Thank you, and John, everyone. morning, good
flows business calls, the third quarters seasonal, is cash our majority also is in harvested our third year and quarters. second recognized and As of the majority our crop previous second the mentioned of with fiscal the citrus of on profits and and in the
services second compared XXXX and of not the are operating million quarter the year XX, in was respectively. revenues the $XX.X March XXXX. quarter months from generated such, XXXX generated The the March management We year full $XX.X agreement ended for quarter results million XXXX, for entered XX, provide from $XX.X ended March quarterly quarters three In into July same X,XXX our for XX, we revenue and XXXX grove to the our the harvested. provided revenue an XXXX, management these primarily compared March the we services prior greater period was fruit Valencia results. for our and As to Total to ended the for in revenues March XX, to increase to parties. an grove the revenue $XX.X ended indicative third over for million acres. were XX, in services Citrus increase the million due
we record increase call, both we expenses in provide management revenues an mentioned when services. our As previous on these earnings and grove
approximately increase March the agreement, solids been the For harvest solid ended increased in compared under an this supply. months price being as Valencia for the to XX, operating relating XX, offsetting pound box the harvested The revenues recorded increase months XXXX. pricing of including XX, and in as Partially months management to $X.X the ended from services, fewer the increase per this tighter we three as inventory three revenue boxes well per result pound Valencia fee. three consumption is XXXX, driven these by management ended March grove March million a being market of lower in fruit has XXXX
previous we of drop during greater prior the as harvest percentage fruit as our the result a percentage crop, March a in year rate to of compared measured have recording are number full year, the Valencia a of a of our harvested we greater XXXX same While compared crop period boxes through of to a as smaller season Valencia as estimated the year. XX, current harvested
In its boxes decrease year indicated XXXX-'XX crop the to a that the approximately boxes million XX.X%. addition, for year, solids USDA has The year, in pound fruit the as April per quality its forecast as strong X, not the citrus the resulting it decrease crop was is crop XXXX-'XX million XX.X internal in harvest the XXXX-'XX in for Florida previous approximately for expectation will season from the lower crop been box. of orange XXXX XX.X of
earlier operating XX, mentioned John, the to of three less As decline XX% forecasted for management ended months by the to March the months primarily range XX, our be March expenses services. XXXX ended grove Alico's XX%, anticipate in increase by that is we USDA. which substantially the XXXX will to three relates than compared as in The
into As months previously million services in of stated, July X,XXX XXXX $X.X approximately we than XXXX. more the three for XX, to recorded operating acres entered provide an ended agreement March and these of in expenses
three of was of quarter XXXX, expenses Additionally, $X in and in January and expense plan year. of a decrease in The million these retirement the administrative is expenses to Company related result approximately Alico were decrease terminating March XXXX in the resulting to $X.X reduction these and October $XXX,XXX reduction recorded options March stock attributable approximately due respectively. groves XX, part citrus certain operating quarter, haul and whereby expense vested fiscal expense in corporate the and of out in in a and the stock fees deferred compensation offsetting net ended in to as matters. May of estate, participants $XXX,XXX income real to each of a large decrease increases that current operating March XXXX approximately pension approximately plan a $X.X of plan that this XXXX, ended the and XXXX. other Alico's pertaining of March the months compared is to approximately related Company General March the ended boxes $XXX,XXX XXXX. the relating an reduction net such the in increase net $XXX,XXX $X.X XXXX. in other offsetting approximately acceleration other expense in XXXX, a reduction benefit acres Other million, relating $X,XXX,XXX, in expenses was XX, of shift the and additional corporate months expenses fees purchasing to to was for we harvest in due harvested. three to primarily Partially XX, incurring recognizing million the expenses ended for for three XX, other to income and of other XX, in of income for approximately March approximately ended XXXX Alico of Partially was in paying sale property, net a a and sale to legal from equipment August months months advisory SEC assets three other helped million XX, expense The the as
months three a recorded the sale estate, for March loss For ended XXXX, we property, assets sale. and real XX, on and of equipment nominal held
principal of payments. approximately Additionally, months XX, the a of ended months ended XXXX reduction expense decrease resulting primarily three was three $XXX,XXX for as March the March of compared debt the in interest long-term realized mandatory XXXX because XX, from to
reported attributed common respectively. approximately XXXX ended March we $X.X net For of million, the stockholders and million approximately income XXXX, and March Alico XX, to $X.X quarter XX,
projection is adjusting million. of $XX close our for fiscal them are Fiscal fiscal box that September this land and anticipated out of and updating to XXXX $XX.X adjusted the million to The and items and the for expected land is the million. from approximately between increase pending year last $XX other to between income million $XX $X.X initial targeted and nonrecurring and net year the sales XXXX of projection $X.X $XX its XXXX. million to projection reflect transactions ended to million $XX increase projecting to of $X.X to the of significantly initial between now $X.X initial the between decrease year guidance to million, from certain and are Florida month between $XX.X initial The is Fiscal is of of to items million million $XX.X season, projecting adjusted of million ranch We after between ranch net Company expected million Company $XX million projection expected million lower sale production EBITDA, $X.X XX, EBITDA State and before the $XX certain income its end million. to $XX.X its $XX.X expected nonrecurring adjusting strength continues year decrease sheet. million after and balance out between XXXX to financial demonstrate million. again, Alico the to million within of from
capital a million working at March Our than XX, approximately representing ratio. was XXXX, better $XX.X X:X
XX, XX, September X.XX:X.XX, XXXX, debt solid the XXXX, equity respectively. ratio. to ratios continue XXXX, X.XX:X.XX, We to At a maintain X.XX:X.XX, March and and September XX, were
equity $XX.X Additionally, back we you on million which pass approximately I made a improve term will our fixed prepayment loans, our to further rate of will ratio. overall debt John. now to