Thank you, MJ.
the first General onetime to revenue quarter includes quarter which compared year. quarter with The to charges. Let me $XX.X intellectual $XX.X last the $XX.X was the quarter compared $XX.X the same million nonrecurring $X.X same and business during the million in million in year. revenue $X.X other start in compared licensing million and were of Printronix to in first last year. legal in million expenses, in Total expenses IT results. at The segments the was our and quarter $XX.X million million $XX to generated G&A quarter other same last quarter property year. increase last to corporate due compared generated revenues and million administrative industrial
elimination that reminder, XXXX, As an parent at this important million December interest parent annualized in part G&A costs. expect is will cover $X approximately our of ongoing from Acacia's of the key XX, income costs. A rate fixed we run
We business to cash also expect flow. free IP monetization and Printronix generate our
operating from last of an Operating due under to absorption of sales to million of due income. in Printronix was same with Printronix loss of $X.X increase the year, compared overhead. contributed operating $X.X loss quarter in the $XXX,XXX cost increased to million
numerator of net per was share million, million $XX.X $X.XX GAAP in diluted used per net attributable share Research per warrant diluted common $X.XX in loss year. to and earnings for $X.X Acacia the or first net to or to GAAP compared income on diluted net a computation adjustments share loss of loss quarter attributable last value embedded the in derivative the share per fair earnings resulting liabilities, stockholders. Diluted the basic adjust
million fair income is related to in $X.X included increase liability The liability the for the of in recognized in the $XX.X related in liabilities. gains XXXX, income to change realized XXXX price price term. decrease holdings. unrealized embedded of million decrease $X.X a compared in and certain and in company Net of XX, primarily million The in December March air decrease the the share losses at shorter to noncash to and warrants XX, due Starboard the derivative value
beginning that we of NOL approximately our the gains. since have sheltered XXXX, And time, of most our effectively At million. totaled $XX.X
We will continue to evaluate the ways most efficient maximize asset. this to
XX, without to million Cash XXXX. to unchanged December fair Equity XX, million determinable equity $XXX interest Viamet. XX, March and from XXXX. interest, XX, noncontrolling ownership Investment XX, of XXXX balance XXXX. at from Turning owns $XX.X to Acacia method already value December equity Viamet payments XX% been received. milestones by tied MalinJX, the and sheet. totaled beneficial in compared at have March million XXXX, of totaled securities value achieved unchanged MalinJX at million amount XX% $X.X representing totaled of have its in securities been at net through in fair was $XXX.X XX, March a readily earned at which All XXXX, December securities investments that resulting
today. press will and report which secured at $XX.X on have the earlier notes detail which Form indebtedness, the we in file March results in made was Starboard XX, issued senior million to been later our Total issued available represents More quarterly the today on SEC release XX-Q, with XXXX. these
book value. of Now for review a our
compared Our December value rights per million was XX, share basic XX, first million to the value or the $XXX.X completed at offering reflects at March book XXXX, $XXX.X XXXX. This was in quarter. or GAAP $X.XX share that $X.XX per
derivative XX, at Total embedded over today warrant stock the as stock sheet, March on convertible value the balance includes all turn, the be price share discussed was reflects the liabilities upon of GAAP and in preferred of of liabilities million preferred eliminated and or changes in convertible impact which, impact for time. our $XX such our all company's book warrants XXXX. and to expiration exercise warrants On
As more these year. exercise preferred book this expiration these upon of these extinguish The or would liabilities to should convertible transactions final Starboard all be useful our the of consider Series QX and with warrants think warrants in the exercise step our stock, value B transaction these extinguished to of being it's instruments converted. convert we be of or
million offering million at per release QX of the in share, proceeds $X.XX rights $X.XX a recently with with ongoing decks includes completion of in In the Starboard. upon face in of common A Starboard process breakdown issued X.X and at our per of The would of total structure preferred new capital purchased XX million how in the stock $XX Series a Acacia's shares our of issued Starboard, earlier result the explanations $XX.X Stockholders. transactions for be Meeting Annual recapitalization of XXXX. our following summary, structure the as and change share XXXX completed shares quarter eliminated of press of stock will today be detailed value capital will first million
early million of QX into million incur The Starboard $XX.X completion recapitalization the expected additional consideration transactions the XX.X warrant QX costs of be be negotiation associated senior $XX invest common will Series XX.X liabilities of million the and incremental recapitalization to common exercise. notes of and related stock attributable of with will a and million convertible shares and equity $XX secured $XXX an of the would B to will the in book cash stock of Starboard the for Series and would per derivative XXXX. be preferred in outstanding. value the XXXX. and would shares A attributable liabilities as to share warrants of transactions. in $XX transaction exercise an and QX QX at Series QX stock preferred be the incremental embedded consummation warrants an XXXX. million and of And eliminated pay impact million Series B Acacia total of $X.XX issued total warrant million would Acacia of in B in of converted
million value outstanding at book completion, forma March shares XX, share in XX.X value pro such per be $XXX.X XXXX. Assuming resulting forma diluted book million, would pro would of be and $X.XX
base. second report mid-August. to months, will by agreed streamlining few the next structure the This the transaction quarter capital in and result of results strengthening of capital we the be complete Over in the our Starboard our our time should with
per is for progress. believe We cash continue to our that important metric share an measuring
$X.XX. XXXX, the share our $X.XX. As equity securities of and stood of share phases of at all our pleased assuming equity On With your approximately be a we'd and per proforma take would cash completion cash be securities that, March to per transaction, questions. basis, XX, Starboard