XX us production with the and an ultimate batteries vehicles and with belief work to vehicle, contracts external revenue.
as by encouraging of QX's XX purchase proposition megawatt to This OEM to production this development technical euro, from confirmation in are line, agreement committed -existing pre value second map. has it's our So batteries that line hours the our milestones road with pre our offered upon have compelling the automotive with technical technology. of OEM achieving contingent -pilot
is more than target. well continues to capacity millions, XX ourselves our quarter. now of charge opportunity. in And cell agreement sales of achieved we of and developments discharge As the and with XX% the we important have rates economic these milestone although cycles, commercially Today, the cycles in past excess and layer successfully we encouraging Celsius. demonstrating X shareholder ourselves the we In saw in year of at said the for report XXX value third XX relevant development XXXX steel potential announced the are that a hour degree Construction development August, results. during the represents this high believe single-digit key the near-term letter, completion we of major long-term front,
sales, a similar for energy cycles second such in X retention Single-Layer first-generation XX over cells, excess shareholder XC well to behavior quarter XXX expectations of ourselves displayed reported achieving The as at letter performance in as early our and the cycling rate. our
of our said achieving our consistency, throughput the of and continued improvement we've quality, requires targets before, processes. As
to fire cycle us Our than the potential design testing deploy construction in and at cell refinements development rapidly. a quickly aggressive and shorten improvements discharge allows XC rates dramatically charge
shared active OEM lithium issues our fundamental metal the we customers data the improve is an manufacturing challenge LP platform the our opportunity combining the LSP last provides high process. our quarter, to we material continue We LFTB capitals cells to and costs density. material space, which energy to believe capital with conventional minimize cell addressing while and Following with energy address density supply-chain refinements LLP low
with website For and webinar LFP our scale LP a metal pre -pilot staged perspective, anodes, joint called manufacturing which -X. September you ninth engineering plants, lines, And to QS go I'd line, include up of approach with a a lithium on venture on Volkswagen. checkout an which line QS batteries. expanded production wanted lay production several dive manufacturing deeper From of generations -X. encourage to out a our for we to line, our our
cell the cell of Our production customer vehicles to used us program. accelerate increase as engineering to used line use QS production process near-term is facility. -X output, this X more test in out the for allow tend gigawatt-scale. further year providing use in and as well sales to both sales We our series our development and development, will prove in the produce and test line customer prototypes to that processes expansion cure for to X will be
the vendors treatment pilot with tools our for for This line large-scale QS These of quarter, manufacturing tooling pre the partners. orders in and we represent capability. core close our finalized collaboration -X heat
to I words our vision. a say Finally, wanted few strategic about
remains in near-term focus understood immediate goal near-term always this our should achieving our broader goals, be on context these of vision. the while As
the achieved hour of XX factories. including decade, Company Board Directors coming course the production annual of the over a of of laid outside Reno, size Giga series the of delivery X Our the of terawatt be cumulative targets battery out to cells, equivalent recently Nevada. the factory over ambitious of to for
lithium no transformative on metal demands have our we the as hand well of represents I'll there. we Q&A. battery performance opportunity will once-in-a-generation our few vehicles lot technology, combined say our believe extraordinary financial shareholder up But A de Extraordinary Kevin. Of extraordinary to We to - open with - work stop creation. to with that, a With ambitions electric not Hettrich, an over course, do event. with ambition. that shift before carbonization words Kevin it our CFO, to a value as opportunity