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aa, aaa, absence, absent, accessed, accomplish, accrue, accrued, accuracy, Acerinox, achieve, achieved, achievement, achieving, acknowledged, acquire, acquired, acquisition, active, actively, activity, adaptation, add, added, addition, additional, Additionally, Adelaide, adequacy, adhere, adherence, adjusted, administered, Administration, administrative, advanced, advancing, adverse, adversely, advisor, advisory, AEL, Affiliate, affiliated, affiliation, affirmatively, afforded, Africa, aftermarket, agency, aggregate, agreed, agreement, aimed, Alberta, Alliance, allocated, allocating, allocation, alongside, Altera, amalgamation, America, American, amount, analytical, analyzing, ancillary, Andorra, Annex, annexed, announced, annuity, annum, anonymously, antenna, Anthem, anticipated, anticipation, appetite, apply, applying, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, approval, approve, approved, approximate, approximately, Area, arise, arrangement, Ascenty, aspect, assigned, assist, assistance, assumption, AST, attain, attend, attendance, attention, attracting, attractive, attributable, attributed, auditor, August, Australia, Australian, automated, automatic, automatically, automotive, Avenue, average, back, backed, backlog, balance, BAM, bank, banking, bankruptcy, BBB, BBU, Bcf, BCP, bear, bearing, beber, beginning, behavior, beneficial, beneficially, BEP, BEPC, Berlin, bid, BIF, billed, billion, binding, BIP, BIPC, Black, Blackstone, blidner, blood, Bloomberg, Blue, body, bond, borrow, borrower, borrowing, bottom, BPREP, BPY, BPYU, Brand, BrandSafway, Brazil, Brazilian, breadth, Bridgewater, bring, bringing, British, BRL, broad, broadband, broadcasting, broadened, broader, Bronx, brother, brought, BRUCE, BSREP, budget, building, buyback, Caa, cable, Caisse, Calgary, California, call, called, Canadian, cancellation, candidate, Canton, capacity, carbon, care, carefully, Carlsbad, Carney, case, cash, Casino, cast, catastrophic, category, caution, cautionary, cautioned, CCMP, cell, center, Centre, CEO, Chairman, Cheniere, Chicago, child, Chile, Chilean, Chinese, classification, Clayton, clear, climate, COCKWELL, collaboration, collect, collection, collective, collectively, Colombia, Colombian, Colorado, Columbia, combination, combustion, comfort, commenced, commencing, comment, commercial, commitment, committed, commonly, comparable, compared, compensatory, competence, competition, competitive, complex, complexity, compliance, compound, comprehensive, Computershare, concurrent, Concurrently, condition, conditional, condominium, conducive, confidence, confidential, confirm, confirmation, conglomerate, conjunction, CONNOR, consecutive, considerable, consideration, consortium, constantly, construction, consultancy, consultation, consulting, contemplated, contingent, continually, continue, continued, continuing, continuously, contract, contracted, contracting, convention, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, coordinated, coordination, copy, core, correlation, corruption, cost, counsel, counterparty, country, coupled, coupon, coverage, CRAIG, create, created, creation, credit, CreditWatch, critical, cubic, culture, cumulative, currency, customary, customer, cyber, cybersecurity, cyberterrorism, cycle, daily, Darling, date, dated, DCI, de, deal, debenture, debt, decarbonization, decided, declaration, declare, declared, decrease, decreased, dedicated, deemed, deeper, default, deferred, degree, delegate, delete, deliberate, delivered, demonstrate, denote, denoted, Denver, depend, deploy, deployed, Deputy, derived, desalination, description, detailed, detection, develop, developed, developing, development, digital, diligence, diluted, direct, directed, direction, directly, disciplined, discount, discovery, discretion, disposition, disruption, dissemination, dissolution, distressed, distribute, distributed, distributing, distribution, district, diverse, diversified, diversity, divided, dividend, domestic, doubled, downgrade, downside, drawn, drilling, driven, du, dual, Dubilier, due, duration, EAF, Earliest, earn, earned, earning, East, EBITDA, economic, economically, economy, ecosystem, edgar, education, efficiency, effort, eighteenth, electric, electrical, electricity, element, Eletricidade, eligible, emphasize, employ, employed, employee, enable, Enbridge, encountered, Endesa, Enercare, Energia, energy, engine, engineering, England, enhance, enhancing, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, entertainment, entirety, entitled, entity, entry, environment, environmental, Envoy, equal, equally, equipment, equipped, equity, equivalent, escalating, escrowed, ESG, Esperanza, essential, estate, ethical, ethnic, ethnicity, Europe, European, event, evergreen, evidenced, evolving, Evoque, EWPL, examination, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, excellence, excluding, exclusive, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exhaustive, existence, existing, exit, expand, expanded, expense, experience, expertise, expire, expired, exploration, export, exposure, expressed, extent, extracted, face, facilitate, facilitating, facility, factor, factored, fail, failure, fair, fall, false, family, Fashion, favour