(d) Each party shall have the right to take the deposition of one dual and any expert witness designated by another party without the arbitrator's prior val. Each party also shall have the right to make requests for production of documents party. Additional discovery may be had as ordered by the arbitrator. (e) At least fourteen (14) days before the arbitration, the parties must nge lists of witnesses, including any expert, and copies of all exhibits intended to be t the arbitration. (f) The arbitrator shall have jurisdiction to hear and rule on pre-hearing es and is authorized to hold pre-hearing conferences by telephone or in person, as bitrator deems necessary. The arbitrator shall have the authority to resolve all issues d to discovery, and to entertain motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment djudication, and any other pre-trial motions submitted by any party, and shall apply ndards governing such motions under the California Rules of Civil Procedure. (g) Either party, at its expense, may arrange for and pay the cost of a reporter to provide a stenographic record of proceedings. If both parties desire to ccess to the stenographic record of proceedings then they shall split all such costs (h) The arbitrator will have no authority to: (i) adopt new Company s or procedures, (ii) modify this Agreement or existing Company policies, ures, wages or benefits, or (iii) in the absence of a written waiver pursuant to aph (j) below, hear or decide any matter that was not processed in accordance with greement. The arbitrator shall have exclusive authority to resolve any Claim, ing, but not limited to, a dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, eability or formation ofthis Agreement, or any contention that all or any part of this ment is void or voidable. The arbitrator will have the authority to award any form or t of remedy or damages that would be available in a court of competent jurisdiction. (i) Either party, in the party's sole discretion, may, in writing, waive, le or in part, the other's failure to follow any time limit or other requirement set n this Agreement, except that neither party can waive any statute of limitation for he Claim. (j) The arbitration will be conducted in private, and will not be open, y or indirectly, to the public or the media. The arbitration and all information directly rectly relating thereto (including, but not limited to, the testimony, evidence or shall be deemed Confidential Information and shall be subject to the restrictions set Section 9(a) of this Agreement. (k) The arbitrator, subject to the right to either party to utilize the