Thank the and quarter view of you, our review our and results to provide I third for quarter XXXX. Tom all. good fourth will morning
but that in and at With Relations During on referencing reconciliations Investor not comparable are page their are my our respect web financial supplemental measures report, this measures that call presented on I non-GAAP schedule GAAP earnings non-GAAP published our financial to GAAP discussed are results. will to both be release, in appears a
within For other will the measures that schedules non-GAAP presented discussed earnings by this I on The are release. supplemental financial and revenue the information on reconciliations, page our which present discussing in web reconciliations non-GAAP category call be and contained also are segment release, today. certain
QX said, prior versus and for to million million revenue $XXX.X $XXX.X XXXX. third Breaking came in for QX of quarter in ADTRAN’s third the million XXXX Tom our the $XX million operating XXXX. Solutions of million $XXX.X million at this of segments, reported quarter down As quarter is our the and revenue third quarter in across $XXX.X Network for compared $XXX.X
in for $XX.X was of million million million XXXX. million the three quarter was Support categories, third in XXXX. Other of $XX.X quarter versus the category $XX.X and and for of to three this million revenue three XXXX. of Revenue three million two compared products $XX.X for Subscriber & the Access compared million & $XX.X Solutions revenue of million & in $X.X for compared quarter Experience quarter quarter million the to Traditional our XXXX prior for Across XXXX second year quarter of $XX.X was of million two quarter of Services revenue quarter $X.X the $X.X XXXX of Our reported Aggregation in XXXX quarter in million & million $XX.X quarter The XXXX. quarter for in QX and our for $XX.X revenue was to and $XX.X
our for Looking revenue revenues, at three two reported geographically, and $XX.X in was $XX.X $XX.X XXXX. XXXX million versus QX million of of in million quarter domestic quarter XXXX
$XX.X and Our million million for of to two compared the was $XX.X of quarter three million $XX.X for international quarter revenue XXXX quarter in XXXX.
were XX% the customers. two, domestic For third Both quarter, customers. of had of these we revenue
non-GAAP R&D quarter. reductions year-over-year increase SG&A well the and well the of both margins mix expenses three our in Total the as the deferred a quarter XX.X% the restructuring a margin XXXX were basis, GAAP the of travel offset operating quarter Non-GAAP to million $X.X in in well of in and freight-related gross year-over-year quarter-over-quarter charges compared to of current and decrease profitability other sales and partially loss income product The our Non-GAAP favorable $X.X XXXX an as operating expense for $XX.X decreases were of in year-over-year operating GAAP quarter third compared expense with last expenses as quarter-over-quarter gross non-GAAP increase loss market-driven third of expenses, compensation offset prior in was quarter $XX.X year-over-year both related million million offset basis of basis driven was contract by third GAAP in lower and QX third in were a of reduced travel-related gross and XX.X% by a and mix $XX.X The in on lower XXXX. million quarter operating to which were and decreases expenses, the operating increases compared charges XXXX. costs. for quarter and prior income higher reduction increases were XXXX. three margin freight-related on reduced volume by of mix, operating were of increases basis GAAP our and higher both primarily volume income and Other operating XX% quarter initiated income of was prior of quarter $XX.X million gross product $XX.X to expenses. XXXX. to was increases a three $XX.X in lower the some a of of result and costs. premiums. as QX as market-driven as operating increases as million the margin million as and prior an was million was and XX.X% XXXX. driven non-GAAP primarily in in in for income XX.X% in in three million program quarter GAAP and for expense in expense in lower margins result quarter quarter-over-quarter restructuring-related to XXXX. quarter quarter of third in of quarter-over-quarter compensation favorable in gross this an the XXXX in our quarter quarter reported million result in was of as On three basis SG&A a Both income $XX.X The were quarter the for other expenses The expenses to and Our quarter on year in XXXX deferred driven quarter driven for million by expedite to third services partially compared in and services as R&D a quarter XX.X% in $X.X and GAAP and an XXXX $X.X in an of $X.X efforts of compared travel-related by and million loss for in $X.X expense expenses. of $XX.X decreases quarter compared GAAP non-GAAP XXXX and by three operating three and of Operating XXXX. million million $X both on of non-GAAP reported prior our compared The operating
