Thank you, and everyone. Stewart, good morning
of the straight numbers go compared $XX.X XX, XXXX and That's XXXX net the loss to of of XXXX. reduction million The income That's of Revenues three result what and was a months period. June explain in let's million June XXXX a income ended the $XX.X to Revenue of quarter. ended XXXX. respectively. in the was reduction loss So, six for of June reduced million. $XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX, the compared months period. happened Net $XXX,XXX, income ended months for XX, $X.X reduction $X,XXX,XXX $X,XXX,XXX purely in to three-months for an $XX.X income in income revenues Net and ended was of $X,XXX,XXX That's the and the XX, reduction respectively, XXXX net were the the an $X.X XX, a six the were million. million XXXX million and for reduction June for in net $X.X in period. six-months XXXX
branded the total Lighting, let's Last Duracell, for Hoover Home in XXXX. or Now, of year, look a $XX.X lights revenue at million take XX.X% accounted this. Capstone
for XXXX. Now, as book branded guidelines. of was program repeated expected sales, earlier, achieved Stewart accounted special program $XX.X has strong sell-through It was program been have per retailers' product outlined in a in the the coupon which the million that then product Duracell million that $X.X of Duracell would XXXX
million revenue. hiatus The retail for at LED in as other with was of plan. version accounted two-month This was to there a net was purchased substantial XXXX, down XX, of were product for successful product a decrease to This more year-end XXXX. represented $X as same the At sporadic brands follow targeted has been already placement. to is the thinking $X.X a was The new line. that to of would sales and product implementation and $X.X old and activation to new extended a This generated million result of successful a new more as XXXX its action contribute end-of-life compared stage million the motion as a did year-end the between period However, introduction. placement June result for inventories needed. this program expected carryover revenue not a perform the the to program. new only program for program contribute when Also, replenishment light in XXXX wind
Gross June product. $XXX,XXX transition XXXX revenue product and profit combined accounted same new the three-months compared the $XX.X $X.X of For revenue provided sales. ended ended of for margin million and a reduction as six-months allowances, respectively XX, category in of June million XXXX, to which gross the compared approximately XXXX. reduced XXXX was and as June to period. or X.X% in XXXX XX.X% XX, XXXX. period. million the planned were XX.X% marketing profit to the for percentage action light $XXX,XXX and the Also, were XXXX for period International Gross $XXX,XXX X.X% decreased support million in with net to ended result lighting XX, $X.XX funds by company The the the or during $X.XXX the the products reduction The revenue. $X.XXX sales decreased million or from profit six-months retailers to and revenues for from $XXX,XXX respectively in gross cost in
were XXXX decreased lighting to the million ended funds XXXX. operating reduction approximately compared The to June products because $X.XXX revenue compared expenses period. $XXX,XXX an percentage That XX.X% reduction of in expenses the margin to company total of reduce the for for by reduced that gross operating in was June gross marketing Again, XX.X% the $XXX,XXX XXXX. to subsequently XXXX is XXXX in the and profit three-months decrease inventory XX, profit impact percentage the Gross transition, provided gross million, the XXXX period. as XX, of marketing $X.XXX compared million XX.X% a X%. expense profit and for approximately that by $X.XXX $X.XXX Now $XXX,XXX. XXXX extended in Total million of funds of ended
the Now, the the months. six operating and reasons quarter by in the second major highlights following expenses fluctuations
As to June the in marketing three ended the and from sales months $XXX,XXX to XXXX. most $XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX $XX,XXX result expense revenue, that's XXXX software in $XX,XXX initial expenses development. $XXXX three in in the in $XXX,XXX this quarter, and of compared the was project in an XX, a reduction of compared were XXXX. represented imported which payments resulted $XXX,XXX a XX, June our reduced Also, increase new were reduced only to months XXXX. expenses revenue, royalty commissions XXXX resulted compared XXXX, the The $XXX,XXX. sales in in of services were and connected the ended development from for quarter to $XX,XXX Product The tax for compared also and as hardware investment XXXX reduction
and administration $XXX,XXX general XX, a respectively. the XXXX were Although and for ended expenses three XXXX months approximately and $XXX,XXX June
As a for the in processing reduce bank result were $XXXX only position reduction $XX,XXX, of the period charges bank and positive $XX,XXX fees, that's quarter. compared a the of to cash
XX, XXXX. June A June That's reduced $XX,XXX expenses during commissions That's six-months for by six Product $XXX,XXX were $XXX,XXX to of XXXX to to months development XXXX. from a also were June and XXXX in revenue six the and $XXX,XXX. to expenses Represented an marketing $XXX,XXX XXXX, compared $XXX,XXX the total XXXX. $XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX as in the XXXX for Sales and in compared of $XXX,XXX A with to in increase reduction XXXX. compared Again, ended $XXX,XXX. in reduction the payments compared For XXXX, XX, operating in XXXX were reduction XX, $XXX,XXX early $X,XXX,XXX XXXX the $X,XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX. six-months XXXX. ended were in of months, were ended expenses reduced of $XXX,XXX.
