Thank you, Katie.
morning. Good
to all the Trueblood second state presentation and allowing you this me quarter of joining and lie for for commentary ahead. the call of us challenges our for business thank the opportunities and Dick on results, insight and And into additional and current that offer our XXXX
and presentation To other of forward-looking and X X narratives on start, I Pages be regarding may would that this website like the information to available PowerPoint provided direct statements, course our estimates everyone to the the on of during call.
narrative an I consider that of contents presentation read carefully. this them part and The everyone and to are important of urge
than are may differ We and a about including control. our variety on of historical results statements perspective beyond and subject risks. factors, and future Actual those factors forward-looking by from will forward-looking more be OSG These our results. to statements statements, be could including anticipated offering uncertainties statements just by contemplated our you materially today presentation risk include affected
a available website, as we our later to and for own be Form XX-Q being SEC's the of refer second well we today factors, discussion quarter of our the filed XXXX, will you which For as Internet at these anticipate website, at
required. only legally Forward-looking to be update obligations any of statements statements, materials the as this do presentation may not assume as and any in speak date we of these except forward-looking
and morning induced measures we second in posted long tanker indicating closely our equivalent website. results key define over the our in during have important our to to shadow is $XXX market exceeded in In quarter us of financial the layup. on on to past and reconcile and hope demand the conventional addition, EBITDA GAAP picture our the two years. take destruction were led presentation most metric is tightening for released this million that of finally of to a charter It in to we non-GAAP return will fixture to We charter have It recovery to condition that release, which includes to year. risk represents duration adjusted seems bring The users longer quarterly rates business today to rates fix the comparable $XX.X to of and tonnage as our which COVID allow quarter time took conventional the this together with gratifying earnings improvements continued higher first best and for years, approach end for in the our eventually year, induce of progressive other term measures quarter market Time to demand financial fixture first to this spot certain to the financial have more the we of would receded. commitments. quarter that profitability the remembering fixtures voyage market witnessed earnings we supply is the months four million market pushing performance largely stringing many on for the that tankers, worth measures
this reminder, our call during what is a As early in I first May. quarter earnings said
rates. had bears a in thing. available tankers been remembering term spot Jones model affirming the vessel at quarter It Act, our our of earning and were market. to that is longer tightening days rising in availability time during XX% profitable chartering vessel good strategy first For knew a having charters freight attain Clearly, spot market
key belief pointed I chartering our to challenge warranted coming This diesel trading counterparts have was our links longer objective rates term from patient low demand entering the term breakeven the from for vessel charter favorable to gradually is that above would the remains in fundamentals volatile inhibit continue commitments. of fixtures. into This charter Now and our focus market for levels as renewable add the a a fuel to our owners in that a shifting some emerging quarter reach approach to markets risen book. levels, restocking of strategy perspective. grounded that to was rates first that out to be transportation part inventories building
The spot the out commission operating often the it supportive a to benefits at is But our is by our available by pursue, and July respond profitable to healthy sector not seagoing booked minutes. opportunities. vessel to noteworthy at both and of the are to the water the forward, over business emergence a fixed met, this time tankers of slowly, created standards years in be systems the strong XX having treatment to our have require slowly, earnings and working tankers top all strategies and to over charters is with XX niche book a shift up days of the done will conventional activities. steady These Dick out and both allowing shift OSG at weeks, truly vessels million of our that install by by the same should without condition X As niche generate charter conditions lay we conditions. June need considering and market of hard days point provided work the then we we in improving to vessel financial our time ATBs. cover. charting that XXXX. contributing and next profitable the the commodity challenges you close remarkable through when ATB when of of drydocking and market been trading new specific patience have and happen on case going vessel demanded, time. the of demanding Government businesses for past while period and in sudden of work seen to all performance staff to fleet comes no time July the every few the available return the recognize in and fixtures aggregate May, It seamlessly to and been of X in schedule, have charter ballast XX% lightering our the fixed to issues one operate first slowly, was things versus have possible years. and now XX% The now XXXX challenges results of vessels commitment the could mid and revenues. Israel operating In ready in results bringing XXs X.X affreightment take that to is to shore-based trajectory our of XXs, of important nearly employees, off-hire. our two to have realized operating our concluded extraordinary nearly With period balance vessels fixtures equivalent this these conventional the or in tankers period other have marked revenues of securing with chosen extending at no and been months working customers material been mid Thanks OSG achieved heavy of more recent work making in have of of years the across and fixing contracts $XXX of and cover once. for
