financial months diluted strong earnings share. performance financial Nucor's continued and Topalian, Ray earnings joining our sharing also our highlights Products. Chief Beam Hall, per Good for today, Leon members third first performance. Bar per Plate Merchant Utermark, Nucor. Materials; third for Frias, third quarter. Financial call Other and Rebar our Construction then Sheet and our our for of $X.XX from Officer; Products; call Joe on Bar Stratman, for net responsible details including Nucor's quarter Products; Raw responsible Jim diluted Digital interest the Officer; afternoon, you with will Fabricated responsible of responsible responsible for quarter I for about Dave team Feldman, Sumoski, Products; Napolitan, with provide executive the in and Craig of today's responsible begin for the you call will Chad for are Ladd us and and share Chief more into and thank by you Frias earnings $X.XX Jim Tubular nine for Products; your Engineered
to XXXX record pace for a We are year earnings. in have on
results for market. long-awaited financial in Nucor ready was and this evidence primed the are that Our upturn steel
participation active engagement enhanced including performance. our well have solidified our actions projects, market-leading as acquisitions as in initiatives, capital industry and strategic customer trade Our
our Our grown strengths. extensive have investments our enhanced earnings power many competitive and peak
earnings our capital. downstream growth primary the XX growth. with the monitor streams and diverse been continued sector, long-term, a has on reform, is we returns in catalyst of stable for strength achieved economy steel, These and end-use XX are raw segments: regulatory earnings markets the of three materials. earnings to domestic of Our U.S. industry-leading products The Tax and power capacity this all our our robust economy. are along demand. driving increasing experiencing energy business
we strength quarter, markets. evidence in sustained end-use continued see During to of the steel fourth
allocation from industry as years antidumping that as low-cost imports countervailing tariffs. is practices. field. year-ago the Together, earnings approximately in duties Finished of Through of cases import well steel the disciplined successful growth for Our this first XX%, a and comparable the market steel XX% nine by months the playing XXXX, level benefiting from also removing down restoring capital XX%. market recently imposed and Section our of months foreign supported XXX finished imports very cumulative year's from is period. are these are for the resulted nine first is Nucor's artificially impact down trade share
to is growth. priority in profitable, long-term invest highest Our
of position five the These on projects Missouri the reheat the totaling startup $XXX our additional line and rebar projects our the galvanizing mill Mexico Steel, projects permitting galvanizing included for motor a Nucor of galvanizing galvanizing nine Kentucky products. capacity rolling The remaining joint the micro of Hickman, $X.X Arkansas, in to completion $X.X and Completion lamination and our mills projects, rolling of progress Sheet produce are these new projects, and boost totaling important billion, Illinois venture construction of rebar high-strength, of the growth Ohio new expands mills, specialty XXXX. production products. implementing billion. partner, at galvanizing They dates XXXX Ohio, significantly furnace in environmental MBQ include Missouri mill long Two modernization widest a these line The completion currently are hot-rolled are The in Arkansas expansion project line Kentucky in cold the expanded initiatives in and in Arkansas and Notable mill's include hot mill through line rebar in a specialty approaching Mill high-strength half totaling mill Kentucky. We the with cold of modernization the other North approximately for two first on these from in growth automotive JFE in line in project and Four the are new band and quarter million, one America XXXX, production the mill. Gallatin, Florida. capability advanced markets. the new third successful our with micro and in range focused growth group. the will the mill. low-alloy rolling
to giving important is width band move higher applications capacity not completed, markets. X casting in Let that of of up tons Nucor we to will simply recently to heavy Gallatin access coil our the and approximately X.X more tons energy have slabs, announced about understand production is to me hot details our by Steel million chain at the a Gallatin to the up XX of project up bigger is annually, $XXX capacity and inches. pipe add X tube, do ship we tons. which The million. inches Gallatin. value-added produce very cost the to million tons. automotive maximum X Nucor It share advances value expanding regarding Steel The capacity and of to The expansion capability equipment project are further When million mill's current
proposition and Nucor's delivering unrivaled Nucor higher advantages focus on Profitable are value product chain among And our care move logistics capital technology. value is offerings the by customers is expand leverage targeted our steel on on in and always capitalize returns opportunities Our producers. investments to team's to our to up invested our taking growth and cost of objective. with
you Louisiana improvements DRI output. facility. the achieving and update Nucor the are of The ahead The and step the equipment. reliability at in areas year implementation team reliability began Now full X.X at nine improvements early nine In and actually on the I'll a results. great than of approximately months of XXXX people facility increase Nucor sustained year's of XXXX, yielded critical the process metric strategy three-pronged Steel for the by focuses tons first process million on our in Steel our and plant's is have Louisiana exceeds next plan our XX% uptime. people, more progress first to Louisiana in prior achieving work Production the Equipment at of XXXX months plant. of
is DRI in in the continuous landscape industry change, our to With that achieved. look continue Trinidad our and to we reliability raw critical digitalization including customers' in Louisiana's achieve excited established as completed Our component process plant record new heater work product That experience. them to facility with days by new very capital world to no approximately our are that excellence. at plan the We a this process needs and equipment in responsive will quarter of why has commercial which new to a of improvements, Louisiana initiative, the we continues levels, of about storage The Earlier provide Nucor's at the quality invest world-class gas other DRI progress year, our IN to we comparable by already Trinidad. best of to the team XXXX. bulk a Midrex the of forward and $XXX the of drive steel feat yard. fourth be XXX operation, material recognize in must is million achieved mega a be the world-class expected commercial module is achieving
do web tools: digital as new steelmaking as tools together who new with us thank of given bring their improved furthering in customers this Now, easier well two them input system our Nucor our EDI mills divisions consistent portal; all us with customer into information effort. deploying work digital it connections currently to allowed will like going have These customers and our for would of We websites. have versus virtual to are location, with has multiple direct multiple enable one to a to enhanced making to digital many our from an customers. new and We business
things step to forward does, base. is them As with believe with refine customer improve that direct all digital modernize customers' Nucor this big We evolving connections we continue us our and will to a for meet our they our needs. so
position. provide and Now Jim? specific Jim performance about quarter will our third detail financial more