, favourable, February, federal, federally, fee, feeding, feel, feet, female, fewer, FFO, fiber, fifteenth, fiftieth, final, Finally, finance, financed, financing, fit, Fitch, fix, fixed, flagship, FLATT, fleet, flexibility, float, Florida, flow, focused, food, footprint, Force, foregoing, foreign, forma, formal, formally, formation, fortieth, found, foundation, fourth, fragmented, France, franchise, Fraser, free, freight, frequently, Frontier, fuel, Fukakusa, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, function, functional, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, furloughed, future, gain, gained, Gaming, gas, gateway, gathering, gender, Genesee, Genworth, George, Georgia, GGP, GHG, GIC, gift, gigawatt, global, globally, globe, GLP, good, Goulburn, governmental, Governor, GPs, gradually, GrafTech, granted, graphite, Great, greater, greatest, green, greenhouse, group, grow, guidance, GWh, half, harbor, Hard, health, Healthscope, heavily, heavy, heritage, high, higher, highest, highly, hire, hiring, history, hold, holder, holding, home, homebuilding, honesty, hospital, hospitality, hotel, hotline, hour, housing, HOWARD, human, HUTHAM, hybrid, hydroelectric, ICMA, identical, identified, identify, identifying, iii, illegal, IM, imbedding, impact, impacted, Impala, implement, implementation, implemented, implied, import, importance, important, imposed, improved, improvement, improving, inaugural, incentive, inception, incident, inclusion, inclusive, income, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incurred, index, India, Indian, Indiana, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, IndoStar, infrastructure, initial, innovation, inquiry, insight, installation, installed, institute, institution, institutional, instrumental, insurance, insurer, intend, intended, intention, Inter, interchangeably, interest, interfere, interim, Interlock, intermediate, intersection, intrinsic, introduction, invaluable, invest, invested, investigation, investing, investment, investor, invite, involuntary, involve, involved, involving, IPL, isolation, issuable, issuance, iv, ix, JACK, Janeiro, Janice, January, Jean, JEFFREY, Jersey, Jessie, JMM, Johnson, joint, jointly, Jose, judgment, July, June, junior, JUSTIN, key, kilometer, KINGSTON, km, knowledge, land, landmark, large, largest, Las, Latin, launch, launched, law, lead, leader, leading, lease, leasehold, leasing, legal, legislation, lending, lesser, letter, leverage, LIBOR, life, light, likelihood, line, linked, liquefied, liquidation, liquidity, literate, litigation, LLC, LNG, load, local, located, location, Logistic, London, long, longstanding, Los, Lottery, low, lower, lowering, lowest, LP, LPs, LTA, Macedo, Madrid, mail, mailed, main, maintenance, mall, mandate, mandatory, manner, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturing, Maria, marine, market, marketable, marketing, marketplace, Maryland, Master, match, matching, mature, maturing, maturity, maximizing, maximum, meaningful, meant, measurable, measure, measurement, measuring, mechanism, media, medium, megawatt, membership, mental, merger, Merrick, methodology, metropolitan, Mexico, MI, micro, mid, middle, midstream, million, minimal, mining, mitigating, mitigation, mix, mobile, moderate, modest, modifier, modify, monitor, monitored, monitoring, monthly, Montreal, Moody, mortgage, mother, motor, moving, multifamily, multinational, multiple, multiplied, Mumbai, municipal, MW, NAP, Nasdaq, national, natural, nature, NAV, nearest, necessarily, negative, Negligible, net, network, newly, nil, NIST, noble, noncompliance, Norbord, Norte, North, NorthRiver, notably, notice, November, NP, nuclear, numerical, nursing, Oaktree, objective, objectivity, obligor, obtain, obtainable, obtained, occupancy, occupation, occur, occurred, October, Odoya, offer, offered, offering, offset, offshore, oil, olayan, ongoing, open, opportunistic, opportunity, opposite, optic, optimize, option, oral, orally, order, orderly, ordinary, Oregon, organizational, oriented, original, OSB, Ottawa, outline, outlook, outsourced, oversee, overseeing, oversight, owed, owner, ownership, packaging, page, paid, palladium, pandemic, paper, par, parent, parental, parity, Park, parking, partial, partially, partly, partnership, party, passed, pathology, Paulo, pay, payable, payment, Pearson, peer, pension, people, percentage, Perimeter, permissible, permitted, perpetual, perspective, Perth, Peru, phase, philanthropic, philosophy, phishing, pipeline, placement, plain, plan, planned, planning, plant, platform, Platinum, point, Poland, Polenergia, policy, political, POLLOCK, Pooling, population, port, portfolio, portion, position, positioned, positive, positively, potential, potentially, Pound, power, practice, precursor, predecessor, predetermined, predictive, predominantly, predominately, preference, preferred, premier, premium, presence, preserving, President, PRI, price, pricing, primarily, prior, prioritize, priority, privacy, private, privately, privatization, privilege, pro, proactive, procedure, procurement, produce, producer, product, production, productive, productivity, professional, profitability, profitable, program, prohibited, prohibition, project, promised, properly, property, proportionate