try Sure, let to that. address me
So, let's with X. start Cohort
So, Cohort FDA what We met X, needed meaningful to have study. make we agreed this it we the to show prior we doing to to outcome. And with as had a agreed had that.
once milligram So day. that a was done at XX
a a words, trial a at XX have milligram day. positive once other you in So,
– before So, words point you that that do, like what we’re the saying pre-NDA see, we interruption dose to dose main In because it’s agreement, is data a discuss, of we to then now look, the what etcetera? Cohort we we meeting. and discussion And to we’ve the would an reduction. high that fairly the and had kind met of analyzed X, we in dosing had Cohort knew, is knew X do know, had other that simply level you for want needed and we we strategy,
we modeling, called [Technical [EC-XX]. probably So, could did a above we decided that reduce we and stay Difficulty] and we the decided still what's Cmax, some
words today is In starting little than milligram is – just because we've XX that effective, dose, other what able to we a And also, a the work, data in to tumor that's day degree is minimal what of we're we some toxicity, start. can that. and you be why But what doing low So, we a in how reduce just have XX know don't that anti the that's and XX. milligrams be maintain low as looked to like words, it's possibly that it's effective but other be announced we'll provide dose, other a day, simply And to what know you is, activity. we In not the XX day, doesn't may too term, might higher you it. and a XX once on at dose, BID, able know has and is as near milligrams toxicity, go? you words, but to still of improve some
we're milligram. what great that's news. the I and we is So dose, remember, XX have effective minimal learning mean, done
maturing, We're we We more that data X be as that's a once and data and time we a have have BID XX, We will need and X right? enrolling. and we have analyze and well, maturing more to that data. day, little
on that XX answers obviously have see we can I that be maybe will them. with that once So, discussion And it. works, hope will a will improve day the your question. all together we'll FDA. They discussed see with and that they of