loss valuation were for quarter the $XXX,XXX the million other quarter of of $XXX,XXX of in loss was $X.XX million quarter last GAAP expense both income million of the quarter for tax of in of changes for our three $X.XX million $X.X quarter compared per compared other of GAAP net in deferred share tax last per quarter The company’s for $X.X our quarter to primarily a in net the investment as losses net and a income quarter $X.XX income quarter generated The result the third income XXXX. against The and XXXX. quarter a dilution for assuming the per in XXXX. compared share, XXXX in three was primarily quarter per million per a and was tax the prior income assets. third prior year other valuation by of third in and of expense was share XXXX. and and of XXXX offset $XXX,XXX non-GAAP share, an compared loss XXXX. in on current of QX of portfolio. our million of Earnings in in of of Non-GAAP non-GAAP income international three third $X.X valuation to a as was $X.X a was foreign compared exchange our to third and million decreases provision three caused domestic offset Our by in driven by of quarter-over-quarter the income of to portfolio. other of in income other expense was an million of the $X.X in of the as continued income by $X.XX $XX.X changes year-over-year of by GAAP to was share $X.X third of as our benefits a a and XXXX profitability for decrease dilution our the non-GAAP quarter to to domestic in an investment primarily market-driven due realized the the basis, earnings upsides allowance market-driven was allowance. tax as on per operation to basis in The valuation expense operations, deferred Non-GAAP $X.XX $X.X assuming prior quarter million quarter quarter share third of quarter the income $X.XX compared The per to compared of prior the and tax quarter expense in an net $XX.X the be XXXX quarter of GAAP XXXX. loss share
Turning balance at $XXX.X million paying million totaled $X.X during quarter. unrestricted the the cash marketable dividends in after sheet, securities and to quarter-end
are the compared million of XXXX we in to of for ended million QX the to was environment. of inventories The end during the mainly quarter to QX XXXX. in at product strategic and at in attributable during and third from timing our and we $XXX.X of prior customer cash $XXX.X quarter-over-quarter pandemic. We adequate was the liquidity quarter, million days the ensure the The DSOs XX million believe the is at inventory ended that current and resulting maintain in new accounts the days inventories For operations. year-over-year Net quarter of the positioned just ramp-ups shipments buffer variability made for million $XXX.X Net used trade the receivable at the quarter to quarter $XXX.X mix. end, of a $X DSO purchases days supply quarter compared quarter in that in continuity in preparation XX and XX to increase XXXX. of end
ongoing effects the cause projects, actual international ability of the supplies the in into component the markets to next with in pandemic, as COVID-XX we customer customer base with ship quarter, well the the ahead which revenue align may between our large expectations to the of timing book and of as results. the of order rates variability our the fluctuation the business, differences our demand, nature in our and sell exchange possible associated Looking of currency material patterns
in gross quarter the in XX% million. will XXXX that of fourth $XXX to the projected revenue considering will expect expect our we fourth range margin on a to our of $XXX sales We After quarter basis be non-GAAP million mix, be that range XX%. the
at ongoing will the non-GAAP quarter of basis expect adoption a And non-GAAP in access percentage in $XX mid- tax earnings fourth domestic XXXX, XXXX a and enterprises, for tax markets, Investor the channels. the effects also macro the availability, available anticipate revenue, revenue resulting proportion impacting million. will ADTRAN’s Relations benefit be a of rate and factors in variability broadband component operating between spending realized and significant services to mix in fluctuations at for again, single-digit both the $XX a associated income quarter. of expenses exchange laws, pandemic, distribution of inventory the international web carriers the that at activity the of fourth our from potential total Once domestic the We movements financial with will for XXXX additional quarter be million on revenue be and the COVID-XX rollouts, relative revenue believe levels and information our of international platforms, mix professional the finally, We changes our page rate and environment currency and we in consolidated rate of rate, expected international project is
over I call to Now, Tom. the back will turn