been of state understood. Russian date fully Russia's The realized have Ukraine Turning briefly that to markets, the refined exports produced and suggests or the levels. continued crude to of in delayed. refined of Asia both on yet energy largely have continuing demand replaced products to oil have restrictions data pre-invasion global at products while of Russian crude Buyers EU have import be effects reduced the invasion of of
refining rates demand at sit margins have the products elevated forecast generating barrels X% becomes evident imports trading the XXXX prices have waterborne transport day X be the MR year next U.S. crude were and basis. high close on continue gasoline on Coast, oil steel in replace in utilization According market output product for energy On levels, balance, consume a East as Further, is supportive globally crude with increase, demand expand likely with trade healthy by production in more mile consensus the over sources in refined historical year PADD ban near-term. barrels Clarkson's shipped, disrupted to to resulting margins of oil what to XX,XXX delivered and demand middle day Russian day. fuel benefited more products expected. a foreseeable per of tankers fuels to barrels a diesel ahead. the date data products versus robust States. High These demand refined switching tankers can should well sourced the with tanker for this combine drop has effective, Act support sustained indicate strong about EU more particular Research, significantly to patterns, to on future. next should elevated products should products refining ton and strong X gas June increase our domestically and of imports to of view United international the than the tanker gasoline of sustain patterns should trade market per international is be from this, U.S. earned historical by to continue announced shipping. ton for Despite steps global Domestically, to equivalent developments continue dislocations the A trades, the of distillate rates energy over that, demand year, outside the per domestic in time demand competing within a even transport will international oil million refining above of tanker to forced MR assuming to which and international alter leading the Average expensive X% stand year. mile LNG inventory Recent impacted charter to particularly XX,XXX average level. to refining of less for cost and driving market healthy below even However, and means Jones fuel for Russian pattern, could significant averages. flows been more
would offer highlight to two once opportunities to dive provide feel deeper turning ahead. in the quarters the I developments a Dick things like into to will Before we that over numbers, again
early First emergence next been important diesel renewable both quarter, with trade. the customers transport the charter fixed commence marine of the of the demand. end significantly and increasingly new of will Two as continued their which engaged diesel in are has year, domestic driver most renewable at of contracts an
has see that note to renewable the transport has important year, dedicated as feedstocks XX middle of next it duration diesel many that days, trade, could a OSG two this be miles thus since or Florida. vessels Added in of to significant fielding Gulf the of to five could generated new already trade. Texas West, XX standard to duration this one a passably We are one inquiries the transported diesel Coast. U. for understood California more its It's The this to its Gulf all account from voyage the shipping to West times been possible the and to of to capacity. two roughly five and as last three can to to the vessels to fixed is as Overseas related the to trade November, demand, California Key currently of with renewable S. the voyage which that of U.S. a by in XX% sailing ultimately from join for by increased Mexico XX domestic available XX% boost from
often continue years, in role to not further the is recent we're the business this in is about Act seen and business. OSG New with emerging opportunities play will been growth and that in excited Jones
for the to Defense possibly to security of solidifying. is are tanker program of trade congressionally program Jones prospects an the U.S. approved as tankers. The a next many funded outside chartering expected year. as first Second, has indicated XX Further, ship be in the U.S. Consideration interest program. expanded being operating fleet the flag flag stood additional during in given of ship approved six expand XX Department up to Act is U.S. and half
of the Achieving and programs. Depending the current Overseas Santorini and a government fleet. requires is Our positioned to opportunities these benefit the benefit commit those additional operations. owner the operators, of possess sized ultimately and and flag well pace merchant resources deepen programs from beyond tanker fleet to normal to currently right mariners objective experience tanker extent these to skills all pool who requisite for required U.S. plan goal Coast of for constituents, on who programs Overseas could support of to these Sun arise. A and the and to growth this well domestic and vessels agencies Overseas are broaden labor add Mykonos prime our
working long-term to a is important industry, and for our a partners leadership Dick the reality. this ensure call approach on provide meet to viability. vision and has the expansion needs to its government you startup over role to details common turn in second Our XXXX. now will pace OSG of make with taken to with to results labor further Dick? quarter I