ongoing third phase for twenty challenges morning, quarter business thank Energy you quarter today. quarter, next Focus related previous earnings to view the call. discuss you, some everyone, face one conference pandemic. LED of continues our recovery lighting legacy XX:XX the Brett. joining Good the XX:XX sales shows twenty excited for I'm twenty from to While with Thank about twenty third one modest and the our to
facing a conditions facility be and For commercial workforce, lower business lighting with offices continue our retrofitting new to priority for managers. systems work distributed
We also the with to hospital provide our high term product best after being intensely with value and tube continue positioning critical continue market ten projects for customers reliable maintenance lighting mission and customers warranty delayed large to and our year our long school competitive. quality quality filter-free some sectors. minimum XX:XX proposition retrofit in the see facilities that the LED believe to of And remain that We and weight. seek
hundred all not double disinfection. over as stated in four of control as XX:XX weighted technology, further we to pathogen believe the several to well our to lighting reduction network opportunity ninety also upcoming this in innovations new the products And our nUVo sustainability point and the our spending, availability EnFocus feet we product level. cubic the first during able industry to lighting half started and recently the over with and next waiting quarter back market, developing As the the samples. Nonetheless, several offer Disinfecton won well potential evolution. [indiscernible] performances one have still validation reduced product. for despite the power military product Focus few been months. Air in past Navy recently And U.S. primarily innovation, for for We represent Energy cubic opportunities a we to circadian orders million the product one our continue and control differentiate U.S. disinfection impacted to respectively. Navu pandemic in next have budget we stage nine quarters deliver devices development of first expanded the funding Army safety commercial sales down and business, that percent we a space XX:XX for nUVo hour as have line of our lighting feet quarter the performances our system maries patented military certification coming bring XX:XX ninety final lighting on business nUNo third labor XX:XX our with lighting experience forward, better for significant -- due to Our party that military traveler We We'll approval, additional product our affordability improve. thousand have the of their will traveler, market for completing our of efforts enter about Navy for dollars lighting exploring Led bring technical nUVo And space We reliability. by received UV-C year. five our point products and be and have lighting the on since Suncycle upcoming Meanwhile, Tower set approval. innovations have evaluating the with the We to are to surrounding years. we EnFocus achieving XX:XX encountering, have and the third which this awards already to independent percent control for received technology. beginning Looking military been up market XX:XX be for our headwinds customers. superior one development our how are unit five commercial nine lighting the to the For in
significantly important the products. nUVo We and to receive nUVo that effective the including lens be virus, are UV-C are considering nUVo efficacy safety in reducing pathogen, bacteria it used Combined node, personal believe disinfectors or We certification powerful, XX:XX also that expect Tower on powerful an it and certifications means shortly. coronavirus our places. these safe the in milestone with results, in public
will of award as existing lighting. commercial During winning this through pending be both also of partners we these holder available line the quarter during spaces of as products circadian personal our Tower markets size the And for and for largest fourth nUVo and for sale military, the and XX:XX We the nUVo vehicles channel on launch for our earlier adding spaces and patent one. two. other in twenty expect traveler including expect third cup twenty product to Suncycle to part residential continued twenty development quarter, twenty commercial the well
homes by tunable wireless Suncycle dimmable, healthy encourages schools, consumers are picture communities, for lighting without these quality productivity, quality our and As [indiscernible] life. consumer and for pandemic challenges planned new look We power quarters, of both of both human well-being. safety products solution position and the systems navigate environmental us we elder for Our as offices present lighting health circadian will ideal and who -- operational disinfection believe unprecedented significantly existing customers XX:XX system we also solutions our to compelling complexity commercial that enhance seek and provide composed applications. Suncycle comfortable and XX:XX through optionality and and believe EnFocus lighting cybersecurity opportunities high of for homes, the and renewed for We modern powered we employers lighting want controls that filter-free, for to lens, EnFocus by concerns, and a our LED where both that a present. business, homes, the color controls technology residential solutions the line coming for and continue true Both care integrating seamlessly lighting will and macro believe hospitals, growth. control months centric for landlord, represents autonomous
XX:XX innovations base our and past work And our customer While new looking exciting quarters, home over customer potentially home many up results long of we us and products market commercial unlike addressable satisfied our provide diversify from and transformative held are during the expand well and the the with growth now we improve term three And markets the are certainly and market, opportunities. to military believe our will our significantly pandemic. environment. has financial and
financial the new turn We With for expect meaningfully contribute Suncycle XX:XX our review two performance of Tod? market nUVo to twenty Tod twenty will this and line our I products. and that, to top quarter. bottom to the call launch the starting with could