, proposal, propose, proposed, protect, protection, proven, provincial, provincially, provision, proxy, prudent, Pte, publicly, published, purpose, pursue, Quadrant, qualified, qualifying, qualitative, quality, quantitative, quarter, quarterly, Quay, Quebec, Queen, question, quorum, rail, railroad, range, ranging, rank, ranking, rata, rate, rated, ratification, ratify, rating, reach, reaching, read, reader, real, realized, reappointment, rebranded, recapitalization, receipt, receive, received, receiving, recent, recently, recognition, recognize, recognized, recommend, recommendation, reconciliation, recourse, recovery, recruiting, recurring, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, redeploy, redevelopment, reduced, reducing, reduction, referral, refinance, refinancing, reflect, Reform, refueling, region, registrar, regularly, regulatory, reinforce, reinsurance, reinsure, Reinvestment, relevance, relevant, reliance, relief, rely, remain, remaining, remeasured, removed, remuneration, renamed, rendered, renewable, renewed, rental, reorganization, repay, repayment, replaced, replacement, represent, representation, represented, representing, reproduced, reputation, reputational, reset, residence, resident, residential, residual, resilience, resolution, resolve, resource, restriction, restructured, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retain, retained, retaining, retaliation, retention, retire, retired, retirement, retraction, Retrieval, return, returnable, returned, returning, revenue, reversal, review, reviewed, reviewing, revolving, Rice, Rio, river, road, roadmap, robust, Rock, rooftop, rotation, Rounded, Royal, Rs, SACHIN, Saeta, safe, safeguard, safely, safety, Sagen, sale, SAMUEL, SASB, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, scaffolding, scale, scheduled, scope, Sea, sector, secured, security, sedar, seeding, segment, select, selected, selective, sell, September, serve, served, serving, settlement, seventeenth, shah, Shanghai, share, Shared, Shelley, shopping, short, show, shown, shutdown, sibling, signatory, significant, Singapore, single, sit, Slip, slowdown, smart, social, software, solar, Solera, solid, son, sound, sourcing, South, sovereign, space, Spain, spanning, specific, specifically, spectrum, speculative, split, spouse, Spring, square, St, stability, stable, staffing, stake, standalone, standpoint, state, statute, statutory, stay, steel, Steering, step, Sterling, stewardship, storage, stored, strand, strategic, strategy, strength, strive, strong, structure, structured, student, subcommittee, submission, subordinated, subscription, subsequent, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substitute, successor, suffered, sufficient, suitability, summary, superior, supervisor, supplemental, supplemented, supplier, support, supporting, supranational, Sur, susceptible, suspected, sustainability, sustainable, Sydney, symbol, Syncrude, syndicated, table, tailored, takeover, target, targeted, targeting, Task, tax, taxation, TCFD, TD, team, technical, technological, technology, telecom, temporary, tenant, tender, terminal, terminate, termination, TERP, Terrace, TerraForm, terrorist, teskey, test, testing, thereof, thereto, thereunder, thirteenth, thirtieth, threshold, ticker, Timber, Tohmatsu, toll, top, Touche, tower, towing, Town, Towson, track, traditionally, training, tranche, transaction, transactional, TransAlta, transfer, transferred, transforming, translation, transmission, Transmissiora, Transmissora, transport, transportation, treatment, trend, triple, true, trust, trustee, TSX, turn, typically, ULC, ultimate, ultimately, Unaffiliated, unanticipated, unaudited, unauthorized, uncalled, unconsolidated, underlying, understand, understanding, understood, undertaken, undertook, underwriting, undrawn, undue, unethical, unforeseen, unitholder, unknown, unlimited, unpaid, unrealized, unregulated, unsecured, upcoming, update, upgrade, upside, urban, urged, Utah, utility, utilize, utilized, utilizing, Vale, validated, valuable, valuation, Vancouver, variety, vary, vast, vehicle, venture, verify, vi, Vice, vii, viii, Vodafone, volume, voluntary, vulnerability, vulnerable, VWAP, waive, waiver, Wall, warrant, wastewater, water, weaken, wealth, weighted, WellPoint, West, western, Westinghouse, whichever, Whistleblowing, wholly, wide, wind, winding, withdrawal, withdrawn, withstand, wood, work, worked, working, workplace, world, worldwide, written, wrongdoing, Wyoming, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xix, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xx, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv, yield, yielding, Yuan, Zealand
absolute, accumulated, affected, amendment, Attestation, Box, chapter, check, complying, compromise, conceived, concluded, Consent, contacting, covered, effected, electronically, email, Exact, expect, Ferreira, file, filing, furnish, GAAP, Huat, Instruction, Interactive, Kempston, matter, Maureen, met, Murilo, Ngee, operated, prevent, print, processed, promptly, recorded, referencing, registrant, Registration, reliability, send, shorter, site, Sponsoring, summarized, supervision, thereunto, Title, Treadway, undersigned, viewing, web
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