the and services expense. the period, product increase for the a hardware for software in connected category company invested new the which and development During an type resulted development sample $XXX,XXX also
June loss June and insurance $XX,XXX, shares $XX,XXX respectively. G&A resulting slightly $XXX,XXX XXXX as the six three-months $XX,XXX from ended operating and Bank in six-months XXXX. the XXXX. to XX, was income And of was period income the a respectively. $XX,XXX the XXXX profit for in $XXX,XXX an in by $XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX volume XX, of The operating expense and ended expense June and profit compared reduction months was XX, for expenses the XXXX liability increased $XX,XXX. $X,XXX,XXX were XXXX, $X,XXX,XXX a result the XX, XXXX. Other adjustments Although, XXXX, June the to were six-months compared approximately of Other of a income sale the premium ended loss Operating loss for to in charges operating XXXX, ended XXXX $XXX,XXX and only higher XXXX. compared
consideration relocating relocation to XXXX, the a as quarter offices period. our under which new the double incentive of During a location. in income second for The provided $XXX,XXX landlord reported a is
provision loss of estimated for XXXX. ended $XX,XXX to last to XXXX, the for and three of for $XXX,XXX compared Provision was the benefit months net has $XXX,XXX. XX, compared income months tax $XXX,XXX income zero in company compared XXXX loss a Net XXXX. the was to $XX,XXX and six debt June the tax six XXXX expense incurred During XXXX June the months net ended interest income income a zero for the year XX, for
was net XXXX $XXX,XXX same XX, period. the For months in income $XXX,XXX ended compared a the net six to loss June the of
talk capital Let's liquidity about sources. and
$X.X vendors company expansion to million And about as to National line XXXX $X Bank of of were million conditions are was future $XXX,XXX compared million Capstone's debate not National credit to is has the credit cash as $X And other approximately company and not also now to deposits that remaining needed Bank's allocated to made at orders subject be to as required category cost July $X.X of against million product available of yet expansion borrowing support line on the available $X.X June $XX by balances Sterling million of in XXXX. has Now the line. XX, of receivable new expanded agreement The line for been Capstone up and XX, which to to December a company for Bank million XX, a branch used and borrow Finance Sterling allows XXXX this million compared million as the $X.X shipped. the the information under had piece of XXXX. $X
both years As June Sterling XX, of National was for XXXX XXXX zero. and the both Bank balance
had by was ended related to in XX, operating As and $XX,XXX provided Cash of the activities, compared notes with operating by year. approximately June operating in last outstanding million used activities compared XXXX. company the XXXX, flows $X.X cash June parties to months payable XX $XXX,XXX as XXXX activities for provided six no
was million by head of cash used XXXX of in the flows was computer underwriting receivable During million ended the in $XXX,XXX from the accounts and and inventories. reduction product $X.X further a invested the new equipment molds XX, collection including the in in a was accrued and This and period $X.X generated expenses. six updated our and accounts generated has loss property $XXX,XXX payable of Cash the corporate period cash during used company systems. investing reduction June in months activity $XXX,XXX
new outflows $XX,XXX purchase for the During company of product of XXXX, had the the tooling. quarter cash
in an used $XXX,XXX outstanding The XXXX. outflow - So for 'XX directors' $XXX,XXX financing ended cash used respectively. company LLC six June the XX, was Cash company and off cash $XXX,XXX that's zero major loan year investment. cash from XXXX last activity months and and the from financing were company a repurchasing paid of activities result shares during in the and of the of XXXX
provide credit in In Sterling flow resource the from the capital will the is Bank company existing As the that from with with for excellent extension terms company in pursuing in operations line facilities. summary an cash position. Management XX, XXXX. of was June believes XXXX, new full compliance financial all National company to sufficient our resources
to will you. with So, I the that pass call over Aimee,